hi guys. getting a phone consult with cardiologist on monday. first contact since start of covid where i had 2 diagnostic appointments cancelled. i’m a bit nervous as i don’t know what tests were being planned. how are you finding the phone appointments. i’m assuming they’ll have my notes in front of them. any feedback would be appreciated ❤️shiona
phone consult: hi guys. getting a phone... - British Heart Fou...
phone consult

Yea you’ll be fine. Just write down what you want out of the appointment and stick to your guns. The consultant might also mention about your consumption of ‘fruit flans’ so make sure you have a few plausible excuses to hand 😂

🤣trust you. i haven’t had one in a while comecto think of it

😂 xxx
Would be interested in hearing how you get on with the appt. Kevin had a phone consultation with the oncologist last week which wasn't the bestest. He's got a phone consultation with cardiologist in Nov.
Best wishes for Monday x
I've had several phone appts with various consultants, another one today. Have to say Im not impressed as only one was with my actual doctor, the others were with one of the other consultants in that specialty, they don't know me or my story which makes the appt quite difficult, yes they have the notes but they are looking at them from scratch and only able to skim through rather than knowing what's been going on with me as a person, it's like starting all over again 😞 Those of us with a multitude of health issues need continuity not a different doc each appt ! Sadly this is how it's going to be in the future so we will end up a faceless hospital number on the end of the phone rather than being able to have a good relationship with one doctor who knows and understands our history ☹️
oh that’s a shame. but you may be right. according to letter it does say with my cardiologist. so here’s hoping

I have had a number that have ranged from utterly pointless to excellent. The excellent one was wide ranging, lasted 40 minutes and will be followed up a number of blood tests and a face to face. I have a telephone appointment for my annual diabetic eye check. Seeing they always dilate your pupils prior to examination with a slit lamp this verges on the bizarre!
that is bizarre michael. hope your well on the mend now. you’ve certainly been through the mill
I've had 2 retinal screens cancelled and have been told to call back at the end of October to reschedule. The first cancellation was because the 'examiner had Covid', the second was this week where I was told the examiner 'had a rash'!! Too much information! A phone appointment sounds weird!!
Hope you're doing OK Michael.
All the best - Jan
Hi I had video appointment last week and it was almost like being at the hospital. I was very pleased with the whole thing, Very professional so don’t worry and good luck

My on line consultations over the last 6 months have been really good. They can either be with my own Consultant or a Research Fellow.
I now go prepared with an update of how I’ve been, what’s changed, and what I need from the consultation. They have always been up to date with my notes.
I now realise that the ones who don’t know me or my history, and are still really good, are the ones who have the benefit of a good summary letter from my last consultation.
My only concern is how do they hear the heart beat? The first thing they usually do is listen to the heart. If they provided us all with stethoscopes then I suppose we could work out something. Sorry! I'm having a funny morning. Up too early. But I have found them OK but each time have had to ask them to slow down. They seem to pick up speed with no-one opposite them.
Good luck with next Monday.
Unlike Michael I did get my annual diabetic eye check - was due in May, as expected I heard nothing, then call in June saying we're working through the backlog, but someone has just cancelled - can you show up in the morning, so that was that sorted.
I was meant to have my 1st annual ICD check last Tuesday, but that was cancelled, they'll do a download remotely instead . Not particularly bothered as didn't fancy having to travel across Merseyside being as we're now the hotspot for covid-19.
I don't like being cynical but the moment you mention 'private appointment fee', a face to face consultation suddenly becomes possible...
SO true, sad to say. I broke a tooth last month and was told the wait could be up to three months for NHS treatment - or 48 hours if private. Same with the GP, I was quite shocked to hear that when it was time for a chest listen and bloods. I needed the listen and the blood work so that was a no-brainer but it made me angry on behalf of those who for whatever reason can't go private.
I'm six months past due for my annual echo and the only reason I'm not bothering to go private for that is I'm not having any symptoms of impending 'doom' I'm being monitored for. But if I had even the slightest twinge (warning my pericardial effusion is increasing) I'd be on the private table as quick as I possibly could book.