Been through a bit of a trauma. - British Heart Fou...

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Been through a bit of a trauma.

080311 profile image
123 Replies

Evening everyone,

Since Friday I have been through quite a bit. As some of you know my husband had a stroke 5 weeks after my surgery, but over the past 5 years we have ok good days and of course some bad. Friday evening John fell in the house, I was in the kitchen only 8 feet away but I have no idea what happened. When I got to him he was unconscious, and not breathing, phoned 999 and told to start CPR, never done this before told what to do and between counting with the lady on the phone and screaming for my husband to wake up. Praying the paramedics would arrive quickly which they did maybe 4 minutes! Just as they were pulling up he coughed and took a couple of raspy breaths. Didn’t realise what hard work it is I was running out of puff!

After they worked on him and then took him to our local hospital they did a MRI scan and it wasn’t another stroke but a Subdural Hematoma from where he banged his head. He as been in a very confused state for 3 days didn’t know who I was where he was. He thought he was in Dorset with our son and we live in Scotland! But today he knew who I was and knew where he is! The consultant phoned me last night and said that with type of injury he could be fine in the morning and by lunch time confused again! But I will take today and see what happens tomorrow. Because of the bleed they have stopped his Clopidogrel and now they are worried he will throw another blood clot and have another stroke so at the moment there is 3 departments including neurological, and stroke working out what happens next. He also as aspiration pneumonia, so is on a antibiotic drip.

I want to say our NHS is unbelievable, they are working flat out the staff are exhausted but they are still going that extra mile.

Having to do CPR on my husband of 52 years is something I never thought I would have to do but it happened. Problem is every time I close my eyes I am reliving it. My GP phoned last night and as given me something to help me sleep for a few nights.

So that’s my story over the past few days.

Keep well, and give your loved ones an extra hug.

Pauline X

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080311 profile image
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123 Replies

Hello Pauline :-)

I am so very sorry to read your post I really am

It must have been so frightening for you I can only imagine

As you know from so much experience you have he is in the right place and between the different departments they will get this sorted out

You have helped so many on here myself included I hope now you get the support back ten fold

I really am lost for words but I am thinking about you and wishing a speedy recovery for your Husband :-) x

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to

Thank you BeKind,

We only live 7-8 minutes from the hospital, so we are lucky. Visiting is done by booking an appointment you have 45 minutes slots. When you leave the next batch is arriving!

As I said today was a good day, will see what tomorrow brings. I have to take every day as it comes and try not to look to far ahead.

Hope your doing ok, you hang on in there you will get there.

Best wishes Pauline xx

in reply to 080311

I have to say I did think that was fast the ambulance getting to you but so glad it did :-)

How you kept your calm I will never know but I sense you are a strong lady :-)

I am glad you can visit , they have stopped all our visiting here no one is allowed and I do think when you are poorly seeing a loved one can be just what you need more than anything :-)

Pauline as always asking how others are , well if I was dropping to bits this is about you and your wonderful Husband and the concern we all feel for you both , so think about you and let us show you & your Husband how much we care :-) x

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to

I didn’t get just one ambulance I got two! Ended up with 4 paramedics in the house! Now how lucky were we? Thing is John as no idea what happened when they asked him where is was he said in church! and when asked who I was he had no idea! Today I said hello when I got there he said hello back and I said do you know who I am and his reply was don’t be daft your my wife even if you have a mask on!

in reply to 080311

Now two is been a bit greedy and all those parimedices :-)

Bless him in Church :-)

Sounds like he is back on full form knowing you even with your mask on to which is a good sign :-)

I am so used to seeing people with masks on now , I had never seen my Rehab Nurse without one but a while ago when I went to the Hospital my Rehab Nurse was stood outside waiting and she was waving and had no mask on and I kept saying to my Husband why is that women keep waving at me , what is wrong with her , I don't know her

He said it is your Nurse !

I could not believe it and it made me realise that had she ever passed me in the street I would have never known her without a mask on !

So he is improving he knew who you were :-) x

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to

Yes a good day, though the consultant phoned me last night and explained that with this sort of injury he can be lucid in a morning and by lunch time confused again. So with my fingers crossed I will see what he is like tomorrow.

in reply to 080311

We will all keep our fingers crossed :-)

If you have time keep letting us know how he is doing and you to :-) x

Beatles1956 profile image

Hello Pauline. So very sorry to hear about this. I am afraid I can't offer any practical help, except to say that, with regard to reliving the episode, I believe this is quite normal, having suffered a massive mental trauma. I had a slightly similar experience when I was very young, different result. If you can, when it comes flooding back again, hang on to the fact that YOU DID IT. If it wasn't for you taking such prompt and decisive action John may not have made it. And it really is ok for you to have a good cry.As you say, the NHS are unbelievable, and you know from personal experience what they are capable of.

