hi guys quick question. was at go this morning. suffering bad neuropathy in my feet and hands. she’s put me on 10 mg amotripoline at night. got home read leaflet. i know i shouldn’t but i’m just naturally nosey. it had heart problems of every kind plastered over it. the usual don’t take if you suffer from blah blah. just wondered is anyone else on this. bit scared to take it to be honest. having said that gp knows my health history well❤️
amotripoline?: hi guys quick question... - British Heart Fou...

Amitriptyline is commonly used to treat diabetic neuropathy. I have known a number of people on it, both young and old, without any side effects.
You say your doctor knows your history so things should be fine. Alternatively give the surgery a call to double check in the morning.
thanks michael. i thought that. i know i shouldn’t have read the bloody leaflet❤️
Last year a friend's mother had a stroke and died a few days later. She was still living in her own home at the time. Although she read food labels in detail looking for E numbers and inappropriate additives her approach to medication was totally different. My friend was always frustrated as the first thing she did when she got home was bin the information leaflet as the instructions were on the label. "It only makes you worry she would say!
10 mg is a really tiny dose. The dose for depression is 50-100mg, but doses for pain are much smaller. I take 30 mg for lupus and fibro and have done for years.
I've worked in pharma for years and honestly the current format for patient information leaflets is a complete waste of paper. And you would not believe the hours of work that go into them. Way too much information, of no help at all and way too frightening for most people.
Amitriptyline should help you sleep a bit better and may give you a dry mouth.
You may need a higher dose to be effective but as with most meds everyone reacts differently so you need to try it and see.
I’m on 10mg a day for nerve pain caused by bone loss. No problems whatsoever and I get the best nights sleep! (Take it in the evening/bedtimes)
I had my second AVR two years ago and along with other drugs I am also on 30mg of amitriptyline a day to help with severe back pain, it helps my back muscles relax so that I can hopefully get a decent nights sleep without having to take too many of my strong painkillers. I started on 10mg and it was slowly increased until it was effective. If I’m having a bad day I can go up to 40mg if necessary. Those leaflets and Google aren’t always a good thing!
You did the right thing reading the leaflet. You could check with the pharmacy /GP about interactions with other medicines. Pharmacists are usually give great advice.
Has your vitamin b12, folate and vitamin d3 level been checked? If not ask your doctor to check them. There is loads of info on the Pernicious Anaemia forum on Health Unlocked about the effects of vitamin b12 deficiency which can be caused as a side effect of long term PPI use or metformin as these affect your digestion and therefore your ability to extract b12 from your food and absorb it. Vegan and vegetarian diets can also be lacking in b12 uniess supplements are taken.
My hubby was prescribed amitriptyline for nerve pain on his chest scar and was ok.
You SHOULD read the patient information leaflet - that’s what it’s there for!!!
Best wishes
good morning. folate is good and i get 3 monthly b12 injections. thanks for info❤️
Amitryptiline is a life line for many with neuropathic pain. The only side effects that usually affect people is dry mouth and constipation but unlikely at low dose. Low dose can be very effective by the way. If GPs obeyed slavishly the warnings and contraindications anyone with more than one ailment would be hung out to dry!!
I’m on Amitryptaline 20mg morning and again at night. This is given to me to treat fibromyalgia. I do have hypertension which I’m on 5mg amlopodine and 5ml rampril. These alongside tramadol, hrt, naproxen, paracetamol, and depression meds. Yes I do rattle when I walk lol. Your doc knows best but if your at all worried go back and see them even if it’s to just put your mind at ease.
Hi, I was put on this for my sciatica unfortunately I found it made me into a zombie. I am now on a low dose of pregabalin which is much better.
Same here. Every pain consultant I've seen over the last 30 years has simply thrown amitrypilene and gabapentin at me. Amitrip turns me into a total zombie. I just can't tolerate it at all even at half dose. They also tried nortriptylene. I have severe nerve pain from trapped nerves and peripheral neuopathy and fibro. I wish I could take it but I must have tried 10 times. Gabapentin simply makes me suicidal and gives me such severe headaches I want to bang my head on the wall. My GP has banned me from ever trying that or Lyrica. There's just nothing else ever offered for nerve pain.
Hi I have been on them for years and now take all the heart pills as well it help with my arthritis
My cardiologist stopped my prescription immediately following my nstemi as it is not compatible with my heart medications .Perhaps you should speak with your BHF nurse.
I take 10 mg when necessary to control migraine. Iv got afib. It does the trick