Waiting for to be discharged from care home after 3 heart attacks ,pacemaker in 10years ,manager said I'm too old,doctor said yes I can,help
Waiting for to be discharged from car... - British Heart Fou...
Waiting for to be discharged from care home after 3 heart attacks ,pacemaker in 10years ,manager said I'm too old,doctor said yes I can,help

May I ask how old you are? What does your doctor hope to do to help you?
Manager of care home,sorry,I did say I could also discharge him but she said she needs paper, I and my dad are pleading for help. All I get is lied. The last manager saidy dad would have to pay around 80,000. And told me what's the point. He can't understand why no one helping him,he can't take any more abuse, last night I was on the phone and he said he had 3 tablets and didn't know what they where for. He said he wasn't going to take them,1 for his heart. I had a statement from social worker from a doctor who don't exist to deprive him of his liberty. All most 4 and a half years and not letting him speak or get help. They took his bank and emptied it, told me to get his things out if the house as they going to sell. It's terrible The so. Called doctor prescribed him lidocaine injections and sleeping tablets that could kill him. I'm ignored. My dad is going to die if I don't get him home x I am his carer and I can arrange care when needed. All the neighbours are also keen to help.
If you have a concern about the Care home you can contact the Care Quality Commission ( CQC) and tell them about your concerns.

I would suggest a call to the CAB is in order but do get everything straight before you ring. And where is the social worker in all this?

Also contact Healthwatch for advice and support. They are a charity responsible for monitoring health and social care

The system of health and social care are different I expect in the UK from Canada.
I would contact the CQC (Care Quality Commission) with your complaint avut your :
I used to work in a nursing home on the admin side, but have been retired now for 8 years. Staying at one and it costing £80, 000 to stay there for over 4 years sounds quite average.
What procedure does his doctor want him to have and how old is he? Do you feel it would help him?
I think you deserve to be told just what his medication is for and surely, surely they can't have lost his notes!!!
Make sure you get a 'lasting power of attorney' properly drawn up by a legal representative to give you the authority to act for him in financial and health matters. With this power you can act in his place and force them to listen to you.
In the UK there should also be a care plan in place and Social Services will want to see what you plan to do with him. If , for any reason , you can't manage the physical handling, lifting , etc , they may wish to step in to protect you both.
As Jean says care home fees are quite expensive . I have had a few relatives who s houses have had to sold after they have passed on to clear their care bills, but that is the purpose of preparing a care plan so that help can be provided if, for example, you are living in your fathers house. I haven't used them personally but the 'age concern' people may be able to help. Perhaps Jean could help with some other suggestions?