Are you able to talk it through with your son, or anyone? It may be worth asking the GP if there is anything else available.

We will all be thinking of you both, and look forward to hearing from you that John is recovering.

Very best wishes.


080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Beatles1956

Yes I have spoken to both my sons, they are both amazed at what I did, I had to get him on his back he had landed face down I really don’t know how I managed to drag him over! You get that surge of adrenaline and you do it. My mended heart certainly had a work out!

Pauline x

Beatles1956 profile image
Beatles1956 in reply to 080311

You remember having to process in your mind what had happened to you when you went through surgery? Similarly, you need to process this. You seem to be more than capable of dealing with things, but never forget we are here for you, if you need us.

Snowdrops_17 profile image

What a great shock to you! Because of you your fast response and actions your husband is still alive!

Stay strong and stay hopeful that your husband will recover! Thinking of you at this difficult time 🙏💌

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Snowdrops_17

Thank you, it’s a waiting game but hanging on that today was a good day. When I see him tomorrow then we will have to see.

Snowdrops_17 profile image
Snowdrops_17 in reply to 080311

Stay positive okay 👍👍👍I tested for Covid on Monday, isolating at home, my step mum had a fall in December and just came out of hospital last week! My dad is 90 years old now! They have a home care team now! They live in Germany!

But I am staying positive and pray what ever we have to face God is with us!

Maisywhippet profile image

So sorry to hear this,...but what a really clever lady you are to do successful CPR ‼️My daughter is on the ambulances and says that CPR is really challenging both physically and mentally, so you really did so well😊Hopefully things will soon improve greatly for your husband and the images of Friday eve will ease in time. Take care of YOU as well your husband, very best wishes x

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Maisywhippet

I have just said to Qualipop I didn’t realise CPR was so physical! I was really running out of puff my heart was certainly getting a good work out!

Thank you for your good wishes


GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to 080311

It is not only exhausting physically but mentally too as I know (having done it) and you will relive it for quite a while. Didn’t you do well? All I can do is to wish you and your husband luck and whatever happens you can look back and be proud of yourself. You are fortunate to have the support of your sons. Do talk to them because it makes them feel included and it is ‘good to talk’.

Qualipop profile image

Oh you poor souls. LIfe's not being at all kind to you. I have read sever al times that people who have to give CPR often suffer from a stress reaction. Take whatever help you are offered but if it continues, ask for more. I hope your husband makes a full recovery . He must have gone with a hell of a whack.

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Qualipop

I have a lovely GP and she phoned me last night as given me something to help me sleep for a few nights as have been unable to. and she talked me through what the consultant had said, so I get what they are doing.I did the CPR Friday night but Sunday morning was in the shower came to wash my hair and couldn’t get my arms up! The ache on the inside of both arms was awful, it’s much harder work than I ever imagined. Even when he started to breathing the lady on the phone said I was to keep going, I was really running out of puff!

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to 080311

Oh yes It's blooming hard work. I've only done it on a dummy many years ago but it knocked me out even then. Much faster than you imagine too. You saved his life. Give yourself a medal. You certainly deserve one. A nice soak in an epsom salt bath will ease your arms but your mind may need some help. It's a lot to take in.

To carry out CPR on your own loved one is a tremendous thing to do. Not only that, your actions were successful. You have my complete and utter admiration!!I wish you both better days ahead.

francesw47 profile image

Pauline I am so very sorry to read this. But well done for finding the strength to deal with the emergency. All I can say is that I am thinking of you both and pray that you are both safe and that he will soon be on the road to recovery.Trauma takes many forms. Once all this is over you can seek help to process the memories, but for now, stay safe and my prayers are with you both. Frances x

Oh my goodness Pauline. What a shock!

Firstly I do hope your lovely husband will be OK. He’s is, as you say in very good hands.

What you did Pauline is save his life. I’m so glad the paramedics arrived to take over from you. You must have been exhausted. I’ve only ever done CPR on a half dummy and it was exhausting- I did 1 minute!

No wonder you cannot sleep. It must be going round and round in your head. Your GP sounds wonderful. I’m glad at least you have that support and also your family support which is so strong. Talking about it will definitely help you. Talk it out with someone you trust and of course the Hearties ❤️ are always here for you. It must feel surreal and shocking. What you did will stay with you. You are a strong person as this forum is testament to and it will help you.

I do hope you feel better after some much needed sleep however you manage to get it.

My very best wishes to you and your husband Pauline .

When you feel able to do let us know how you both are.

Lots of love


080311 profile image
080311 in reply to

Thanks for your kind words Maisie. Had a good nights sleep thanks to my lovely GP so this morning feel I can function properly!

