I realise there are a lot of diets spawning a whole industry. Small newsagents usually have a few diet magazines like WW, SW, some healthy eating and a few vegetarian ones. Today I passed a large WH Smiths and went in to look at the car and motorcycle magazines. When I turned round I noticed the shelves behind me were full of diet magazines including 800 Calorie, Keto, Plant Based, Vegan and Vegetarian. I do wonder how many they actually sell? Does anyone here buy one? I just had to take some photos. The one posted is about half. If I succeed in merging the two photos (left and right) I will amend the photo (can only post one). This is the left hand side :
Diet Industry Gone Mad: I realise there... - British Heart Fou...
Diet Industry Gone Mad

Big money making business!!
There seems to be an article every weekend in my paper promoting a diet (and a book) , and now we're in January there's nothing but diet advice!
I used to buy the WW magazine from WW. I attended years ago and lost 2 stone in weight. Doc said it was the best diet for diabetes. I’ve since put the weight back on but that’s due to a number of medical things. I still use their recipes.
Amazing! Just cut out processed food, watch portion sizes and exercise - you don't need a magazine to do that.
I must have a look next time I am in Smiths as I cannot imagine how they fill the pages. Maybe illustrations of vegetables. I once asked where the asparagus was in a supermarket and the Saturday assistant said they did not know what it was!
I buy them now and again! In fact I bought one just the other day called BBC goodfood's Healthy (funny title I know). I get them to expand my recipe list. Sometimes I feel I'm getting stuck in a rut and it's good to try new things. I'm sure if you bought them frequently you'd find there are only so many recipes on this planet and repetition would set in.
Have you looked at the BHF recipes, we use them a lot
A friend of mine used to work in a hotel that had a gym that was open to the public (membership) and he always used to say there would be a huge rise in new members in January, and by March almost all of them had stopped visiting but still paying subs

I was in a large Waterstones yesterday. They have promotional tables of books such as biographies, "buy one get one half price", celebrity chefs, etc. One that stood out was all about veganism and vegan cookery. The choice was staggering but I imagine it's part of the new year, new you thing! I half watched (background whilst doing something else) "Lose Weight Well" yesterday but found is all rather underwhelming!
Coincidently this is hot topic on our local radio this morning. There was a Dr talking about different diets and one of the things discussed was the difference between vegatarian & vegan. He did say a vegan diet is a healthy diet providing it is done properly, it's important to get the right vitamins etc, but it's also important not to preach to others about it!!
I could recommend this enough