I was put on 80mg Atorvastatin following a heart attack/2 x stents in 2021. Since January this year have had very bad back pain, no apparent reason yet despite physio, x rays etc. Wondering if could be statins? anybody else had pain related to them?
Atorvastatin: I was put on 80mg... - British Heart Fou...

I had terrible calf pain and occasional cramping which was awfully painful. I stopped the Atorvastatin and went onto Rosuvastatin. After a couple of days, the calf pain went and I've not had it since so I'm pretty sure it was the Atorva that was causing it.
Hi I had very bad muscle spams to the legs usually in the middle of the night. I tried three types of statins before getting the right one. Maybe ask if you can change to another statin?
My cardiologist wanted to dismiss it too. But I spoke to my Cardiac nurses and they confirmed the Atorva could be the cause of the calf pain, and they recommended Rosuvastatin. It was actually my GP who then prescribed the Rosuva. Stick to your guns!
Yes if you look at the leaflet pain in joints etc can be an issue, I get minor shoulder pain. Go to the doctor's he may be able to reduce the dose or change to a different one
Statins are wonder drugs 🫣
probably. Since I stopped taking statins of any kind I no longer suffer various joint pains or the dreadful cramps I experienced every night.
Atorvastatin was the cause of all my joints hurting, muscle pain, was not able to walk far because of the pains in legs and hips. My statin was changed to Rosuvastatin and it is 50% better. Hope this helps you 👍
Ask your GP to change your Statin to Rosustatin. It will cut half of that pain out and it lowers cholesterol a lot more.
None of us require Statin medication, please research Dr Aseem Malhotra/Dr Kendrick/Professor Sultan previous World President of vascular. The Japanese have the highest readings of cholesterol in the world yet the lowest incidence of heart events and strokes.