Heyjude31 profile image

Hello, I am so incredibly sorry to hear your news. You have been so kind and considerate to me in the time I have been on this hub. Why is it, it seems to happen to such lovely people? Life feels so unfair. Be sure I am sending you a blanket surely filled with love and strength. Judi

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

I am sorry you had to go through this experience.

I have performed CPR.

It's a very physically and emotionally exhausting experience.

I am glad you have good support from your family and GP.

Please do take care of yourself and I wish your husband a speedy recovery.

Heyjude31 profile image

Hello again, I have just read the other posts in reply to you, and to be honest , I think you are a true hero. You have given your husband the best chance through CPR, I for one am in awe.

This is in no way about me, but I am sitting here, having a quiet blub and sending you strength and love. Judi

-007- profile image

👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻

-007- profile image

This is to John…Well John you’ve been a lucky son-of-a-gun again.

I know you don’t need me to say it but you’ve got one hell of a lady there. Pauline is a true hero. Her fast thinking, courage and determination is probably the reason I am able to write to you.

But you are also a courageous true grit man of steel having gone through all you have and are still there fighting.

I take my hat off to the both of you.

And Pauline, it actually doesn’t surprise me to hear you asking about others well-being when you are in a turmoil in life yourself. Because that is you!

My very best wishes to you and John and hope tomorrow brings joy and happiness to you both. Xx


080311 profile image
080311 in reply to -007-

Morning 007

I will read your post to John when he is a bit more with us! Yesterday was a good day, will see what today brings have been warned that with this sort of injury the confusion will come and go. Still waiting to find out if the inter cranial bleed as stopped. They are concerned about his Clopidogrel they stopped it because of the bleed but he needs it to stop him throwing off another blood clot and causing another stroke.

Had a good nights sleep last night thanks to my GP! So I feel ready to take on what ever I have to face.

Thanks again.


-007- profile image
-007- in reply to 080311

Great that you had a good nights sleep. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

We’ll be thinking of you.

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to -007-

You captured every single sentiment we all feel 007. All the best. Jan xxx

Ginger63 profile image

I am so sorry, CPR is traumatising and exhausting you need to look after yourself and talk about how doing the CPR has made you feel. I am glad your husband is being very well looked after. Hope he improves quickly, try and do something nice for you you need it and deserve it xx

Cat04 profile image

Well done to you for bringing him back and every good wish for his continued improvement. Also be kind to yourself, you need to recover too! Love and hugs to you both xx

mathematics profile image

Dear Pauline you have been so brave. I agree the NHS in this country is terrific in an emergency and have some brilliant staff working for them. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband.

Coper10 profile image

Pauline,I am so sorry to hear what's happened with your husband. I am full of admiration for how you coped in a horrendous situation. You are one strong woman! However, I can only try to imagine the toll (mental as well as physical) that it's taken on you. John sounds like he is in good hands and made it because if your swift actions. I wish him a good recovery. Now you need to give yourself time and space to process things. Be kind to yourself, I'm sending big virtual hugs and want to thank you for all the support you give others on this forum 🤗🤗

Greenthorn profile image

Hi Pauline, thanks so much for sharing what has happened. I have few words to say. But thought if ever I lost my bearings, or memory, then to find myself in a church wouldn't be a bad thing at all. A place of safety, a place of quiet prayer, and a place of worship. I wonder what made your husband think that!I'd settle for a church if I was on the brink!♥️

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Greenthorn

When the paramedics asked him where he was and he said church I was flabbergasted! Saturday and Sunday when asked he said he was with our youngest son in Poole in Dorset we live in Scotland someone said that’s got to be his happy place. Yesterday was a good day he knew me where he was so will have to see how he is this afternoon.


Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply to 080311

Yesterday must have been like a miracle - to be recognised once again. You must have been overwhelmed. When my mother had Alzheimer's I became one of 4 persons, her son, her brother, a tenant and someone who shouldn't be in the house. She would flit in and out between all 4; she must have seen I was upset occasionally. The hardest thing was her recognising she had made a mistake and coming to me offering to shake my hand as a peace token. That memory still gives me wet eyes.

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Greenthorn

I was saying to our son who is in Australia, that I can really appreciate now the trauma of family members of Alzheimer’s patients feel. When I went yesterday and he was lucid it was wonderful, but I have been warned that with this type of injury it will come and go for a little while. So I will go to visit him later with the hope he is still remembering who I am!

Best wishes Pauline

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply to 080311

I'm sure, whatever the future, you will treasure the memory of yesterday when your husband saw you again as his wife. I hope there will be many moments and days of enlightenment and joy between you and your husband. Please let us know how things pan out. It may be quite an adventure ahead.

Flowerfanatic profile image

Oh Pauline what a shock it all must have been for you and I am completely in awe that you managed to do CPR. You are incredible. Thank goodness the Paramedics were there swiftly too. I really hope that he continues to improve. What a lot to experience for you and I imagine understandable that you keep re-living it all. Such a traumatic experience for you both. Maybe in the future some counselling might help? Thinking of you. With my best wishes to you both.


