I’m now 7 months on from my cardiac event. Heart attack, arrested, stented, AFib which after cardio version is now infrequent episodes. I’ll be 60 next month. No risk factors for any of this now have reduced ejection fraction and the apex of my heart hardly moves. So as a lot of people here loads of medications.
I can now say out loud and have just informed management I will not be able to return to my old role on a busy maternity unit as it will unavoidablely involve stress, running for emergency’s, dealing with shortage of staff, running the place on a shoestring, dehydration and tiredness. Everything us hearties need to avoid. I’ve asked for a none acute or none clinical role 2 days a week. No shift work. I know that they may not come back with a suitable package and I may have to walk away from the NHS after working for it since 1980. I’ve accepted this and saying it out loud is a big achievement. I will have the occasional wobble wondering as I’ve never not worked since I was 17yrs old If they’ll come up with anything that’ll be right for me and my health . But if they don’t I’ll find something where I can use my skills.
Having this community has helped me along this acceptance journey. And knowing your there I can come back to will help when a doubt or negative thoughts creep in, which I’m sure they will. I’ve accepted I’m not the same person with the same energy after my cardiac event as I was before. But I’m still me, a bit different than before maybe but me. This second version still has a lot to offer and can cope with what’s ahead.
Thank you X