I’m feeling pretty apprehensive about Boris’s address to the nation tonight. I do understand that it is important to get the economy moving again. However, will people see this as a green light to resume normal life. What are peoples thoughts/ feelings?
7pm tonight : I’m feeling pretty... - British Heart Fou...
7pm tonight
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There was a consensual agreement that all 4 nations in the UK should have the same restrictions in place unless anything greatly changes- taking Wales announcement at face valve I am not convinced we are expecting any great changes today. Also I did read somewhere our R number estimate had been rising again and I am pretty sure avoiding a second peak remains Boris‘ priority. But hey- could be completely wrong.
Hi Boo-boo1
I live in Scotland and from listening to Nichola Sturgeon I don’t think we will be changing to much, she is not convinced that the R is low enough, but we will see. I would hope that all 4 nations would have the same rules or people are going to get confused.
The one thing everyone wants to avoid is a second wave. Will have to see what Boris says tonight.
Stay safe Pauline

I don't feel much will change
The garden centres will open.....not that I am allowed to go.
I just get a look from my daughter whenever I mention going out into the bigger world.
Ooooo, just think of them beautiful clematis’s looking for a good home 🏠
We don't know what will be said yet!
Still don't know what Moris Bonkson said after that speech. 🙄
Well bo jo said his bit last night.im 100% certain it's still a massive threat this covid19. I like alot of people am on the shield list there was no mention of us ,I can not work from home I'm a painter &decorator, customer care.i very been at home since march and I will not throw all mine and my families sacrifices away.i will shield until its fully safe...ps what the hell does stay alert mean stupid saying in my mind.
Stay Alert means exactly what it says Stay Alert. I asked a 9 year old what does it mean and he replied BE Careful
It's time for change albeit slowly slowly otherwise we are in Lockdown Permanently. It would be interesting to know what the alternative is, No NHS, No State Pension, these have to be Paid for by Income Tax no one Working No one Pays Tax.
Lets face it if your under 40 and in reasonable Health Covid 19 is not the end of the World.
Most people it Kills are Old with an Underlying Health Condition !!
Or they have a Health Condition which is Life Threating so they Need to Be Very Careful in Their Normal Every Day Life ALWAYS.
Harsh but True
What I worry about is the Fact that the Media Think we are all Stupid and don't understand the Risks etc, and we need the Government to Direct us in everything we do.
On a different note I thought this Country is the United Kingdom, not 4 separate parts. Time to say Goodbye to Nicola, Mark and Arlene Beyond Belief
Stay Alert ( Be Careful )
Yes of course we are not all stupid, but an employer might have a completely different take on the advice to a worker, particularly with an underlying illness, so without a clear definition, it's all a bit woolly! Dominic Rabb when just asked" how far can you drive for exercise " He said the confines of your country,not county, I live on the coast, so next weekend expect carparks full of travellers from London and beyond. Heading for the beach.
Hi it can only be Woolly it can't be anything else !! We are a Country of 67 million with England accounting for around 85 % of that Number.
When you have First Ministers and the Media Grandstanding confusing the electorate you not only have Woolly you have Chaos.
Stay Alert your Country needs Lerts
I live in Scotland and our R is higher than in England, that’s the reason she as chosen to not go as far as Boris, we have a Parliament here in Edinburgh and it makes numerous decisions different to England. We were behind England when the pandemic started so we are obviously behind where you are now.
I think most people are aware of the words “Stay Alert”, even 9 year olds as you say, but it’s applying it in the context of Coronavirus that is more difficult.
If there was a terrorist alert in then city people might be more vigilant and report unattended suspicious packages. If there was a weather alert they might be less likely to travel long distances. If I spotted a crowd of people draped in the Union Jack shouting the benefits of Brexit I would be more alert to the dangers of voicing my support for Nicola Sturgeon in my Scottish accent.