080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Flowerfanatic

Hi SarahIt’s not something I want to ever do again and it was only after the event that I realised what had happened. In the moment you just do what needed doing and what I was being told to do over the phone.

I had a good sleep last night thanks to my GP so feel I can face whatever today brings with it. If he’s confused again or if he is still lucid. The consultant said when he phoned that it might come and go for a wee while.

When we are faced with something as I was you get the strength from somewhere, maybe adrenaline or maybe a higher power!

Best wishes Pauline xx

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply to 080311

Yes - can imagine that you do get the strength from somewhere - thank goodness though and so lucky for your husband. Do hope he’s improving day by day. Thinking of you Pauline. Kind wishes


Jules2021 profile image

Oh Pauline you have had a rough couple of days! Sending you and your husband love and hugs and best wishes for a speedy recovery.xx

Grenfell37 profile image

Hi, I read these notes through tears of admiration. It just shows that you gain the strength both physically and mentally when you needed it most, love and courage has no bounds in these situations and you must have it in bucket loads! I wish you both well for the future which is looking more promising. ❤️

Bishop1 profile image

Hi 080311 . You're a brave strong lady to be able to carry out for cpr on John. Please take care of yourself. John is in great hands. Wishing him a good recovery and prayers and hugs to be both x x

Oh Pauline, sorry to hear this, it is one of the hardest things you can do whilst you wait for us to arrive, so brave of you to reach out about it, it’s scary times for you, always here if you need to talk about it or have any questions. Wishing your husband a speedy recovery, please take care of you too. Karen x

MrsTree profile image

Gosh - you did amazingly well in what must have been an awful experience. When you love someone I know you will do ANYTHING and summon up strength you didn't know you had. 18 months ago my partner suffered 10 epileptic seizures in 24 hours and lost his memory, was asking me every minute what had happened. He's much better now though his short term memory is affected and his spatial sense. What I learned is you have to look after your own mental health in such circumstances. Of course you are reliving this terrible experience and I wonder if it might be important to get some professional counselling to see you through - either through your GP or privately. I did - as I was then having to cope with his family's distress too! It's no shame to get whatever help you need to remain healthy for yourself and your husband. Love to you. x

colourblue profile image

Really sorry to hear what you are going through can only send my best wishes for a good recovery for your husband. Also, take care of yourself & look forward to better times.

nursenancy53 profile image

Sorry to hear of your troubles Pauline. I hope your husband continues to improve and that you manage some sleep and to take care of yourself xx

Janma123 profile image

Hello Pauline,Firstly sending you the biggest hug that can fit in here as words are inadequate.

Secondly sending the very best wishes to both you and John for a good recovery. Our NHS are wonderful when we really need them and you are fortunate to be so close to the hospital.

Take good care of yourself.

Jane x

MountainGoat52 profile image

Wow, what a trauma! Well done on the CPR, something none of us ever want to have to undertake. Hopefully that moment will be the lowest of the lows in your lives and for both of you it will be better from here on. Best wishes to John for a full recovery. Look after yourself and I hope you get whatever help you need to get through this and back onto an even keel.

Wooodsie profile image

Hello Pauline, well done you 👏👏👏 You saved your husbands life. I hope he continues to improve. Please remember to look after yourself too Pauline, often forgotten in your circumstances.

Well done, I am in awe 😀😊😊😊😊

LadyPumpkinseed profile image

I’m so sorry you and John are going through all this. You are a remarkable woman with a beautiful soul and you did an extraordinary act in keeping your beloved husband alive. I’m sure the flashbacks will ease as you start to process the trauma, you’re still dealing with so many demands and unknowns - I hope you can truly let it all out to family or a friend and find some respite. Thinking of you, Pen.

Thanksnhs profile image

Hi Pauline you must have been terrified when it happened yet still managed CPR you are an amazing woman.I think I would have panicked and went to pieces. I am so glad our wonderful NHS responded so quickly and there are giving him the care he needs.I am thinking about you both please keep us posted as to how John is doing and I hope you will be all right yourself it is such a worry. Take care char xx

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Thanksnhs

Morning char

Thank you for your good wishes.

I don’t think I was terrified at the time it was after they had taken him to Hairmyes it all hit home and am afraid I lost it couldn’t stop crying. But yesterday was a good day I have been warned with this type of injury the confusion will come and go so will see how he is this afternoon.

Best wishes Pauline

Thanksnhs profile image
Thanksnhs in reply to 080311

Morning I was just wondering how John was feeling today xx

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Thanksnhs

Morning char,

Normally phone after 10, but the staff are so very busy! Yesterday he was sat in a chair, and they have sorted his medication taken him off Clopidogrel for 2 weeks giving the bleed in the scull to completely heal, he as aspirin along with one of the tablets he takes for his blood pressure will do the same job in the short term. I was just concerned that he would develop a blood clot and have another stroke.

