Does anyone take these together. I notice they have a drug interaction.Been on clopidogral 2 months after swapping from pragursel. At first never got any bruising at all (which made me think it wasn't working! )soon as I stopped Atorvastatin for a few days got the bruising. Strange .Dr's going to swap to rouvastatin. Anyone taking both as well as the usual other drugs
Clopidogrel with Atorvastatin - British Heart Fou...
Clopidogrel with Atorvastatin

I never got that, but I did notice that it took a while for the bruising to start when I started clopidogrel. It may not be relevant, if others reply and tell you it’s pretty common! But Yellow card mhra is a government site to report suspected drug reactions, interactions etc. etc. It helps signal there might be a problem, which hadn’t been noticed till now.
Hi, I took clopidogrel ( off-label use for migraine after taking part in a drug trial) and atorvastatin together for more than 10 years. It was discovered this January that I had severe aortic stenosis and had a valve replacement this July. So maybe the off-label use clopidogrel had helped in other ways without me knowing. 2 weeks before open heart surgery I stopped the clopidogrel as per surgeon's advice. After surgery I was not prescribed it again, but given asprin. The migraines have returned with a vengeance, but in all those years I had no problems with bruising, and migraines were less frequent and less severe. I hope you find a solution that works for you. Don't you find it difficult to get appointments with your GP to even ask these questions just now?
My practice is rural and can usually get a phone appointment but trouble being not the same dr. Some say pharmacist more knowledgeable than Dr's when it comes to drugs
Hi Tapfoot. Am due AVR anytime now. Was supposed to having the surgery next Wednesday but it’s been out back till I have a small procedure next Tuesday. How did the op go? Hope it went well for you.
Hi Cakesandbakes,
I took both for a while and didn't have any issues. However, I was taking my cloppy dog in the morning and atorvastatin in the evening. If you take yours at the same time maybe it's worth asking your GP if it's worth splitting when you take them?
Same as Judge_Dredd, morning and evening for a year with no issues. Stopped the Clopidogrel after that time because that's normal.
Hi, my husband is taking both at night. He bruised like a good 'un, but your post is very interesting and I will certainly follow up possible interactions. He does complain of a lot of indigestion. I've wondered if thats due to the clopidogrel.
Hi. Been taking both together for 3 weeks now with no apparent side affects? Had numerous blood tests with no real bruising?
Husband takes both clopidogrel in the morning and his atorvastatin in the evening. Doesn’t seem to be a problem.
Right after my HA I was put on both of those. I did have to change the atorvastatin because of side effects but can't remember what they were now. I can't imagine the cardio team putting me on both if there was a problem.Actually I wasn't given the clopi at first , it was ticagrelor but the consultant changed it after about a month to clopidogrel because ticagrelor caused breathing problems and later GP changed the atorvastatin to simvastatin. Plenty of bruising on both ticag and clopi as expected. I never noticed any mention of interactions and I did read all the leaflets.
I had a quadruple Heart-by pass op 5 November my daily prescription is one 80m Avorvastatin one 2.5mg Bisoprolol one 75mg Clopidogrel one 75mg Aspririn one 20mg Omeprazole I have noticed no adverse or beneficial effect also take one 15mg Mirtazapine at night works as a wonderous sleeping tablet good for a deep sleep one thing I did notice on taking these anti-goagulant drugs is when I get little shaving nicks they are prone to spot my pillow and top sheet with drops of blood also had to go up to the local Injuries Hospital in the early hours when I cut my left heel (don`t ask !) and could not stop the bleeding moral is don`t have any accidents NB I have not had any adverse reactions to the drugs but have noticed my bowels are now very regular in the mornings I am now back cycling again and aiming for my old physical fitness over the winter don`t get to hung up on things remember you are still alive so enjoy life Hugh Caves
I have been on both drugs continuously since 2901. No problems at all. Had a heart attack prior to going on them. Been ok since
I take both and aspirin with no bruising.I've been on them 6months.So maybe I'm lucky at the moment.
Both were prescribed for me after my heart attack. I doubt they'd have done that if there were problems. Clopidogrel was to take on a morning,the statin at night.
Just found this question. I have awful bruising on shins and anywhere else there might be some pressure,even just pressing against a door will give me bruising through my clothes! I have mentioned it to my GP with no answer.Been on clopidogrel and atorvastatin for 5 years and had bruising all the time. Will try separating them as has been suggested on here.