Twelve days since my HA and stent fitting. Still struggling at night to sleep any suggestions would be helpful
Sleep: Twelve days since my HA and... - British Heart Fou...

Are you uncomfortable at night (ok, in slight-ish pain) or is something else disturbing your rest? Are you sleeping with your upper body elevated - that helps just about everyone with a heart condition, especially those recovering from angioplasty or more invasive procedures.
Have you telephoned the doctor to ask about the specific reason you're having trouble sleeping?
No no pain just anxiety I think. I sleep slightly elevated but may look to add another pillow. Think it’s just the shock of things. Will keep going and hopefully it will improve.
Anxiety - oh how I understand! I've not had a heart attack or stents but I definitely understand anxiety. I had a heart wobble last year when my recurrent pericarditis flared and until all the tests and scans were completed (including angiogram to see if the chest pain on exertion was from blocks), I was quite frankly terrified to do more than walk from sofa/bed to bathroom or kitchen. I was convinced the slightest move would bring on a heart attack. And I was afraid to sleep, I did lie there wondering if I fell asleep would I wake up again.
Dreadful time, between what was finally diagnosed as angina with clear coronaries, the acute flare of the pericarditis, and the discovery of pericardial scarring and effusion on top of a scarred aortic valve, I was a complete wreck. I even checked my will to be sure all my ducks were in a neat row, and forced my poor husband to learn how to use the microwave.
What helped? Keeping a twice daily log of blood pressure, temperature, and symptoms helped quite a bit. Also checking in with the cardiac nurse a few times when I was really at a point of full-blown panic helped.
But what really helped the most was reading and posting here on the forum - it is SO helpful to read other experiences and how they coped.
Hi Al. I had my heart attack and stent February 2019. The stress stopped me from sleeping properly. I don’t wake up in a panic during the night any more (well not about my heart at least). I tend to worry about my family in this current situation, so back to normal really 😂. Camomile tea is helpful for better sleep. Give yourself a routine for bed and getting up. I’m rather than laying there looking at the ceiling I found it helpful to get out of bed and look out of the window. Don’t put lights on if you get up during the night. Drink decaf tea or coffee after lunch as caffeine can keep you awake. Don’t worry you’ll get there.
You will get there. Try and be.positive. I've said before on here it took me 2 years under a psychiatrist to get over mine. But that was 20 years ago. Thoughts are with you. Good luck
AI16, same here, its been 4 days and constantly waking around 3-4 am. I am however trying to re-jig sleep patterns without taking Nytol.
Sad things is I have to have another Stent fitted in 3 weeks.
Yep one step at a time I will get there with the help of my wife.
FYI I had left artery stent and have to go back in for right in 3 weeks
Oh joy 😷🤯
You will be like new