He was a bit confused a couple of times but for most part he was ok.

Hope your doing well, this dark dismal weather is really depressing 😩 but every day we get closer to Spring and at least days when I don’t have to have a lamp on through the day!

Best wishes Pauline xx

Thanksnhs profile image
Thanksnhs in reply to 080311

That's good he has been out of bed and his meds have been sorted hopefully he will continue to improve and get home soon. I have had a cold for what seems like ever symptoms so mirror covid but I have done so many tests now and they are all negative, my GP has given me antibiotics but so far I don't feel much better the joy of having a terrible immune system.I just hope it will clear up soon, on a brighter note I can see the bulb's coming up I cannot wait for them to bloom spring is definitely round the corner xx

Absolutely in awe of you!! Amazing! Such horrific trauma to see someone hurt like that and even worse when it’s your loving husband. What you managed to do is truly wonderful - you saved his life despite your own troubles. Words fail me. I just know I’d hope someone like you was around should me or my family need help. I wish you and your husband all the luck and best wishes in the world. No matter what happens remember you gave him another chance. Wonderful !

Chappychap profile image

Very best to you and your husband. Your terrifying experience is a great argument for why we should all learn CPR, that’s just become my new year’s resolution!

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Chappychap

That’s a great idea, I had no idea how physically exhausting it is. I can only have done it for less than 4 minutes but I was really running out of puff!


Misstibbs profile image

Pauline you have done so well and kept calm your husband is very lucky someone like you were around. You need some respite now 🙏

Sunnie2day profile image

((((HUGS)))) and prayers (for his quick and complete recovery and your continued strength during a very difficult time) plus a huge well done you finding the physical strength to administer CPR - you saved his life, Pauline!

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Sunnie2day

Morning Sunnie

Thank you for your good wishes. What a few days, emptying the dishwasher to doing CPR in less than a couple of minutes. The lady on the phone was great talked me through and kept counting between my counting and screaming for him to wake up. There is no time to be scared but after they had taken him to the hospital then that’s when I lost it couldn’t stop crying!

Will see how he is this afternoon when the consultant phoned he said that John being lucid might come and go on for a little bit.

Yesterday was a good day and I will take that, I had a good sleep last night thanks to my GP so feel I can face the world again!

Best wishes Pauline xx

Ghost-233 profile image

Hi Pauline I am so sorry to read this and hope your husband makes a good recovery be kind to yourself and try to rest.5 years ago my husband was admitted to hospital and kept overnight but discharged the next day. He went early to bed and when I went through to the bedroom I found him, sadly it was too late to help him. We were married for over 40 years. You were able to help your husband so enjoy every precious minute you have with him now…. I wish you both peace and happiness.

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Ghost-233

I am so sorry to read your post, we have been married 52 years last week. So can understand how you must be feeling it must be like part of you is missing.

Take good care Pauline

ToloTolo profile image

God bless you my darling!😘

Handel profile image

Pauline. I'm so sorry you're going through all of this and sincerely hope John recovers quickly. It's just the not knowing what will happen.

I once carried out CPR on my dad so I know how scary it is, but like John, he spluttered and came back after 3 minutes which seemed like a lifetime.

I hope you get a little rest while John is in capable hands.

We're all thinking of you.

Sending love and hugs. Jan xxxxx

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Handel

Morning Jan

Thank you for your words, you having done CPR know how physically and emotionally draining it is I certainly had no idea.

Yesterday was a good day so will have to see what this afternoon brings.

Best wishes Pauline xxx

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to 080311

I hope the afternoon brings good news. You're an inspiration to us all.We're thinking of you and John.

Comforting hugs. Jan xxx

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Handel

Hi Jan,

Back from visiting and another good day, he got a bit confused but not much and he was sat in a chair! Turns out he as broken a small bone at the base of his thumb 😩 another thing to add to the list! The side of his face is now a very colourful mixture of yellow and black.

They have sorted out about his medication, so he is off the Clopidogrel for 2 weeks and on aspirin that along with his Perindpril will give him the protection he needs in the short term.

So tomorrow is another day and we will see what it brings.

Thanks for the hugs sorely needed.

Pauline xxx

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to 080311

Hi Pauline. That's such good news! John sounds like a fighter just like you.When you see John next, tell him I've also got a broken thumb!! What are we like?!!

Make sure you look after yourself and know that we're all thinking of you and John.

Sending you both comforting hugs and love.

Jan xxxx

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Handel

How on earth have you broken your thumb? Hope your managing? Thank you for the hugs.

