Should I continue bisoprolol - British Heart Fou...

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Should I continue bisoprolol

Papazzz profile image
49 Replies

I just had my 24hour ambulatory check. Averagely, 130/90. I am placed on bisoropolol to reduce my heart rate. I have just used the first dose and I am skeptical about continuing. Please advice.

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Papazzz profile image
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49 Replies
NorthantsSteve profile image

Hi Papazzz. Wondering why you’re sceptical. I’m on Bisoprolol after having a heart attack and a stent 3 years ago. Started off on 1.25mg and put up to 2.5 as the Doc was keen to up the dose as high as possible as long as I could take the side effects. Over the years I’ve got fitter and eat better and have lost weight and my heart rate (never high in the first place) is lower. So I’m going to ask if it’s worthwhile lowering next regular visit. I think it does make me feel tired and I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat but I think it’s worth it if it helps me avoid another heart attack. Please don’t just stop without taking the advice of your Doctor/cardiologist. What was the reason given for you going on the? What is it that worries you?

Papazzz profile image
Papazzz in reply to NorthantsSteve

So, my recent check was 120/90. But d doc said my heart rate was running @ 100/...and he wanted to give me drugs to calm d fast rate. However, my check on Google shows it is used to treat BP, my BP over time has not been that high. So, I am assuming the fast rate could had been due to anxiety.. Today I checked, it was @ 98/... My major concern is that the use of bisoprolol is a continuous...and u can't just stop. It thought it was just a one off.. I am at d gym to shred weight.

NorthantsSteve profile image
NorthantsSteve in reply to Papazzz

Hi. The Bisoprolol stops adrenaline from getting to your heart and speeding it up. So

It’s definitely going to help slow down your heart rate. Anxiety can speed up your heart but that seems consistently high. It is possible to stop taking them but you need to do that under supervision as your heart rate could go back up again and that could cause serious problems. My suggestion is that you give them a go. I’ve been on them for 3 years and I’m OK. You definitely want to avoid a heart attack! But definitely talk to your Doctor before stopping.

What dose are you on?

Papazzz profile image
Papazzz in reply to NorthantsSteve

Statin for cholesterol

NorthantsSteve profile image
NorthantsSteve in reply to Papazzz

What size tablets of bisoprolol?

Papazzz profile image
Papazzz in reply to NorthantsSteve


NorthantsSteve profile image
NorthantsSteve in reply to Papazzz

That’s not a high dose. You could go down to 1.25mg if you found it hard going. This isn’t a drug that you can get addicted to so don’t worry about that.

Papazzz profile image
Papazzz in reply to NorthantsSteve

So, yesterday was my first day of using it. I have not used today's dose. I want to think my body shall react to it as an error by using it just once. Does this make sense? I am of the opinion it is either I am being treated for high BP or no treatment at all. I don't think 2.5mg shall do much for treatment??

NorthantsSteve profile image
NorthantsSteve in reply to Papazzz

Hi Papazzz. 2.5mg will help your high heart rate come down. For what it’s worth - you’ve been given this med for a reason and, if you’re overweight and have high cholesterol (and your blood pressure is at the high end of normal) then you’re at risk. Obviously it’s up to you whether or not you take it - but it’s a high risk strategy. I didn’t have any warning of my heart attack (and I wasn’t at high risk) but was lucky enough to survive. There are many that don’t.

GuitarAngel profile image
GuitarAngel in reply to NorthantsSteve

Hi , I have been on them 10-11 years along with other meds they work really well.

GRANDPUPA profile image
GRANDPUPA in reply to Papazzz

I've been on Bisoprolol for some time but, discontinued overtime (by weaning & tapering off) as I got better.

From my experience, Bisoprolol is more of slowing the heart rate than lowering BP if you don't go higher than 2.5mg. It affects the bp only if you go 5mg or higher. Good luck to you.

Sunnie2day profile image

Bisoprolol isn't just for BP. I'm on it (1.25mg+300mg aspirin every morning) and have to say I love that little white tab - I honestly have not felt this good since 2010. I'm responding to it very well, the side effects (useless after 9pm the first few weeks now useless after 11pm, slow to feel fully awake in the morning, and oh yes, my fav, the stubborn weight gain...well, let's just say for me the benefits outweigh the side effects - for me. Your experience may be different and you should talk with your medical team if you have concerns.

I don't have high BP, I'm on it to slow my heart rate and 'calm' what my cardiologist calls 'an exceptionally strong heart beat', and it is doing the job splendidly.

