Need to vent.. I am off for a Cardiac MRI Viability test this afternoon to have a look at the structure of my LV as stated in my post earlier.
But this morning I had a Doctors appointment or so I thought. It turns out it was a telephone consultation. I am Deaf/HOH , i lipread 😷i cannot hear on the phone very well and multi national accents are a No Go. My son made the appointment and nothing was mentioned about a telephone one.
All I need is a Sick note until I am tested for Brugada then I can go back to university and finish my MA.
The best bit is the missed call number on my mobile is not even my surgery(5 minutes away) it is at the main surgery 15 miles away. Give me strength.🤬
How can I see my cardiologist face to face with an interpreter but I cannot see my GP face to face..what is going on at surgeries?..They are up to something behind locked doors..I now have to wait to find out if he wants to see me or he can write one without. I mean it's not like he hasn't got my notes on a screen is it..
Somebody's head is going to start to roll if I am not sorted out soon. Heart wise as well. Enough is Enough it is hard enough being deaf dealing with Stupid and stupid .