Pauline xx

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to 080311

Slipped over on ice when we were staying at my son's in the Peak District last month and crashed unladylike to the ground! My language was even less ladylike!Anyway, it the right hand (I'm right hand dominant) and I already have Dupuytren's Contracture, arthritis and carpal tunnel in that hand so a broken thumb didn't really cause too much trouble!!

I've been waiting for almost a year for an operation/steroid injection to correct the problems so have almost mastered lefthandedness (is that even a word?!!?).

Enough of me!

I hope you have some more good news today and send our love to John when you next see him.

Lots of love and hugs to you both. Jan xxx

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Handel

Just gathering some stuff together before I go see how he is today. My goodness taking a fall you could have broken a lot more than a thumb. I suppose we should be grateful for small mercies! Hopefully he is still lucid, yesterday was good. Just a couple of hiccups.

I really hope that you hear very soon about some treatment for your conditions. It must really wear you out.

Best wishes Pauline xx

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to 080311

Bless you for thinking about me and everyone.Give John our love and best wishes.

We'll catch up later I'm sure.

Love and hugs. Jan xxxx

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Handel

Evening Jan

Back from the hospital, he was terribly tired this afternoon, the physios had been working with him this morning. Had a conversation with one of them and he can’t get out of the bed or chair without assistance. So there is along way to go, that’s how he was after his stroke, but we got him back. Said to my brother I can’t think any further than tomorrow.

So tomorrow will be another day and we will see what it brings.

Thanks for listening Pauline xxx

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to 080311

John will be shattered after physiotherapy. It really takes it out of the best of us,Just take things one day at a time and after a few days you'll be able to see improvements.

Thinking of you and John every minute. I hope you can take some comfort in the fact that everyone on this forum is wishing you both well.

Lots of love and hugs, Jan xxx

Dear 080311 [Pauline ]

Just when you think that the only hero’s in this world belong to the film industry, BANG ! Another earth bound human one appears.

You are amazing and being amazing takes time getting used to.

Give yourself that time.

Kevin x

Retirement65 profile image

Hello Pauline so so sorry you have been through what must have been and is so stressful for you - well done on CPR it’s not the easiest thing to do but you did it I was trained every year in my NHS role thankfully never had to use it but the fact is that training has given me the tools to have some idea of what I’m doing I do hope it’s being rolled out in schools so that children know from an early age - hope things improve Pauline my thoughts and big hugs go out to you please let us know how you are doing take care xx

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Retirement65

Must admit after Friday night thinking since the idea of CPR being taught to kids in school isn’t a bad idea. It’s much more physically demanding than it looks like when it’s in some sort of drama on the tv! That less than 4 minutes I was doing it felt like a life time.

Best wishes Pauline

080311 profile image

Thank you for your words, at my age never thought I would have to perform CPR but when push becomes shove you get the strength from somewhere! He had gone down face down so the lady on the phone was saying I had turn him over he was right up against the door so had to pull towards me where I got that strength from who knows! So as I said yesterday was a good day he was back but have been warned with this sort of injury the confusion will come and go so it’s a case of wait and see.


Alison_L profile image

Oh Pauline, what an awful time for you. I can only add my best wishes that John makes a good recovery quickly, and tell you not to forget to look after yourself xx

Bargod1958 profile image

Really sorry to hear what you and your husband have just gone through. Praying for a speedy recovery. Stay strong 🙏

Joliv61 profile image

That’s a tough story. My heart goes out to you and your other half. I hope all goes well for you both.Best wishes 🙏🙏

Hello Pauline :-)

So pleased to see so much support on your post :-)

I have been thinking about you and just wondering how you are today and how your Husband is :-) x

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to

Another good day, he was a bit confused got our granddaughters mixed up but I can do that without a bump to the head! They have sorted his medication out between the 3 departments and the Clopidogrel is stopped for 2 weeks and aspirin working with his Perindopril will do the same job in the short term. When I was there yesterday he had a splint on his left hand, this is his stroke side and he had one like this just after he had his stroke, but it turns out he as broken a little bone just at the base of his thumb! So this is to protect is hand. Just one more thing to add to the list😩I am ok, had a really good sleep last night so what my GP gave me I thank her from the bottom of my heart. I felt I could face whatever the day had in store for us.

Best wishes Pauline

in reply to 080311

Hello Pauline :-)

I am the same I have 3 grown up Children 2 girls one boy and a Granddaughter and when I am talking to one I am forever calling them the wrong names , my Son even gets called one of his Sisters names or I go through all their names and then say , O you know which one I mean :-D

So I think that is something we all do :-)

I am not surprised to hear he has a little bone broken with the bang he had but at the same time sorry to hear he has

It sounds like they are sorting things out though and his recovery is going well :-)

I am glad the sleeping tablets helped you , we do cope better when we have had a good nights sleep

You have got me thinking now as I am not sleeping well at all and my Doctor offered me some only yesterday and I declined yet I am so tired , so you have given me something to think about :-)

Thank you for letting me know how you both are doing :-) x

Shar28 profile image

Oh goodness Pauline, you’re really going through the mill, as is your husband. It’s encouraging the hospital has all of the relevant specialities involved in his care and your GP is providing you with support - continue to ask for the help you need please. All the best to both of you and your family.

