Recent post about vaccine and booster... - British Heart Fou...

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Recent post about vaccine and booster deleted.

50 Replies

I personally have concerns about taking a booster. Labelled a troll last time I asked. On reading more of the site I see a few people seem to think there is a link with there illnesses and vaccines. I personally thought it was something affecting younger men.

Attempts to speak with cardiologist failed.

Interested in others experience.

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50 Replies

Why do you feel the need to raise this again, knowing that it will be deleted?

All the information you seek is freely available, as I said last time, go to the Yellow Card Covid reporting site, you will find all the info. you are chasing available there.

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Hello GazBecause I have concerns a about taking the booster and have had a mixed response from the medical staff looking after me.

As I’ve read through this site more I see others have expressed possible links and concerns.

I accept yellow card route is officially needed. But chatting to others in a similar situation is surely what this site is about?

I came to this site looking for information and suppprt. Being labelled a troll didn’t help my situation.

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If you (or someone you care for) have a heart condition, then this is the place for Information and support.

If you are purely looking for info. on what conditions may (or may not) be caused by the vaccines, you do not need to hear that someone got jabbed then acquired condition X, the Yellow Card site will give you that.

So it appears that you are, whist denying it, actually 'Trolling' this forum!

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GazI have a heart condition myself. It appears to have started just over two weeks after the second jab. But as I’m sure you know finding the actual cause is often not possible. But, and it’s a big but, if the vaccine was linked it makes me nervous to have a booster.

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Then don't have it 🤷‍♂️

If .05% of people acquire a condition post vaccine and that makes you nervous, then no matter what you hear on here, it won't help your decision, especially as this will be closed before you get that many responses.

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Low statistical risks are fine until you are affected.

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No matter how many people on here know or think their condition was caused by a vaccine, it will not change the actual stats.

In fact there are a disproportionate number of people on here who will say their condition was caused by a vaccine, simply because of the nature of this forum, so you will be misguided!

in reply to

GazI am not here for facts. I see this as a place to chat with other in a similar boat. I see many people raising there concerns re conditions/treatments etc etc. I feel perfectly within my rights to raise my concerns. If you disagree that’s fine. But there comes a time when you need to drop it and allow others to chat as they wish.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

There have been many posts about this and they always end up a slanging match between those for and those against so best avoided !

in reply to bantam12

Hello bantam12I’m starting to see this…. For the record I’m pro vaccine.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

You can see which way this is going !!

in reply to bantam12

😂 sadly yes

Hello Heythrop51It’s very new ground to me. I was only made aware of a possible link this week. My heart failure nurse told me several people my age had become ill after AZ jabs. I accept it could be a coincidence but as you hear more accounts you start to wonder.

I’m puzzled why some react so badly to this topic… I just ignore posts/questions that don’t interest me.


Hello meadfootThanks for the response. I went from being fit and healthy(so I thought) to AF and a low EJ. No warnings.

in reply to

What is your EF, you where asked, but I don’t think you answered!

meadfoot profile image
meadfoot in reply to

Its a horrible condition Chris. I have struggled with AF since 2009 and have had some awful times with it over the years with some small periods of quiet in between. Lots of things can trigger it for me so i am very careful what i eat, drink or take medicine wise to try to mitigate adverse impact. Stress is also a trigger for me. I hope you can get to grips with the condition, it takes a good while to find your path.

in reply to meadfoot

Hello meadfootI have good days and bad days which seems to be the norm. I’m finding food and drink the hardest thing. I hold fluid around abdomen so I think this impacts. Thanks for the support. Nice to speak with people further down the line so to speak.

meadfoot profile image
meadfoot in reply to

Abdominal issues impact dreadfully on my AF. Both my cardiologist (EP) and my gastroenterologist are working together to find ways to help manage this for me. It may be worth discussing this with your cardiologist. It took a long time for this connection to be made and accepted. Good luck.

Hello GazYes I was asked about EF testing method and medication. All were answered but deleted.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to

Hi Chris, I think it was me who asked about your medication, EF and where you were on the NYHA scale but I don't think I saw your reply, the post disappeared! Would you mind telling me again. Thanks

in reply to Lezzers

Hello LezzersEF 26

I haven’t been given a NYHA number

Just explain what it achieves? If you hear a dozen stories from people who say their condition was caused by a vaccine, how does that help you, or anyone else?

