I’m an 18 year old female, weighing about 110 lbs (7.86 st) at 5’5. My resting heart rate is really good. Around 65 bpm. I’ve recently been extremely concerned with my heart health, as brisk walking will shoot my heart rate up to 140, and running up to 203. I’ve been living a sedentary lifestyle recently, and I’m wondering if that’s a factor. I also suffer from panic disorder and hypochondria, where during an attack my heart will go up to 160 bpm.
About a year ago, I went to the cardiologist with concerns of shortness of breath and heart palpitations. I got two EKGs, both came back normal. She saw my anxiety, and gave me a 30 day holter monitor to ease my mind. This monitor had someone watching my EKG at all times, and it was normal. I ran 15 minutes everyday on it (it was start and stop, as I was too out of shape to consistently run). I also had a chest x-ray around that time. I recently have had an EKG and blood work done, maybe two weeks ago. Also normal. My blood pressure normally is about 115/65, and during an anxiety attack it can go up to 135/85. Should I be worried enough to get an echocardiogram?
I’m not sure what causes my extreme shortness of breath, high heart rate, and dizziness during exercise, but I think it may be exercise induced panic attacks; which is not talked about often. I just don’t want to take up doctors’ valuable time and limited resources. However, I do feel as though I should be better safe than sorry. I’ve heard multiple times in sports such as soccer, football, and basketball that players die of sudden cardiac arrest, or heart attack, and it freaks me out. I don’t want that to happen to me. Any advice?