Magicfairy profile image

Hi Pauline, just read this, your family must be so proud of you, i feel really proud of you, I have been thinking that everyone should know how to do CPR, but wonder if I would have the strength, and you did it😲 wow!, I’m hoping your husband recovers quickly, and you get the rest and comfort you need, such a huge thing to go through, will be thinking of you both, lots of love and hugs…., Val xxx

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Magicfairy

Hi Val,

After Friday evening I would say everyone should learn CPR I had no idea how physically hard it was it’s not like I have seen on the tv! I was only doing it for about 4 minutes but I was running out of puff! When he coughed and took a breath I thought that was it but the lady on the phone said I was to keep going.

But today as been a good day he was sat in a chair and just a couple of times he got confused.

We will see what tomorrow brings.

Best wishes Pauline

Magicfairy profile image
Magicfairy in reply to 080311

❤️🤞🙏🏻 xxx

Bartie123 profile image

Blimey! How brave you are! I feel I should learn how to do CP R in case it happens to my husband! We’ll do e! Girl power rules! Jane.

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Bartie123

Have come the conclusion that it’s something we all should learn because it’s not like it looks on tv it’s physically hard I was really running out of puff, and 2 days later couldn’t raise my arms up above my head they ached so much!


Newstart3 profile image

My goodness, I have just read your post and all the lovely replies. It sounds like you coped amazingly. My very best wishes to you both.

It sounds like you remained really focused on what you needed to do for as long as needed and then the shock came. I'm not surprised you are re-living the experience, it seems a natural response to process everything. As others have said, take care and be kind to yourself.

Carpbait profile image

Full of admiration for your valiant effort in reviving your husband.

C66t profile image

Im so so sorry for all you are dealing with. Sending healing hugs. 🥰🙏🙏🙏

Jamie1995 profile image

Hello PaulineI can't believe how much has happened to you both in the last few days, I'm so sorry.

As ever you have been amazing, John is a lucky man to have you by his side.

I only need to look at the number of replies to see how many of us owe you such a lot. You really are the Queen of Hearties!

Thank you and love and prayers for the weeks ahead.

Sue x

Nadeje profile image

Dear Pauline, I'm so sorry about what has happened to your husband and in total awe of you! It must've been terrible for you to do cpr on your loved one and you did good, you amazing, brave lady!❤❤

I certainly would've panicked if I were in the same situation! I wouldn't know where to start! We all should really learn this.🤔

My heart goes out for you both, and I wish your husband a speedy recovery.

I understand after reading some posts that he is making a progress, thank goodness for that!🙏

Hopefully you can now rest a bit and sleep, it must've been terrifying experience for you!

You are in my thoughts and I'm sending you positive vibes.

Please look after yourself!

Big hugs ❤ Monica xx

Mandy31 profile image

Oh my goodness what a scary thing to have to go through! Wishing your husband well and hope they can sort his meds. I hope you're holding up ok too x

Hello Pauline :-)

I have been thinking about you and John today and wondered how everything is going

Well I hope :-) x

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to

Evening BeKind,

He was very tired this afternoon, the physios had been working with him this morning, he Is unable to get himself out of bed or in and out of a chair, this was the same 5 years ago after his stroke, we got him back but that was 5 years ago and he is much weaker now.

I said to Jan I am looking no further forward than tomorrow. His confusion is less every day and that’s a bonus.

So here we go again we will see what tomorrow brings.

How’s the tummy? Hope your feeling better.

Pauline xxx

in reply to 080311

Hello Pauline :-)

Yes that was 5 years ago but the positive side is it may take a bit longer as 5 years older but he is a fighter and with you by his side I have no doubt he will make a recovery again just need a little more time :-)

Glad he is not as confused :-)

How are you coping ok I hope :-)

O my stomach has a story of it's own if I have not got the runs I cannot go

I have no clue what the members must think on here hearing so much about my toilet issues they may be hoping they come right sooner than I do so I will shut up about it :-D

Thank you for letting me know :-) x

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to

I did tell John the saga of the missing sample! Now that did make him laugh knew it would. Tomorrow is another day!

Pauline xxx

in reply to 080311

O well at least my bowel issues and samples are proving to be of some help :-D Glad it made him laugh :-) x

Lulu2607 profile image

Best wishes Pauline. I was very touched by your story. It will take a while for things to settle down and improve but have faith that they will. Take care.

Exie8 profile image

Thoughts are with you both Pauline xx

OK, not good.

