I’m on Atorvastatin and I’m on thyroxine is it safe to take atorvastatin while taking thyroxine? Thanks
Atorvastatin : I’m on Atorvastatin and... - British Heart Fou...

Best to ask your gp as none of us here are qualified to tell you.
Who prescribed it? Surely they where aware that you are on Thyroxine!
As already suggested speak to your GP or whoever prescribed the statin.

Hello... I have encountered people on Thyroxine and Statins. Thyroid issues can raise cholesterol levels in some. As suggested you should contact your GP or consultant if concerned.
As you have thyroid problems the HU website Thyroid UK might be useful:
As Doora said. We're not qualified doctors or pharmacists so this question must not be answered.
But, what the yell. Here goes.
Most doctors and even pharmacists will use an interactions checker.
My MedScape Interaction Checker shows no interactions between the two.
I've been on thyroxine for more years than I care to remember - it is a permanent thing, not a drug but a replacement for something you aren't making naturally. In all that time I've had various medicines prescribed, not many in the early days but more inevitably as I've got older, and I've never questioned taking them with my daily thyroxine and have not had any warnings/advice and I'm sure that is because the thyroxine is a necessary replacement as I said and not a drug. But if you are worried ask your pharmacist or GP - the pharmacist must be used to your repeat prescriptions for thyroxine and would have raised any concerns
I have taken both for over 2 years no prob
I've been on Thyroxine for over 30 years and Atorvastatin for 2 since having a stroke. It did raise my cholesterol level slightly, however my levels previously have never been an issue so I asked if the dose could be reduced. I'm on 20mg now.I take my Thyroxine first thing in the morning, leaving at least 30 mins before any other meds and Atorvastatin last thing at night. No issues. HTH
I've been taking both for almost 2 years - no problems that I'm aware of
I take both. Atorvastatin at night and Thyroxine in the morning. No problems.
I also take both.
I am actually a pharmacist- you can take both together bearing in mind that levothyroxine must be taking at least an hour before any other meds (and an hour before food and caffeine drinks and 4 hours before calcium and zinc) I hope that helps.
Hi I am taking thyroid tablets as well as astorvastatin and I did ask the docs if I can take both an they said yes it was but I have to go for regular blood test to check on it speak to ur gp if you are worried
Yes it appears so. Have just checked drugs interactions, there were non specified. Your GP will know what you take so will the pharmacist. Check with the pharmacist as he will know more about medication than the GP.