Minor Chest Pains: Hi there. I hope... - British Heart Fou...

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Minor Chest Pains

Bennydog42 profile image
10 Replies

Hi there. I hope everyone is doing very well. I suffer from extreme anxiety and depression. I also have Aspergers, Osteoporosis

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Bennydog42 profile image
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Bennydog42 profile image

That post went off half cocked.. 😄 I was going on to say that I also have Gerd/Gord? Gastric reflux. Three years ago last March. I had two stents fitted. It took me ages to recover. I have managed to get my meds to a place where I’m not too bad. I take Ramipril 5mg daily for high bp. Plus 20mg avorastatin. For a while I have had minor pains in my chest. I’m sure that some of them are due to the acid reflux. But I get occasional pin prick type pain that pricks me and then goes. This can happen at any time. Because of my anxiety, I can feel my bp rising due to worry when this happens. It has been a bit worse over the last few weeks due to the lockdown. My question is this. Has anyone else had this pin prick type pain? I can put up with it. It’s the worry that makes me feel really crap.. thanks in advance..

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Bennydog42

Have you checked with your GP, reported the chest pains? If no, please do Monday morning - it could be nothing but it should be investigated to be sure. At the very least it will go miles relieving your anxiety.

Please do contact your GP first thing Monday morning - there will be a duty GP on at least even though the surgeries all over the UK are shuttered. They are answering their telephone lines and will have the GP on the line (or he/she will telephone you back, usually within an hour or so) for a telephone consult.

And please do update us after you talk with the surgery.

Bennydog42 profile image
Bennydog42 in reply to Sunnie2day

Thank you. I will do as you say. It is common sense advice. Because of my anxiety I tend to stick my head in the ground. I didn’t get all the information I needed after my stents. I let it go, because it was easier to do so. My Aspergers causes me stress because nobody ever has the time to explain things to be in the detail I need. The anxiety causes my bp to raise, which is a vicious circle. I’m trying to calm myself now. It isn’t easy in these difficult times.. 🙁

Nathan53 profile image
Nathan53 in reply to Bennydog42

The chest pain issue does get confusing as the symptoms of angina, Gerd and other gastro problems can be alike and make it difficult to establish the true cause. Don't make assumptions as Sunnie says contact your GP on Monday and if your symptoms get worse before ring 111 for advice. Although times are difficult in the NHS I was listening to a Cardiologist on Radio 4 the other day saying he was concerned that there had been a 50% drop in people presenting in A&E with chest pain. He said that the system was still geared up to assist with any chest pain and encouraged people not to ignore symptoms.

As you say your anxiety level will be raised anyway so stress or your gastro problems could well be the cause.

Definitely speak to GP though. Maybe make a list of your symptoms, when they happen, and that they are troubling and worrying you. When things settle with Covid get an appointment with GP to talk through your heart problems and what was established 3 yrs back when you had stents, is there anyone you would feel happy with going with you as it's always useful to have someone with you that can catch the things you may miss.

Many of us will recall that feeling of not getting enough information upon discharge from hospital so that not your fault. You can also still request a copy of your medical records going back 3 years and the hospital PALS team can help you with this, perhaps when a bit of normality comes back which it will. Let us know how you get on. Better days will come but it is hard at the moment

Bennydog42 profile image
Bennydog42 in reply to Nathan53

Thanks, Nathan..

Squash1961 profile image

Hi there

I’m 5 weeks on after a HA and 2 stents and still get the pin prick pain in the chest especially after exercise. If you look through many posts on this site you will find that it is fairly typical, as part of the healing process. Having said that, since you are 3 years after a stent, I would get it checked out. Good luck!

CraftyGirl72 profile image

I have a stress/anxiety related heart condition and it was ok for months and months then the world went crazy!

I have been getting mild chest pains/tightness over last few weeks, I know it is me worrying that is causing it but will checķ in with my GP if it gets worse/when the madness is over.

I chose to lock myself down over a week before the government said to try keep my worry down (I was mocked by friends) but for me it was right thing... I even limit my news consumption as it was overwhelming me!

Day 35 and I've only gone slightly mad!

Take care and stay safe!

Bennydog42 profile image
Bennydog42 in reply to CraftyGirl72

Thank you for your reply. I’m sure that my heart problem was caused by my stress anxiety issues. I was very fit physically, but I stress about everything. I was lucky that I didn’t have a HA. The stents saved my life.. If I didn’t have the mental health issues, I’m sure that I would have recovered much faster, it took me two years before I felt like I was getting back to normal. But I haven’t got back to the way I was pre stent, but I’m not too bad. Like you, I started to self-isolate a week before the lockdown. I’m on my own, with my dog. I only have my brother to talk to, by phone. He works long shifts, so it’s only every couple of days, for half an hour or so. I’m trying to stay on an even keel, but it is difficult. Every worry is amplified now. It doesn’t help that my “Room 101” is illness and hospitals.. This Coronavirus pandemic is my worst nightmare.. I’ve stopped watching live television, because it’s all so dammed depressing.. All my CBT exercises have stopped working too🙄.. I hope things get better for you, and once again, thanks for your message..

Nathan53 profile image
Nathan53 in reply to Bennydog42

Hello Bennydog Have you seen the other forum on here 'Positive Wellbeing During Self Isolation'. It could be a way of maintaining contact with other and getting some ideas on coping during this period of isolation. Are you going for walks with your dog?

Well keep in touch and check out that other forum

Bennydog42 profile image
Bennydog42 in reply to Nathan53

Hi Nathan. Yes the dog goes out in the early morning when there is nobody about. But other than that my exercise has been suspended. I was walking between 3.5 and 7 miles a day. I’m now so scared of catching Coronavirus that I don’t go out other than for the dog’s, walk. I will check out the other forum. Thank you. 👍

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