I had what was almost certainly COVID before the first lockdown in 2020. For the next 3 years I'd been defined as a long COVID sufferer. At a pre op for a foot op in March 2023 I was suddenly told I had a heart murmur. This was brand new diagnosis at age of 66. I'm sure I'd never had it before because there is congenital heart issues in my family and I've been checked out. I am personally pretty sure the heart problems ( which were mechanical ) were caused by COVID. Result- replacement aortic valve and repair to severely floppy mitral valve this June. I am now in recovery . Lots of issues with the standard package of drugs but I seem now to have things sorted.
COVID has a lot to answer for - British Heart Fou...
COVID has a lot to answer for

I reckon our family had covid back in the October of 2019 before it was officially christened but we all thought it was bad colds!
Could just be age-related. I developed a heart problem aged 67, but at the end of 2019, before the plague arrived, although I had been to China that year!
You don't think it is more likely due to the fact you have an obvious Genetic propensity for heart disease then?
With all respect this is just a bit typical of the sort of post that ended up getting the subject banned until recently!
Might I ask what you lifestyle is, as in exercise and diet, which may also have a big bearing on things?
I was v fit . Took part in skiff world championship rowing in 2022. . Diet - cook from scratch , not a lot of meat not overweight no diabetes - as consultant says I was not his normal patient. Even the doctors think COVID may have been a contributing factor but as others have said we will never know.
Well, as with a lot of things, there is more they don't know than do I reckon, but personally I think you would be looking at genetic history rather than Covid, it's the first question they ask usually.
Good on you for your lifestyle guess the nick should have given it away!
I remain surprised that NEVER in the past 20 months have I been asked if I've had COVID (I haven't). I've had assessments for a TAVI and recently for fatigue, and two made during visits to A & E. The subsequent reports have noted a skin-cancer scare in 2014 and a nasty insect bite that same year that I've mentioned. I would have thought that had I had COVID, that might relate to my fatigue.
I totally agree. I was fit and healthy up until I had Covid in Jan 21. Over time I was diagnosed with ectopic heartbeats then 4 weeks ago I had a HA. The effects of Covid definitely had a role in all of this. I am due an angiogram next week so will look forward to hearing how much damage if any has been done to my heart.
like you my GP classes me as having Long covid. Never had heart issues. Was still doing 10 mile walks and gym session without symptoms but ended up being told I needed a pace maker that was fitted in July 2022. Covid has definitely, in my opinion, caused subsequent health issues. but we will never know for sure.
I too had Covid 19 October 2020 and was in hospital for 8 months, I was ventilated, tracheostomy, in ITU for 6 months. Now 3 years later, I have long Covid and am still unable to walk. Prior to Covid 19 I was fully mobile and a car driver.
My husband is now my carer.
Good luck to you and hope you are now improving.
I was told at the age of 21 that I had a heart murmur when I went for a job related medical. My GP was annoyed that the other doctor had told me as I had had it apparently since birth and as there was nothing that needed to be done he didn't want me to know, a bit strange but that was 1973. He just said it's better if you didn't have it but it's not a problem. The murmur just got louder as I got older but I have never had any problems with it and I am now waiting for a triple HB but it's not connected.
I had an aortic aneurysm at the root with a subsequent David V (valve sparing) procedure in January 2020. They replaced the damaged aorta and spared my valve. I came down with covid in October of that same year. Follow up CT scans revealed that I had GGO’s (ground glass opacity’s) on the lower lobes of my lungs. This is scaring directly related to having covid. My surgeons office told me they have seen this on many patients following covid. Thank God I didn’t contract covid immediately after my surgery because the coughing etc may have changed my outcome.
hey, I can certainly agreewith what you have said. I have been told my conditions are likely to have been caused by Covid and or the injections we recieved.
This recent research paper helps to displey some of the myths and misleading information.