Dr Google doesn't have your case history in hand. Dr Google deals in generalisations - only your GP and cardiology team have access to your records, and the training required to make sound judgements regarding what medications are best for your specific needs. Talk to them about your concerns, they'll be able to explain more fully why you're on the beta blocker and why your dosage is where they've set it.

I understand you're not happy about what looks like a lifelong medication regime - I was the same way. But two weeks into taking that tablet every morning I realised I was doing SO much better and the only thing I could put that well-being down to was...the Bisoprolol. I could cheerfully take that little white tab every morning for the rest of what I hope will be a long pain free life.

Papazzz profile image
Papazzz in reply to Sunnie2day

How long have you been using the drug? What dosage/mg?? . Does everyday drug not affect the liver?? Weight gain 😖?? I am trying to shed weight, I weigh 106kg!! Pardon me, I am a finance guy, not a medic!!

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Papazzz

As I wrote in my comment - I'm on 1.25mg once a day. I take my Bisoprolol with a 300mg aspirin tablet every morning. I've been on it since late April 2019. It does not cause liver (or kidney) damage.

You have my deepest empathy re the weight - I was already struggling to lose and the Bisoprolol does make shifting the weight harder. If you're working in finance it is even harder - all those hours over spreadsheets and on the phone and not being able to schedule regular walking and other work-outs is not helping. I was a statistician (I'm retired now) - I know a thing or two about being chained to a desk crunching numbers and how hard the work makes taking a walk break!

But the benefits I've had from the medication are, for me, acceptable - the worst thing is the weight and if I force myself out the door twice a day to walk (I'm proud and not ashamed to say this - I'm now up to a mile in the morning and another in the evening!), the weight is now very v e r y v e r y slowly coming off. Too slowly to suit me but my medical team is happy.

What dose are you on and when do you take yours?

Papazzz profile image
Papazzz in reply to Sunnie2day

2.5mg. I am also on statin. I am just 27years. Took the first and only dose so far 1am yesterday.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Papazzz

Oh ouchie - that's so early in the morning! Do you have to be up at that hour to be in the office for the Asian market openings? I had a job like that for about two years, I had a horrible time readjusting my body clock when that job ended!

When they put you on the statins did they explain possible side effects with you? I'm not on those so I have no experience with that particular medication but I do know it's to do with getting cholesterol under control.

And anywhere along the way did any of the medical team talk to you about counselling to cope with having heart problems at such a young age?

I've had heart trouble most of my life - I'm 63 (female) and developed Rheumatic Heart Syndrome after a strep throat infection went unnoticed (I was and am a tough little nut:) ) until it became rheumatic fever. When 'they' decided I had RHS it was the early 1960s but even then medical science had a glimmer of understanding they were giving me notice of a lifelong condition that might have an affect on my mental health - every time I saw the cardiologist (and until I was in my mid-forties) they offered me counselling to cope with having a heart condition 'at so young an age'.

It helps, actually. If they don't offer, ask for it - you're only 27 years old and it's not going to be easy to wrap your head around being so young with a heart condition.

Papazzz profile image
Papazzz in reply to Sunnie2day


Modeller3 profile image

Ask your doctor

allanrobson profile image

Hi there, after having a stent fitted in March I was prescribed Bisoporal. So many different people here have different opinions (which is why it's a useful honest forum) for me it completely wiped me out and I had no energy at all (2.5) it was reduced to 1.25 after about 8 weeks but I still struggled and was taken off it six weeks later. For some it works better than others. I'd suggest take it for a while as it's been prescribed for a reason, but if you're that concerned speak to your doctor. Good luck

Papazzz profile image
Papazzz in reply to allanrobson


in reply to allanrobson

Good advice but it might not have actually been prescribed for a reason. You and I were given it and clearly didn't need it.

Oreganway profile image

Been on this for ten years. No adverse effects. Feel well and would not consider stopping 2.5mg daily. Don’t stop this medication without consulting your doctor or healthcare team

Sillyfroggy profile image

You’re right in that it can treat BP. But the way it does the BP lowering is by slowing your HB down a little. If your heart is constantly going too fast it helps the plaques stick to your arteries, and ironically help an unstable bit chip off and be the start of the journey towards heart attack.

You are young, so you have it all in your hands - change your eating habits, carry on with the gym with lots of cardio exercise and TAKE THE MEDS!

There’s a reason we as humans live longer now: advances in medical knowledge and drugs now available mean we have a chance at fixing things that even just 30 years ago would’ve meant death. I’m unclear what your objection is to taking medication? It doesn’t mean you’re weak, or a pill popper - it’s a drug your body needs.