If you can explain, then please do.

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Gaz personally I find chatting with people in a similar boat helpful.

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Which boat are you in?

The one with a few people in it that where unlucky enough to possibly get AF from a vaccine?

Or the boat with people in it that are concerned that they 'might' get unlucky with anything?

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Which boat am I in ? …….. ill boat

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Very good at avoiding questions, which makes me extremely doubtful of your intentions.

Hello Heythrop51. I have had both vaccines. Government advice seems to suggest I defer my booster.

The point is that we are making the best choice for the whole of society by having both jabs and the booster, it is not about "us", is it? The impact of having Covid is becoming more and more obvious I would have thought, which is the reason that we should have the vaccine. As Gaz is trying to get through, the risks of complications are microscopic, as are the side effects compared to catching the disease.

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I’d suggest reading the Government advice.

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I have.

Many thanks LezzersI’ve found Heart nurses just fantastic.

It is not a case of "this group" not wanting it discussed. This is a heart disease forum, not a platform for Anti Vaxers to try and promote their cause, which is why the last post from this OP was deleted. The statistics speak for themselves.

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lateguitaristI was vaccinated within the first 24 hrs of my cohort being eligible. I travelled over 100 miles for the opportunity.

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So as Gaz has already asked, could you explain to us all what on earth you are actually on about?

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Try actually reading my initial post .

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I have. I think the relevant word in it is "few". We are not talking about the few, we are talking about the many. OMG I'm sounding like Jeremy.

Seems like a rather self-defeating argument?

I'm pleased you have posted again Chris because this is an important issue that needs discussing and I fear it is more widespread than is being admitted. Unfortunately there are a couple of regular posters who have form for trying to start arguments with the sole intention of having the whole thread deleted if it is a subject they think should remain hidden. Don't engage with them.

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Advice taken on board cheers

meadfoot profile image
meadfoot in reply to

I agree Supafil, good advice not to engage with people out to cause arguments and shut down any other opinion, but its sad that people cant raise genuine issues in case it sparks accusations of anti vaxxer or whatever. As for posts being deleted well you are most probably right that getting them closed down is their aim.

I had to smile about one of the posters saying the forum is for heart related posts but had run their own post some months ago about football lol. Double standards or what. Best to ignore. Have a good pleasant day.

in reply to meadfoot

That amuses me, so basically you don’t want to respond to anyone who doesn’t share your views, pot calling kettle me thinks.

I for one have not labelled anyone as ‘anti-vax’, I would simply like to understand what, in their opinion, is achieved by discussing this subject . So far that question has been avoided.

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I can’t speak for anyone else, but I challenge this sort of post because I cannot see what it achieves! If you have a condition that is allegedly caused by a vaccine, does it matter! Isn’t the important thing to treat the condition and recovery.

I have had Pericarditis for ~3 months probably caused by a virus, I haven’t posted asking how many people have had Pericarditis following a virus, or how many are worried that they might get it if they get a virus! I’m only concerned with getting better.

Dear All,

I find it very interesting that such a topic can cause such outrage.

Surely what most of you have already gone through is enough to value what time you have on this wonderful planet.

grab hold of anything that could prolong that time, you will thank yourself for it and so will your loved ones.

Yet fully vaccinated?

Hello gilreid1I had no heart problems that I was aware of prior to the jabs. Now my EJ fraction is testing low. My concern is that the booster could lower it further or cause other complications. The government advice to delay second vaccine if effected doesn’t really apply as I’ve already had both. The suggest serum test interest me but I haven’t been offered it. My gut feeling is to delay booster.

I was booked in for 19th but can’t get an appointment before 22nd to discuss. So I’m figuring a few days delay isn’t too much of an issue.

I’m shocked that any polite attempt to open a discussion on a topic that does seem to affect a few people here is instantly branded anti-vax.

I have not attempted to cause an argument or push any agenda. I’d have thought most people here are fully vaccinated.

AstraZeneca both times.

Hello gilreid1I have reported to Heart Failure nurse and filled out the yellow card. EF was initially tested as below 35% using echocardiogram MRI came back with a figure of 26%

Appointment on 22nd with GP to discuss.

gilreid1 profile image
gilreid1 in reply to

Sorry I meant to nhs covid yellow ticket

in reply to gilreid1

Completed the yellow ticket . Actually learnt of the yellow ticket on here so the discussion is valuable.

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