Ive had a pain in my chest on & off for a week or so & doc gave me a gtn spray to try. Well, I could have cut my leg off & not noticed due to the most painful headache Ive ever had! Certainly got rid of the chest pain but I think that will be getting binned!
gtn spray: Ive had a pain in my chest... - British Heart Fou...
gtn spray

Trust me it's a side effect of gtn,I have angina and use it regularly, but it's worth the headache I think.
You will get used to the headache, don’t bin the GTN!!
I found headaches were most severe when first using GTN, less so after a couple of weeks. Lying down for a few minutes also helped, (this also helped the angina).
Like Lonmayloon, after the first few uses of the GTN I had less headache (and other even less 'pleasant' side effects'), and after about three weeks, no side effects at all - just a near immediate blissful relief from the angina pain.
I was making sure to be sitting or lying down but have now got to a point I could probably 'take it on the fly' - before the lockdown I still made sure to at least have a safe clean wall to lean against if the angina hits whilst out and about - I planned my walking exercise route specifically to be sure of benches and walls.
Owing to the lockdown, I do laps on the goat track running perpendicular to my home - no benches or walls to lean on but I do a pre-walk warm-up and a hit of the spray to prevent angina - so far it's working well for me.
Don't give up on it just yet - give it a month before deciding if it is/isn't for you.
Goat track, Sunnie? Do you have to share your walk with goats?
We call it a goat track but it's more a pony and cart track - been here for the past two hundred years and never widened or paved, barely wide enough for a car to travel and then that takes some serious consideration before getting in and out - we have to go around a 200yr old wash house to line up safely to get to our house and then back out onto the main road.
When we bought the house we were informed (warned) an ambulance or fire engine would never be able to drive down owing to the narrowness of entry-exit-transit and emergency services would have to walk in from the main road.
Needless to say, we love it here - and we are very careful about fire!
Sounds perfect. I spent a holiday in the Brecon Beacons years ago in a cottage like that. I looked at it a couple of years ago on googlemaps and they've put a proper road down - not the same
🙋♂️I want a goat 🐐 track.... I’ll look on amazon 😁
I definitely agree with what others have said. Don’t risk your life for the sake of avoiding a temporary headache. You said the GTN spray got rid of the chest pain. Remember there’s a reason for that!
I've found that as there are different makes of GTN sprays, some give you a headache some don't. Try a different one. I use Nitrolingual spray, it's in a red clear container.
Thanks for replies but Ive not even been diagnosed with angina! The doc just suspected it & gave me the spray to try. I think Ill just wait & until Ive seen a cardiologist.
Apart from the 9 outa 10 headache ( vs 2-3 out 10 chest pain) I read on the PIL that I cannot drive, drink alcohol or take viagra if Im on this!
Im really not sure Im going to use this stuff!
Not sure that you should be taking Viagra while drinking and driving 😉. I saw a doctor about indigestion, only to be given a GTN spray to try. Because it stopped the pain my indigestion was upgraded to angina. GTN use resulted in headaches with me too. I also suffer from Cluster Headaches. I will take the GTN headaches over the others, any day. Thankfully I am no longer in need of the GTN. Good luck and stay safe.
Yes that's what GTN does. Don't bin it but you coudl ask your GP if tablets may be better.