Newbie : Hi all, I came across this... - British Heart Fou...

British Heart Foundation

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16 Replies

Hi all,

I came across this site while looking on the bhf website for some information.

I've been having some test done over the last 2 years to see if I have a heart problem due to being breathless with palpatations and dizziness.

I'm 50 yrs old with an active job and hobbies including mountain biking and running etc and like to keep busy.

Results from my cardiologist have been mixed in the last 2 years of test including ecg, echo, exercise test, 24 hour monitor, bloods and scans.

Results back have been lvh ( left ventricular hypertrophy), bradycardia resting heart rate of 33bpm and now slight regurgitation with the mitral valve.??

I'm a bit confused about it all but understand its probably hard to diagnose the problem so its a waiting game for more test and appointments.

My resting heart rate is around 42...while up and about etc, but drops to 35 or even 33 sometimes. I get very tired and dizzy so have to sit down and take it easy for about an hour before I feel better.

Currently I'm on 1.25mg of bisoprolol to help things and I've not got high or low blood pressure. Lvh reading of 1.3 cm wall thickness so classed as mild lvh.

I work in production so busy on my feet all day, I dont smoke and did occasional have a drink but have now stopped pending investigations. I don't exercise as much anymore as I'm always tired or have palpatations or feel off in a sort of way.

Anyhow I await my appointment with the valve specialist to see what else comes up.



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16 Replies
Isobel1 profile image

It's difficult when you haven't got a diagnosis . Hang around here and I'm sure you'll get support ! Hope you see the valve specialist soon .

in reply to Isobel1

Hi Isobel, thank you for the message fingers crossed I will find out more in the new year. Good luck with your post too I hope you get some advice soon.

Isobel1 profile image
Isobel1 in reply to

I've had an aortic valve replaced , so I'm all sorted now thanks . Let us know when you've seen the valve specialist . I'm sure you'll get more replies later today .

ChoochSiesta profile image

Bisoprolol was prescribed for me, it made me dizzy so came off it. Like you, I have a low resting heart rate.

in reply to ChoochSiesta

Hi Choochsiesta, thanks for the message, I was originally on 2.5mg of bisoprolol but I felt terrible at times so it was reduced to 1.25mg but I still feel fatigued etc.Sometimes my heart rate will jump up to around 80bpm while resting for no reason and I've noticed it go upto 132bpm while sleeping?

I will have times where my pulse if very erratic/irregular with no pattern and my heart feels like its jumping about and you can feel and hear the thud of my heart when its beating.

I did blackout about 2 years ago when I got out of bed to go the bathroom and the bang of my head hitting the floor woke me up...luckily I only cut my head slightly it could of been a lot worse.

Are you on a different medication after coming off bisoprolol?



ChoochSiesta profile image

I wasn't given an alternative, this was 7 years ago after a heart attack. I was also on Ramipril at the time. I hope you get sorted.

Dear Bobgf71

Thank you for the fantastic photo, but no real clues to what area it is, but stunning never the less. I can almost smell the sea.

You also seem to have a great interest in your health and the body that holds it.

I am not trained to help in what is right and what is wrong with your levels but there is help here.

Others will be able to steer you in the right direction.

I hope that you can find your answers and that you can regain the health that you have worked so hard in the past to get.

If there is anything I can do to support you, please ask.

Take care

Ageingfast profile image

Welcome to the hearties club.

My guess is Scotland. No doubt it will turn out to be Bristol.

My bpm is about 47. About five years ago I did have some feinting when the heart rate fell to 40 or less. Blues and twos, but no remedial treatment. It seems that I had to wait until things got really bad, then the treatment got underway.

It was spotted that stenosis was building up. New valve made a great improvement.


Hi Blue1958 and Blackcatsooty,

Thanks for all your comments etc , with regards to the photo of the sea It was actually taken in a place called West Kirby which is on the wirral peninsula, Merseyside which is about a 30 minute drive from where I live.

I actually feel like a fraud posting on here, reading everyone's previous posts and treatments or operations they have had makes you sit up and take note.

I hope I can move forward with all the will and strength like you all have done after what you have all faced.

Fingers crossed all my results and investigations will come back ok but I'm not sure if its just me but when your always active with a physical job, family to run around with and a active in a way lifestyle to suddenly know things aren't quite right makes you wonder.

I was told many years ago by a doctor to cut down on my caffeine intake as 12 cups of tea a day is no good which is why I was having the palpatations apparently.

Then 2 years ago while donating blood the nurse questioned my racing irregular pulse and asked did I run to the clinic as it was so erratic. Unfortunately I was refused to give blood and they referred me to see my gp and cardiologist.

So after 2 years of having various test and appointments which has been hard during the covid lockdown im still waiting for a conclusion to it all be it good or bad.

Prior to this I would cycle on my mountain bike 3 times a week approximately 15 miles each ride sometimes 50 miles at a wknd and do the occasional jog but then found myself struggling to do anything physical and breathless walking up the stairs which was worrying.

So after many test I was told I had mild lvh which is a thickening of the left ventricle also bradycardia with a resting heart rate of 33 and now a bowing mitral valve with mild regurgitation and leaking pulmonary and tricuspid valve too.?

Anyhow thats my journey upto now and I hope I find out more come the new year.



Here are some of my blood pressure/pulse results .

Bp/pulse results.


OldRookie profile image

Hi BobSorry to hear you're having issues. I'm 71 and had Atrial Fibrillation (AF) since I was 55. Despite an Ablation in 2015 to cure the problem I still have periods where 'the beast' returns. Palpitations with heart rate up to 120 can make you tired and any adrenaline overload can kick off the issue. Strenuous exercise, coffee, alcohol can all add to or çause the event,

I'm sure your biggest issue) is no peace of mind which will come once the medics decide on solution. In the meantime, the bisoprolol ( I take 5mg per day) will slow the heart rate and contribute to tiredness so keep active.

If you have continuing unstable heart activity (out of sinus rhythm)you may be advised to take aspirin.

Best of luck mate

in reply to OldRookie

Morning oldrookie, thanks for message with regards to your own experiences and how you deal with it. Sometimes I feel like maybe its just me and I need to try and stop thinking about it until I see the cardiologist for a conclusion to it all but I feel like everyday my heart is going through periods of beating slow and irregular with fast and slow beats mixed with long gaps between them. Im constantly fatigued and as soon as I stop doing anything or come home from work I just want to rest and recharge but sometimes I wake up struggling to breathe and feel like I'm choking, only yesterday my children witnessed this when I fell asleep in the chair to suddenly sit up gasping for air.Anyhow I hope all goes well with you, take care mate.

OldRookie profile image
OldRookie in reply to

Morning Bob.Sorry your struggling with this issue mate. I can totally relate to your anxiety especially as you don't want to worry your kids

I saw a Cardiologist privately (£150) who really helped my mental side as like you I was waiting for the next abnormal event.

The timing and Covid adds to anxiety so feel for you pal. Hope you can get some peace and enjoy Xmas.

Cheers and stay safe


NLGA profile image
NLGA in reply to

That’s exactly like me

You too mateHave a good Xmas.

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