Hi friends , I am a little worried about some new symptoms I am experiencing 3 weeks into taking Atorvastatin. Pain in my legs and arms , especially on waking up . And lower back pain with pain also in pelvic area, problems peeing . Has anyone else suffered from these when starting Statins ? Was too afraid to take my pill last 2 nights . Thank you
New symptoms on statins: Hi friends , I... - British Heart Fou...
New symptoms on statins

Yes I’ve had all of the above but persevered with the tablets for seven months at 80gm and one month at 40gm. I’ve now been taken off them for two weeks in case it’s not them causing the problems. Speak to your GP before doing anything. You’re prescribed them for a reason. Take care.

Hi Juneybabes
Sorry to hear you are having problems.
I agree with Maisie 2014 a trip to your GP maybe a good idea and perhaps because you are having problems peeing with back and pelvic pain ask them to check that you haven't got a urinary tract infection ?
Hi, my wife was put on Atorvastin about a month ago and has come off them of her own volition after speaking with her doctor who she can’t see for about 11 days because of waiting times. She’s suffered badly and still is although it’s about a week since ceasing the pill. Severe debilitating muscle and joint pains to the extent she has problems getting out of bed. Is it normal for the ‘after effects’ to go on so long, as she is worried about bone cancer as well, as she had breast cancer in 2004?

My GP has been very helpful finding me a statin that didn’t have the leg pain. It took three tries.
Which one eventually suited? My husbands on 20 prevastatin and still getting thigh pain. Atorvastatin was worse.
I had some of those, dropping the dose to 20 from 40 really helped.
I agree, consult your GP . For me it took 4 attempts to find the right one.
Tried to get through to my gp yesterday for over 5 hours . Finally got through just as surgery was closing .... I have to try again on Monday !!
I tried Atorvastatin, Simvastatin and Pravastatin - all caused varying levels of pain, especially when I exercised. I am now on 10mg Rosuvastatin on alternate days which is surprisingly effective and I have no side effects on such a small dose. I do hope you get through okay on Monday to get this sorted.
Hi I am on 20mg, took them in the mornings. Had lots of pain. Lots of you have said take them at night. Which I have now done. As I was never told when to take them. Now I have not had the pain I had before.
Regards Denise.
Hi Juney
What dosage are you on?
After my ByPass I was put on 80mg. After 6 weeks I could not walk properly, felt like I needed hip replacements. Cardio Physio was so hard and I blew up like a balloon. It wasn’t normal weight gain as I looked puffed up. Other Hearties said the same about the pain. The Cardio Sister said to drop the dosage so I did. GP’s and Consultants say puffing up is nothing to do with Statin but they were wrong.
Everybody is different, my lovely GP said she had other patients that had puffed up with excruciating joint, bone and muscle pain.
I came off Statin under the watchful eye of my GP for 3 months as it takes more than a couple of weeks for your body to adjust. My dress size was 18 now back to my normal 14 as if someone stuck a pin in me.
I was pain free, could run around the gym and walk forever. I then started Atorvastatin 20mg every other day and have stayed pain free and my Cholesterol level is not too bad. My original level was 11 and after my op was down to 5.5.
I monitor my levels every 6 months and my quality of life is so much better.
We all have different bodies and chemicals so listen to your body. If I had continued with my Consultants instructions I would not of been able to walk un-aided.
Not peeing properly? Get a urine sample checked to rule out a water/kidney infection. If it comes back clear then it could be the Statin.
A lot of people have to keep changing their Statin because of these things until they find one that suits their body.
Take a break then start on a lower dosage for 4 weeks. If you are pain free increase your dosage until your body tells you different.
GP’s and Consultants are fantastic but Cardio Sisters talk to Hearties everyday and hear more. They are our Angels.
Hope this helps
Jane x
I am on 20mg . My cholesterol level is actually within the ‘ normal ‘ range but I have a hereditary condition which means my body doesn’t process cholesterol properly. So now have unstable angina which is getting worse . So the statins are for preventing a stroke ... hopefully !!
Like you say all our bodies are different, so trial and error I guess .
Glad you got yours sorted and feel much better .
Thank you
June x
Problems peeing/ or with bowels could be connected to your lower back pain. You really do need to see a doctor as this could be serious if left. Your doctor will immediately know if it is something trivial or not. As a fellow lower back pain sufferer I do hope you feel better soon.
I have been on statins a week now and no issues!
It does seem they are presented very negatively in the tabloids and on social media. To be honest it seems like every little ache and pain people suffer is blamed on statins. I am sure often it is just getting older something everybody thinks they can avoid but the mirror/camera does not lie!
I am sure something else is going on here and would advise Juneybabes to ring "111" to avoid "999" later on.
Several years ago I watched my husband struggle with joint pains and falling asleep at any given sitting down opportunity and was only when I read up about them that he went to GPS, who changed tablets that he improved three fold. Knowledge /social media mayhap is dangerous but it does allow us to be more knowledgeable. Although my Mum died from dementia a few years back, now I realise that there were tablet t reactions going on.
just a point of view.
About 80 in a 100 people won't have any problems with muscle aches from statins. So that includes you
19 of the remaining 20 will find their muscle aches disappear after stopping them.
The remaining 1, myself included, will find the aches do NOT go away!
I took them for 12 weeks ending in April 17 and the aches have not only NOT gone away, but have progressed
Taking those statins was THE biggest mistake of my life
My knees ache so too, some wrist pain, but that's OK. Afraid I have cut my 40's in half (as best as can) till I see GP.
I completely follow the argument that statins extend /improve our lives, but it's the improve part I am now questioning.
I daresay it's our own decision in the end and life is sweet.

