Hi all. I was recently diagnosed with a hole in the heart and heart failure and referred to a specialist at a different hospital for treatment including an operation. I totally appreciate it’s better for me to not be in hospital right now, but it seems I can’t even get a phone consultation with my new specialist. They seem to have lost my referral anyway and when I spoke to the specialists secretary last week, she was even quite rude to me and doesn’t want to take my calls. I have been so stressed out over this as I just want to speak to the specialist, as I was dropped this bomb shell and then left to it. I have so much other stuff going in that I know now is due to the heart failure, which I didn’t know was even part of the condition and the specialist isn’t even aware of. I’ve been lucky that my gp had now put me on water tablets as I was filling with water, but they said the specialist needs to sort the rest out. My husband is going to try the specialists secretary tomorrow and I just wanted to know if many of you were managing to at least get some phone consultations with your cardiologist???
It makes me so angry they can just leave the rest of us to deteriorate.
Take care and stay safe 🌈