I dont know if anyone can help me but I have been put on morphine liquid and they want to put me on the tablet form has anyone else been through this
Can anyone help : I dont know if anyone... - British Heart Fou...
Can anyone help

Hello Nanasboys. Sorry i cant be of much help. But if you google the question your asking. There maybe answers for you. I have just done it. And it is a minefield of information. Seems to be used mainly for cancer patients. I do hope you get some help and relief from pain soon Brian

Hi Nanasboys
Why have they prescribed your morphine?
I am given liquid morphine oramorph and modified release morphine tablets when I come home from a hospital admission.
I wean off both in a week and then back to paracetamol and codeine.
An Oramorph bottle once opened has to be used up within 3 months.
Have you been given tablets because you don't use the liquid morphine up before the bottle goes out of date?
If so that might be the reason to changing to tablets?
I have got a few spine fractures and found out I have fractured my L1 and there is nothin they can do for me so they put me on morphine because the pain is so bad they have said having it in tablet form would be better because I get a slow release all the time I'm also on paracetamol and codeine I don't know if having the tablet form would help
Hi Nanasboys
I am sorry to hear you have so much pain in your life. I acknowledge how it can be physically and emotionally draining.
Have you been referred to a Pain Management Specialist?
They helped advise on my pain management. I also attended a Pain Management Programme run by psychologists, physiotherapists and Clinical nurse specialist in pain.
I found it very helpful.
The slow release morphine tablets maybe more helpful as it means you have a slow constant release of morphine and may mean you don't need as much morphine over all.
The side effects of morphine are not great. You can eat only so many prunes.
I hope you find some ease from your pain soon.
Hi, I have 4 spinal fracture, L1/L2, L3 and T12. I was put on Fentanyl patches and Oramorph.
Liquid Morphine effect is immediate but equally soon can wear off. But you can get slow release capsules that can have a lasting effect for up to 12 hours. I spent at least a year taking up to 60mg in capsule form twice per 24 hours.
Alas any Morphine has some side effects, especially probable is constipation, and weight loss; also you keep needing a higher dose to get the same pain relief effect.