There was a BMJ report where the percentage of people reporting muscle pains on a placebo was similar to those on an actual statin!

By the way if there is a urinary infection lemon barley water (from experience) is a natural remedy. And there is nothing to lose in trying it as it will do no harm if a UTI is not present.
I am on 20mg . Yes the pain was horrendous, and I am used to being in pain as have osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. Take loads of pain meds for those and wear patches and yet was still in agony
My GP has an online form you can complete and the GP telephones you ASAP with a response. I hope you get sorted soon.
Try Doctor Google. There is enough information there to either put you off or encourage you to use statins.
I have been the same since July I was told it would be a short term discomfort, but it isn't getting any better, I am seeing my doctor this next week so I will mention it then. Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Juneybabes, I suffered similar problems 3 weeks into arvostatin prescription. Turns out it was affecting my liver function. I’d urge you to get an appointment with your GP ASAP. I’m currently off statins while the medical team sort out a suitable alternative, but will need to go back on something to keep cholesterol low.
Been on same meds for nearly 3yrs now. Saw my GP and agreed to blood test and then stopping Atorvastatin for 4 weeks to see if symptoms subside. It’s the only way of knowing if the statins are the culprit or not. Could just as easily be old age creeping on apparently.
Just to be different...I've been taking statins for almost 20 years with few if any problems. I do recall on one of my cardiac rehab sessions several years back, a pharmacist stating that the muscular or joint pain that is often associated with taking statins only occurs in approx. 1 in a 1000 cases. Clearly you need to check it out with your cardiologist/specialist nurse/GP/pharmacist (usually very good on the side effects of medication) as the symptoms you report could be due to other conditions such as urinary tract infections, arthritis, etc. I think it would be unwise to take yourself off statins without medical advice as lowering cholesterol is one of the key factors in reducing heart attacks.
I have had dreadful problems with all Statins. My GP sent me to see Lipid Specialist and a new drug caliied Ezetmebe was tried. I take it with only two Atorvastatin a week of only 20 mg. My level is down from 7.8 to 4 with no side effects. Hope you get help soon
I too had problems with atorvastatin, it was muscle pain that woke me up during the night, pain in arms, legs, hips. Even on low doses this drug was not right for me. I have been on Rosuvastatin for 6 years and the dosage of 5mg keeps my cholesterol down to healthy levels. I have stopped them a couple of times when I’ve had build up which leads to muscle pain, but this goes after a couple of days. I think you should see your doctor and discuss your problems, what you’ve described is not normal. Hope all goes well.
Yes I was takeng them aged 70 yrs plus little advice then..... i had ALL the side effects felt my life was galloping downwards , so.. I stopped taking them. Now i am 80 yrs result a bit older all round as you would expect.See your GP do you really need them?i s a stock pile waiting to be used up common sense use it,Good luck.
Yes, I find the membrane within my nose gets swollen and have difficulty breathing thru' my nose and end up with a very dry mouth. However Vicks sugar free lozenges do help eleviate the actual breathing a wee bit.
Rosavastatin gives me aggressive shoulder pains, as does simvistatin