Well done you for undertaking CPR, it IS hard work (trained up in it past leisure and work activities). Also glad John responded.

Glad he is also in hospital getting the proper assessments and care, definitely the right thing for you.

I completely understand the issue of 'reliving that event over and over again' - suspect it comes under the terms of PTSD. I don't have answer for that, but your GP might be able to help, maybe slightly stronger sleeping tablet?

Make sure you remind him that this will not get him out of doing the hoovering when he gets home 😉

I hope you are able to get some sleep soon, and also that John makes a good recovery - will make a note to keep a look out for updates 👍

Gladwyn profile image

So sorry for what happened and sending very best wishes for good recovery. 🙏🙏🙏🍀🍀🍀🍀😶‍🌫️

Just wondering how you and John are doing ?

I tried to click on a post you did yesterday about Hospital Visit but it says oops and nothing there

Hope everything is ok :-) x

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to

NHS South Lanarkshire have gone back to zero visiting there as been a big surge in covid cases. So for the time being yesterday was it for a little while. I can go as far as the ward doors to drop off clean pjs and pick up his dirty ones but not allowed on the ward. Yesterday he was a lot better repeated himself a few times but I can do that. They are happy that the bleed as stopped.Didn’t go today but phoned and he was ok. Will go tomorrow and play washerwoman 😂

Hope you’re doing better how’s the tummy?

Take good care Pauline xx

Cat04 profile image

How are you both? As BeKind says your post has been 'removed' by the looks of things- did it mention the 'c' word by any chance? x

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Cat04

Could have was saying that visiting as been suspended until further notice. Can go as far as the ward doors and pick up dirty pjs and deliver clean ones. He is slowly recovering, left him very weak but the physios are working hard with him.

Being unable to see for myself is difficult but its a case of everyone being safe.


Cat04 profile image
Cat04 in reply to 080311

Thanks for the update Pauline. Thinking of you both and hoping John continues to improve. At least he's in his own pj's not a hospital gown, do you slip a billet doux in the pocket 😉. And are you feeling a little better now too? xx

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Cat04

Getting there, still having a few flash backs. My GP as been great. I suppose it’s something you work your way through. Problem is there is still a faint outline of the blood where he went down I have tried everything, think I will see if a professional carpet cleaner can help. It’s right in the doorway into the lounge so every time I see it it makes me shudder with the thoughts that go through my head.Thank you for thinking of us.

Best wishes Pauline xx

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to 080311

I'm really sorry to hear your husband has been so poorly, finger's crossed 🤞 for a speedy recovery. Well done to you doing CPR, I helped do CPR on my husband. Doing CPR is one of the most traumatic experiences you can ever have and I've been told that doing it on a loved one it's very difficult even for professionals. I get the bit about your carpet, my husband was in the armchair when he had his cardiac arrest, I got rid of that armchair the first moment I was able to!! Unfortunately flashbacks are not unusual, even today I get the occasional flashback and my husband's CA was over 20 year's ago.

There is a support group for people who've had a CA, have done CPR or are caring for someone who's had a CA, the group is called Sudden Cardiac Arrest UK. I'd highly recommend looking them up and maybe joining their Facebook group for support, the group is affiliated to Sads and can help advise/arrange counseling etc. None of this was available when I needed it but even years after the event the group has helped me enormously. Good luck xx

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Lezzers

Thank you for the information, it sometimes feels like I am watching someone else doing it. A very weird feeling.Thanks again.

Best wishes Pauline

Triheart profile image

Morning, I have not been on the forum for a couple of weeks so have only just seen this. How amazing are you! Saving anyone’s life is a great achievement, so be very proud of yourself and let’s hope you are now getting some well deserved sleep. Best wishes x

Beatles1956 profile image

Hi Pauline. I am sure that a lot of people will join me in wondering how you are both doing lately? It would be good to hear from you, when you have time.

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Beatles1956


John is still struggling to come back from his fall they did another MRI a week ago and thankfully the bleeding as stopped. Problem now is he as developed a UTI didn’t realise how bad these can be the older you are the worse they are to treat. It’s causing him more confusion. They have moved him to a different ward last Sunday supposedly to start rehab he as lost so much muscle mass in the past 3 weeks. So at the moment I am just getting through one day at a time. Some of the things he is saying makes me laugh if I didn’t laugh I would cry!

Hopefully I will get back on the forum at some point, in the near future.

Hope your doing well.

Best wishes Pauline. Xx

Magicfairy profile image
Magicfairy in reply to 080311

Lovely to hear from you Pauline, sorry your husband is having a slow recovery, hard on you both, take good care of yourself, no need to reply, just want you to know we are all thinking of you, 🤗 ......val x

Beatles1956 profile image

Sorry to hear that it's slow progress, but it does sound like progress.Take good care of yourself.


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