I had a HA in April. I was overweight, unfit and work in the police so I don’t get much rest from stress (add in 2 teenage daughters!). My BP since then has been really low. And yet I’m on 2 BP meds - because they do far more than just lower BP - they physically protect the heart - one even does it in a specific key part of the heart (flipping clever).

Have a read of some of the articles on this site, ask fast food outlets to ban you and walk to the veg section of the supermarket.

Bisoprolol is actually primarily used for heart rate these days - it’s fallen out of favour as a first line treatment for blood pressure, but in addition to lowering your heart rate, it will also lower your bp by default. Anyone with an arrhythmia involving a raised hr or ectopic beats, including sinus tachycardia (a fast hr but nothing otherwise ‘wrong’ with the heart’s rhythm,), will invariably at least start out on bisoprolol or another beta blocker in an effort to lower their beats per minute. I went on it at 26 following my first major episode of a condition called SVT, where the heart trips into a super fast rate but otherwise normal rhythm and gets stuck there.

With regards to your weight concerns referenced in other comments, I successfully dropped 5 stone (31kg) whilst on bisoprolol, and that was with other ongoing health issues and medications that predisposed me to weight gain, so it’s entirely possible to lose weight whilst taking it. Not everyone gets side effects generally, either, and even if you do, then my own experience was these settled over the course of a few weeks.

As a relevant aside, whilst 130 over 90 is within what’s considered normal going by population average, a healthy bp is actually defined as120/80 or less, so lowering your bp a little bit isn’t a bad thing. An ambulatory average of 135/85 is enough under current cardiovascular guidelines in the UK to warrant treatment for high blood pressure.

Hope that’s helped.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to

I need to know how you lost five stone (well done you!), and how you're keeping it off since the loss. Wow, five stone, I am genuinely awed!

Annamay17 profile image

I was on 2.5 then asked for it to be reduced to 1.25. BP shot up to 205/86 this week. So currently on 5mg to slow Heart Beat down. Not sure what Side affects to expect.

Greenfarm profile image

I was concerned about taking beta blockers but my GP convinced me that I needed to slow my heart down as it would shut down within 10 years. I asked for a low dose to try and was put on Bisoprolol. The result is that I no longer feel faint or pass out and that for me is a huge relief. The drug certainly seems to work for me and from being quite sceptical I would now thoroughly recommend it. I have AF and a heart murmur . Stay with it is my advise.

Like everyone has said you need to talk to your GP/cardiologist, but just because you have been prescribed it does not mean you need it. Many people are prescribed it as part of a "blanket" prescription, without subjective appraisal. For me, it was a terrible choice, as it inhibited my (fairly intense I have to say) exercise routine. You NEED to shift that weight come hell or high water, and bisoprolol will not be helping that. If you really need it then fine, but you need to check it out. Whatever you do you have to put weight loss right at the top of the list, including your work!

Malcolm631911 profile image

If you are a man , bisoprolol has a horrible side effect .

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Malcolm631911

Pretty poor response Bisoprolol may have Horrible side effects if your a man, you missed the word MAY imho

Malcolm631911 profile image
Malcolm631911 in reply to Prada47

What the hell ? I’m telling the truth.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Malcolm631911

Sorry Malcolm your not,

I take 7.5mg Bisoprolol and manage fine as I am sure thousands of others do. What are the horrible side effects. Difficult to get an erection?? it may take longer but it also lasts longer win win not horrible !! A lot of satisfaction to be gained by having a good necking session even when we are both 70 + (just) LOL

Salihyuksel67 profile image
Salihyuksel67 in reply to Prada47

I am taking 3.5 mg and I am fine.not side effects last 2 years.

Pippa1234 profile image

I was given bisoprolol and had every side effect going!! I could barely walk! Read leaflet in pack, there are lots of alternatives. I was told they always give bisoprolol first as its cheapest!

happyfor1nce profile image

I had taken it for 3 months and I was miserable depressed, fatigued, and could only walk and move slowly as my heart rate would not increase above 70 even on attempt of running. I felt out of breath even with the slightest effort. Not to mention my extremely decreased libido.

I was taking it for AF and atrial ectopic.

Oh I didn't mention the HAIR FALL, I lost half of my hair.

And I was bloated and oedematous all the time

If you google it you can find many people complaining of these side effects and more.

Then I switched to Nebivolol which is also a beta blocker but it is cardio selective ie. it acts on the heart.

All my side effects from bisoprolol vanished , my heart rate and rhythm got under control after a while and I can perform my usual activities without that horrid sensation of breathlessness. I can go to the gym , take long walks, can travel, all my usual activities.