But stay alert to Coronavirus when the particle has a diameter of 125 nm and carriers or sufferers can be asymptomatic that is more than a little bit vague. You say that it is quite simple, “be careful”. Well what do you mean by be careful?
A whole host of people have said they are confused by the message from Johnson and I include myself in that number. Dominic Raab has had to clarify his interpretation so obviously he’s confused.
No amount of repeating it is making it any clearer.
be careful means you would need to be pretty foolish to vote for independence If this hasn't opened peoples eyes I don't know what would. How would you Pay for the furlough of staff.
Stay Alert
Make Britain Great Again
Get Brexit Done
It's Our Country Let's Win It Back
Forward, Together
Strong and Stable
Stay Alert.
Which of the above slogans do you agree with and what do they mean?
And for what it's worth my favourite is
Stay In The Hoose 'n' Wash Yer hands
Doesn't need ANY explaining
The People of Scotland Voted to remain in the UK ( Twice ) what bit of Democracy do you and Nicola not understand,
Stay Alert is my favourite it's simple and Straight forward, even a child can understand that !!
If the Scots don't want to go back to Work fine, you pay for them from your Tax take not the UKs.
I am all in favour of a further Referendum I wish Boris was as well.
Stay Alert
from 1980 until 2017 I was resident in Scotland.
Aww, are ye Ragin’?
Why are you bringing politics into it?
No can't be bothered. I rest my case on the Facts The People voted to Stay Twice !!!
Stay Alert`
ps I was one of the Lucky ones got out just before the Property Market collapsed.
And why are you bringing politics into it?
I’m not aware of two independence referendums, have I missed something?
Yes you have, clearly your not Alert !!! LOL
Stay Alert
2014 55% for Staying 45% to Leave ring a bell ??
Clearly you’re not alert. That is one vote, when was the other? You said we voted twice.
Once again, why are you bringing politics into it?
Because I have you hook line and sinker
Prada isn't just a name brand. Prada is a nickname given to the best hype man EVER! No joke, he will hype you up like no freaking tomorrow, you feel like you're soaring through the high heavens, capable of doing absolutely anything possible. He is just that amazing of a dude. He is always positive, always there for you, and just an incredible, all around person. Everyone needs a Prada in their life. 🤔
I feel confused. He spoke much and said little. It's made things harder then ever for the police. Simply, I'm staying put for now.

I agree we are doing the same. It’s ridiculous, is it me or what. You can play golf as long as it’s with family? Why don’t we be really careful and just protect lives by staying at home!!!

Good idea Southcoast, you must be one of the Retired Ones like Me who can stay put ! We will live off the Others who need to go to Work to Pay for Us.
Stay Alert your Country Needs Lerts
Just as the rest of the UK is doing
Omg he has said try to go to work so everyone that can has made the move TODAY and now it’s NO NO NO we mean WEDNESDAY. What a shambolic way to run the country. NOW we are going to monitor airports after 7 weeks !!!!!!?????? I am 71 years old as is my husband who is vulnerable , how long do we stay in for? who makes this decision?
We are not prepared to negate our self isolation. We will not be going any further than the garden.
Sorry yes I know we are all vulnerable over seventy . I classed my husband as vulnerable because he has had his letter from the NHS to say he is vulnerable.This means he has to be extra careful. We will make the decision as to what to do after the twelve weeks as no one seems to be mentioning this. We will definitely not be venturing out.
It's okay queuing in line 2 meters apart but when in shop supermarket goes to pieces people walk by as if about to hug you they are not ready for lifting
Restrictions yet and why are they not using gp surgery's to do tests
Even in normal times the gp surgery you can hardly see them
Fortunately I live in New Zealand and have now been a victim of the UK government and its shambolic handling of the covid 19 pandemic.
What's the point of locking down and shielding with strick border controls?
God knows how many thousands of cases have been imported over the last few weeks.
This failure alone totally undermines the fantastic effort of the NHS and the UK population in general.
