Apparently anyone that is deemed to be at higher risk will be contacted by NHS from Monday 23rd to advise if there is any action they need to follow. Just carry on washing and keeping your distance from other if you have to go out.
Candesartan : Apparently anyone that... - British Heart Fou...

Thanks for info.
IDPJ and cowparsley
HD comes in the high risk group unless you have any other serious illness you will not get a letter .
Letters will be going out to those that are in a even higher risk group
hope link explain more .
Today have been informed even if you live with someone you should be isolating from them as well .
Bit difficult for two people if you only have one room .
can i ask what Candesartan has to do with the high risk thing?
Just curious as to the title of the post, sorry if i sound like i'm nit picking - as a perosn who enjoys my daily dose of the above medication, i was curious as to its special relevance...

Apparently it increases the risk of complications with Corona Virus
OK, thanks.
I was on 32mg until i had a bad turn the other week and got whisked off to A&E. They have now put me back to 16mg for the time being. Will be interesting to see if they put me back up to 32mg now i'm 'alledgedly' recviering form my episode, or if they'll remove me altogether.
Ant chance i'll survive to start my degree at Uni? At 56, i've waited a long time to get an excuse to go to Uni and it would be a shame to lose th eopportunity now

I wouldn't be too concerned bout your Uni course no credence has been given to the ARBS & Aces's issue. But go you doing the Uni course, good luck with it.
The list also includes
Any one on
Blood presure Meds even if BP uncontrol
Anyone on Blood thinners
Anyone with Asthma
Over the age of 60 with health issues
Anyone with COPD
Anyone with Suppressed immune System
Anyone with Adrenal issues or on long term Steroid use
Thier are more but unable to remember them ,the more boxes you tick the higher risk you are and from weekend should be isolating even from people you live with .
Difficult I know or should I say impossible

Thanks as ever for your good sense and explanation Chappychap.
Perhaps we should ask you to brief the forum at regular intervals😊
I agree. My understanding is that the group that have the greatest vulnerability, such as cancer patients organ transplant etc are the group that will be contacted. They're the group that will need to self isolate (in addition to those showing symptons) everyone else needs to practice social distancing with those having certain medical conditions to be more vigilant in social distancing??
I was only going from infomatoin posted from another HU site and had no intention of scaring anyone .
Posted one of the links but unable to find the other
Apologies if I miss understood
Cant find the other link
Agree that we are all scared and no intention was meant to make it any worse .
Think means everyone on this forum anyone everyone take care hope we’ll get thru this