Does anyone who is taking Atorvastatin experience bad gas? I have been on it for 2 years and am thinking this is the cause of my extreme gas
Atorvastatin and gas: Does anyone who... - British Heart Fou...
Atorvastatin and gas

Hello and welcome to the forum!
Unfortunately your profile says next to nothing. Do you have a heart condition and are you on other medication? Excess wind is not really a side effect of Atorvastatin.
Agree Michael. Why are people so averse to filling in their profile and giving us all a bit of a clue?? Just leaving it at "Hi I'm so and so" is not really much good is it?

Don't be judgemental. When I first joined I had no idea there was a profile; I was just worried and needed an answer.
I am not being "judgemental", as you put it, why do you think there is a profile facility?? From memory it is fairly obvious, as with all such forums, it gives other members information about you to assist them in trying to help you. You may not have noticed it when you joined but you have not even indicated what sex you are since how do you expect people to give you answers??
Yes I agree it's helpful but when you've just been given perhaps bad news and are desperate for help, looking for and filling in a profile is that last thing on your mind. I didn't find it for weeks after my heart attack. Your first thought is to post a question and get help.
Absolutely! I have been on it for 6 months, gradually weaning from 80mg to 40mg and now hoping to go lower or even try Simvastatin as I have had nausea, weight-loss, muscle aches etc.
Hi sueI have only been on it for 11 weeks and I have bad gas and my poo stinks!!! Ive been told its the statin
Mine doesn't, what else are you eating??
It's a side effect. We are all different.
What other meds are you on? Are you on a PPI?
Honestly no. I had stomach cramps and diarrhoea for a week or so in the early period of my medication, but I put that down to the Lansoprazole, which I've since stopped, and so has the diarrhoea. I don't have anything untowards going with Atorvastatin, or anything else I'm taking.
I've been on the usual meds, (atorvastatin, clopidrogel, aspirin, bisoprolol and lanzoprazol) since my CABGx2 in January. I've been suffering terrible wind 😱🙉 and assume it's the statins...? My diet hasn't changed drastically, I've always eaten beans, pulses and lots of veg, so don't think it's food related...
It will most likely be the Lanzoprazol, it had terrible effects on me and I believe lots of people have the same problems.

Thanks for the reply, did you get put onto another medication that didn't have the same effect? I'm due a medication review soon so it would be good to know...
I was put onto one called Omeprazol, however I have since come off that as well as it was causing persistent headaches. According to my GP, these PPI drugs are used as an insurance policy, reducing the amount of acid in the stomach such that if you did happen to get a burst ulcer the bleeding would hopefully not be as bad, but other than that they are not actually doing anything (they are also used to relieve symptoms of gastric disorders as well like acid reflux). I have decided not to take PPI's now, especially as they also act upon your liver. Bye the way I was also wrongly prescribed them while I was on Clopedogrel (which I am not now), but Omeprazol should not be prescribed with that med apparently, just in case you are on it.

That's useful to know. I'm on clopidrogel at the moment. I'll have a discussion with my doctor about options. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'll post again if (when!) I get the gas problem under control 🤞
Yes I was on Clopidogrel when the GP switched me over, it was me that discovered the two were not supposed to be prescribed together!

Hi I've been on Lansaprozole and Clopidgrol. Taken off Lansaprozole owing to magnesium been so low. If taking both these medicines together ,what problems do they cause?. Thanks x
Sorry might not have made it clear, it was Omeprazole with Clopedogrel, apparently it can reduce the anti platelet effect of the clopi.

DR out me on Famotidine (40 mg) for indegestion and magnesium levels are a little more stable. Take care x

Thank goodness for google and a healthy interest in one's own wellbeing! 😱
Kefir.....make it yourself and it will likely sort out all your digestif problems, worked well for my gas, acid and dyspepsia.
Like most with discovered high cholesterol levels you have been advised to and upped your fruit and veggie intake a good sign that this is working is improved bowel motions including gas emissions.So bring it on 👌