Kia Ora Fergie
It is impossible for a country like the UK to impose a system of Border Controls like NZ did. We have Ferries and Trains coming from all over Europe. So you jump on a Plane in China/India/Pakistan and fly to any European City catch a Train/Ferry and come to the UK ?
No point in catching says 10 people with Corona on a plane, and then find 50 have come through a Port or a Railway station.
Please refrain from slagging Off MY Government you Opted Out of that Privilege when you Left.
Stay Alert Stay Safe
Border control means all borders, the airports are just an example.
There is no point in isolation when the UK continues to import new cases through its borders, you will be in and out of lock downs till a virus is found.
Having friends and family, some working for the NHS, in the UK, still having UK citizenship and previously fighting for the UK whilst serving in the army does allow me to have an opinion but as per your wishes the government was shit when I left and sadly nothing has changed so I will not comment further.
Take care and stay safe.
How would you ease the lockdown ??
I Know I struggle to think of how do we get People back to Work ??
We have to go to Work my Binman has worked all through the Crisis. Tesco, ASDA, Waitrose, Aldi, Lidl etc etc have all worked through the Crisis.
Stay at Home hasn't meant much to these workers. It's becoming more Political by the Minute, Roll on Brexit
Stay at Home, No need to Go to Work Anymore !!!
Stay Alert Your country needs Lerts as though we don't have enough already.
I would ease the lockdown by sending all the over 70,s back outside.what a stupid statement how would I ease the lockdown.would you have walked about in the blitz .we are governed by our elected government, i have spoken to the firm i sub too,the building trade promise sole working in their new houses,unless there is one upstairs and one downstairs.what happens when we need to swapping if it's safe why are they increasing fines for breaking the social distancing rules.my wife is a front line worker nhs,she as not missed a single day at work ,she never tells me all she says you are not going anywhere until it's safe.thats from one of the many who are working and risking their lifes daily
I think each of us just has to make up our own mind about the level of risk we are prepared to take based on our particular circumstances. Staying alert means always having the risk of the virus in our mind.
Living in N. Wales we are bracing ourselves for the influx of visitors who will see lifting of restrictions as an open invite to travel here. Unfortunately we are still restricted for another 3 weeks so we can't escape over the border ourselves. I shall continue to use common sense and bleach to keep myself and partner healthy, but not everybody has the same outlook and unfortunately we are the ones who have to deal with the consequences of the actions of the stupid.
I agree with your observations.
I think the Government/Boris are trying to not be Overly Prescriptive and it Just looks like they Don't know what they are doing !! What a difficult Line to Walk Down.
Be Alert Stay Safe
I do commend Boris for his passion and drive. However, I found Boris’s bluster and apparent need to motivate us created confusion around key logistical issues and messaging pertaining to the evidence based science underpinning the roadmap. I do feel Professor Whitty would have given a more succinct address and clearer guidelines rather than a ‘half-time team talk’
Whatever he said, people round here seem to think everything's back to normal; groups hanging around, shops full and heaven help the garden centre when it opens. My husband who is 75 is absolutely convinced that he will be going on a booked weekend in July by coach then a hotel to see Kew Gardens with thousands of other people. I've told him he would come home to find the doors locked until he'd isolated himself for 2 weeks. Idiot!
Of course if you are like me with a heart condition /“higher risk” group we will definitely be concerned. Whatever the government announce is in some ways Irrelevant.
it is your own personal risk that is the thing to decide. Once the number of people in the UK with CV virus drops to an extremely low level, The chances of becoming infected from somebody whilst out on the streets (as it were) become extremely low. This becomes even lower if you do you not live in large cities such as London, Birmingham and the rest. At the moment with heading towards 30,000 dead and the rate of infection is still reasonably high – I for one will certainly not be relaxing anything at all except to travel more freely around ( shop walk etc)while still maintaining social distancing. I wish you all the best and hope this advice is of some use to you it’s quite plain logical thinking if you think about it –nick
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