Well, that escalated quickly... - British Heart Fou...

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Well, that escalated quickly...

Billy_Bedstead profile image
13 Replies

Hey everyone.

I joined here a few weeks ago having been diagnosed with angina. I have obviously had cardiac problems building up over the years but I've been asymptomatic (as far as I am aware).

Following a CT scan and an angiogram (both of which were great, the medics and staff all brilliant) I need bypass surgery. I'm hoping to get a call this week to say I am on the list. It's all been a bit of a whirl!

Does anyone have any ideas for prepping in the time I have before the op? I know I could do with dropping a stone or more...

Any tips for post-op?

How do people on the BHF site feel about LCHF diet?

I hope everyone is staying safe and relatively sane. Have a good day everyone.


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Billy_Bedstead profile image
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13 Replies
Prada47 profile image

Hi Billy

Not a lot you can do except stop smoking if you do !

If you know you need to drop a stone then you know what to do!!

I don't know your mental health state but I was comfortable in watching the videos on OHS

It was not as bad as I thought it would be, biggest surprise was the way they took the vein from my leg. Silly me just thought a nick at the top and bottom of my leg, not open it from thigh to ankle a little shocked never thought to ask !

All in all it's not to bad better than the alternative Oh there is no alternative !!

Hands Face Space and keep away from MPs to be Safe

I just eat normal everyday food every thing in moderation !!

Billy_Bedstead profile image
Billy_Bedstead in reply to Prada47

Ha! I will heed that advice... especially the distancing. I don't smoke and I try to eat sensibly. Many thanks for the reply, I appreciate it! Hope you are keeping well and staying safe.

Thanksnhs profile image
Thanksnhs in reply to Prada47

My biggest surprise after transplant was the way they took my icd out, I stupidly thought 🤣it just got pulled out with the old heart, much more complicated than that as tissue has grown round the wires, apparently it can take over an hour to get it out, it was only when I noticed yet another scar at the bottom where it used to be, I realised it hadn't just been pulled out, then a fellow patient explained it, you learn something every day, take care char

Red18 profile image

Hi Billy. I have angina too. A 70% blockage in LAD. I am trying to manage my atherslorosis through diet and exercise. Look up all SOS007 posts under chloesterol. He is so informative and take note of what he says. I've learnt so much from him. Keep safe and stay positive 🙏

Billy_Bedstead profile image
Billy_Bedstead in reply to Red18

Thank you for the reply Red, I will look at those posts. Hope you are staying well and safe. Look after yourself!

Red18 profile image
Red18 in reply to Billy_Bedstead

Let me know what you think?? Keep well

Billy_Bedstead profile image
Billy_Bedstead in reply to Red18

I've had a look - oh man, there is a wealth of knowledge there, and it is hard won, personally- experienced knowledge. I am now a follower!

Red18 profile image
Red18 in reply to Billy_Bedstead

Honestly he has so so much knowledge. Helped me tremendously. You look after yourself and i'm sure all will be fine.

Billy_Bedstead profile image
Billy_Bedstead in reply to Red18

Thank you so much - thank you for pointing me in the right direction. You take care of yourself too.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Red18

Hi Red

It's strange how Angina affects people differently,

I have a 100% blocked RCA and have had a bypass to my LAD and Circumflex and further stents in the LAD. Even thought the RCA is blocked I don't have any Angina as the others two have a decent flow !! Now if they can fix Heart Failure I will be perfect lol

Hands Face Space and stay away from Boris a magnet for Covid 19

Red18 profile image
Red18 in reply to Prada47

Hellooooo Prada47. It is very strange how angina affects different people??? My angina can go away for 6 months then reappear for a couple of days then go. For me personally I think it is to do with the menopause. Because I sometimes notice that when angina appears it's ugly head, a few days prior I feel like I'm going to have a period. Very strange I know??? Stay safe and I'll give Boris a wide birth lol...

080311 profile image


I had Aortic valve replaced and bypass, waiting is so hard, don’t know much about LCHF diet, I follow the Mediterranean diet recommend by BHF, it’s easy to follow and as I love fish, don’t have a problem. Try and keep as active as you can pre op, that will help.

After surgery, when your in hospital you are given breathing and coughing exercises to do, keep these up when you get home they really help. Remember your lungs have taken a hit as well as your heart they collapse when we are on bypass and need a little help to get back to normal. Also no arms above your head no pull or push movements so no hoovering ironing or mowing the lawn 😂 you have to let your sternum heal 8-10 weeks and you will be good. Gentle walking I used to count lamp posts and try and get to the next one, when I was out again. Don’t be surprised if you get emotional, your brain will be trying to catch up with what your body as been through.

I wish you well take good care Pauline

Billy_Bedstead profile image

Hey Pauline, that's great advice, thank you for replying, I do appreciate it. I will call on favours to get some of those household jobs done!

I'm ok with the Mediterranean diet... I'm pretty much following that now, and in principle it is quite low carb.

You look after yourself and take good care


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