Word for advice, ask your GP to switch you to Nebivolol from the start. Usually health practitioners do not describe it as it is more expensive, albeit not by much and they are convinced that the side effects of bisoprolol are variable to each individual and that they will get used to them, which is true for some people.

I myselfe could not tolerate the side effects and they interfered with my daily life.

I hope you will be fine and in good health soon.

Papazzz profile image
Papazzz in reply to happyfor1nce

WOW! i am quite worried now!! or is it possible our body system reacts to it separately?

Bidoprololhas more than one use: it is used to lower heartrate and stop arrythmias.] as well as for hypertension.

mikealford profile image

My advice, for what it's worth, give it a time limited trial, say month. Then make a diary of side affects. Talk to Dr and discuss alternatives. Then make an informed choice.

Papazzz profile image
Papazzz in reply to mikealford

Thanks so much!

Papazzz profile image


NorthantsSteve profile image
NorthantsSteve in reply to Papazzz

Hi Papazzz. I think that’s the right call. Just wanted to add that this isn’t necessarily for life if you can get the weight down (and with it will fall the cholesterol, BP and heart rate). You can do it!

falah12345 profile image

Yes you are right every one is reacting differently to it based on our own unique chemistry I guess

I am on it since 2017 my blood pressure already low even before i started it but thankfully it didn’t reduce it further apart from occasional postural hypotension !

I can’t go over 5 mg though because every time I needed an extra dose I get prolongation of the PR interval in ECG

so you have to find a very good EPyhsiologist that you become confident on his advice to be able to make a decision and don’t based your decision on other people experiences only!

All the best

Ceorl profile image

I was diagnosed with CAD in Jan 18 and put on statins, aspirin etc. An angiogram in March showed the blockages were not severe enough to warrant stenting, however after a bit of a 'funny turn' at the end of July resulting in a brief spell of hospitalisation I was prescribed 2.5mg Bisoprolol for atypical angina.

An angiogram shortly after showed that the blockages in my arteries had further improved to the extent that I was discharged; I was told by the consultant they were not the cause of any chest pain I was having (all he could offer as explanation was acid reflux). He also told me I could stop taking Bisoprolol, but with no clear reason for my previous symptoms I confess I carried on, as it seemed to do the trick.

Everything was fine at first, but I found the side-effects got worse over time, dizziness, fatigue, bouts of hypotension and breathlessness all combining to make me feel pretty rotten at times.

Finally last week I decided the (apparent) benefit of taking bisoprolol was too far outweighed by the cons of the side effects, so I stopped. I've noticed an immediate improvement in how I feel in general, the hypotension has stopped, the dizziness is much better and no spells of breathlessness to date. My pulse-rate isn't as steady as it was with the beta-blocker but my resting heart-rate is still under 70 (I'm 50 years old) so I'm not too concerned about that.

However, if it's been prescribed for a clearly defined purpose and you've not been told otherwise, keep taking it, it does what it says on the tin. Moreover there are other beta-blockers out there, so if side-effects do occur and get too much for you, seek advice and you may be able to switch to another one.

Papazzz profile image


NorthantsSteve profile image
NorthantsSteve in reply to Papazzz

Maybe it’s not either of the drugs? Just that you’re eating less? There’s plenty of people on this forum who can advise on diet but I tend to look on feeling hungry as a positive (not fashionable as other will argue that it’s possible to feel full and lose weight. Just never worked for me!)

Picass profile image

I have just reduced my dose to 1.25 due to side effects(wheezy chest) It’s early days have not taken my blood pressure yet as I figured it would take a while to effect my system

Papazzz profile image

How true does bisoprolol cause erectile dysfunction ?

NorthantsSteve profile image
NorthantsSteve in reply to Papazzz

It’s a less common side effect. If it happens to you, talk to your doctor and change/tweak your meds. One study indicates that it might be a psychological response to taking the drug (ie people read the leaflet or google side effects and they get the symptoms) as they managed to reverse ED with a placebo.

I’ve been taking Bisoprolol for 10 years now along with a daily Asprin,

I was prescribed it after I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation, I also have high blood pressure,Arthritis & other ailments,

So I take quite a few different medications for these,

I was put on these various medications, because I need them, &

my attitude is, as long as the doctors keep an eye on things, do regular medication checks & reviews,& keep on prescribing me these meds.... I’m good,

& I’ll certainly keep taking them,

I also put weight on,& after trying all sorts of ways to lose weight I tried doing low carb,high fat & successfully lost 4 stone,I kept the weight off for 5 years, then got complacent & put 2 stone back on,

So I went low carb again until it came off,

I don’t worry at all about being on medication, as

I’m on them for a reason,

But I’d worry if I stopped them,

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