Well after 4 months I received the call this morning to go in next Monday for bypass on Tuesday. Don't know whether to be elated or petrified!
Date!: Well after 4 months I received... - British Heart Fou...

Be elated, this will start the rest of your life. Good luck x
Definitely elated- the procedure is very straight forward for the cardio surgeons so just place your trust in them-I was extremely calm while waiting for my op because my surgeon said “I do this everyday”. As healthyheart1 said this will be the start of the rest of your life- good luck
You’ll be fine 12345bob. Don’t stress. Relax and let the surgeons do their jobs. You’ll be in good hands. Good luck.
If you're resolved to change your lifestyle then a by-pass can open the door to a life free from angina symptoms. But if you don't change your lifestyle then at most it'll buy you a couple more years.
At the end of the day it's your choice.
Good luck and choose wisely!
12345bob has mentioned what his lifestyle was? Just curious what your baseline is for your observation?
Well put Chappychap. Cardiologists always suggest a change in diet and lifestyle even after surgery.
I had a triple bypass in 2015 followed by 4 stents. I have since aggressively changed my diet and lifestyle and no longer take any meds. I'm now in the best shape of my life.
Natural treatment is always preferable to medical interventions.
If I had the choice to do it all over again, I would have declined the surgery.
Just back in from a 5 mile walk in the hissing rain wouldn't have done that before my heart attack and cardiac arrest! So I intend to continue making my second life as long as possible!
I was in your position oh, so recently.
I hope you have as good an experience as I did with my triple bypass last week. They make it easy.
Best wishes, hope everything goes well for you. Hubby is now 16 months post quadruple bypass and doing ok! He’s 70!
Hi 12345bob. Elated!!!
Following hubby's quad bypass last November, he's new bloke.
Please let us know how you're getting on after the op. This forum was a life saver for me.
I learned from others that there are no stupid questions (and believe me, I asked loads!!).
All the very best from us xxx
I had bypass some 12 years ago came out of hospital after 3 day feeling out of breath
and a bit down . started walking every day in rain or shine never had a problem since
keep taking the pills i am 75 this year
Starting to calm down now after all these lovely replies!