There was a recent thread on steaks but from talking with others I realise the definition of "red meat" is unclear. In simplistic cookery terms it is based on colour so that beef is red and, pork and lamb are white. But in nutritional terms things are different and more relevant to us hearties. Red meat is defined as any meat that has more of the protein myoglobin than white meat. White meat is defined as non-dark meat from fish or chicken (excluding the leg or thigh). So in nutritional terms pork and lamb are red not white!
What is Red Meat?: There was a recent... - British Heart Fou...
What is Red Meat?

Chicken thighs and legs, as you mention, are classified under this as red meat due to its higher myoglobin. Wings however are in the white meat area, shocking as most wings tend to be deep fried, slathered in a high fat content chilli sauce. This may come as a shock to some who consider that all chicken is white meat.
Chicken shops have perfected the art of making healthy food totally unhealthy. I met one person at outpatients who needed stents at 30 because of his fried chicken habit - every working day for thirteen years. Sadly he has quit the chicken but not smoking!

No idea! I had some in Australia - white in appearance but red meat I suspect. It was very chewey. I preferred the kangaroo!
I've had rattlesnake BBQ - and yes, it really does taste like chicken.
I asked a dietician about duck, which floored him. I can’t be the only hearty to ask this. I think it counts as red white meat (ok) rather than a white red meat(not ok).
Quite partial to ostrich burgers (available locally in Dorset!) but I didn’t ask the dietician.......
"I think it counts as red white meat (ok) rather than a white red meat(not ok)."
Maybe that is why they serve it pink! 😁
Thank-you for this - there really is confusion out there, even at a local butcher shop (not mine, she says smugly) as to what is/isn't red meat, and knowing the difference is important when making decisions about keeping a healthy diet.
At the risk of sounding gruesome, the rattles are cut off and sold at a stall next to the BBQ pit - I lived along the US Gulf of Mexico and there was an annual Rattlesnake Rodeo the lads in my house insisted on visiting every year (sigh). The first year we went I was double-dared to try the BBQ (another sigh), and every year after had to put my foot down at my son's insistence on buying a rattle.
Thanks Michael, that was always my understanding. Just wondering if I need to be more adventurous in my choice of meat!! ! Kangeroo, rattle snake, ostrich 🤮 second thoughts I'll stick with my 🐠
I had the unusual meats at a star gazing BBQ near Ayers Rock just before Christmas 2002. A local farmers market does ostrich burgers and I have brought the odd piece of kangaroo. I have also had horse on a couple of occasions.
Me too Lezzer haha
44750 you've tasted raw horse? Where did you have it & what did you think of it?
Was it in the style of steak tartare?
Oh never tasted raw horse meat, couldn't eat that. I was able to learn riding quite a number of years ago. I could not eat horse meat Lezzer, just couldn't! Love horses thou. And fie me they for riding, working the fields, pulling horse carts, etc etc. I would go vegetarian if I had to eat strange meat like horse etc. Makes me feel a bit sick really that!!!
Oh sorry, I thought your comment was in reply to mine bout raw horse meat. I did go vegetarian!! It was my brother in law whose meal it was & I had a small spoon full, it was gross. I also took riding lessons when I was younger, not sure I would be brave enough to get back on one now!
Cause you could, Lezzer! Dont need to go galloping do you? You could go for an easy walk on a horse within a group together. Must admit wished had the money to go riding.
After my first lesson of horse riding, had trouble to cross my legs! My inner thigh muscles were that aching, crackers, but got better when I got the hang of riding more. I had a fantastic time. 😊😊😊
Yep, Dobbin was a nice old boy as well

At a recent conference one (mad) scientist suggested humans should eat their own dead:
There might be a new diet group on HU! I would be horribly tough and cheery by the way!

We don't have them but do have Waitrose and M&S Simply Food. No KFC or McD either! 😎
We don't have a Aldi's. We do have a lidl but can only buy a few bits from there usually. I like M&S for most foods!
No, they won't! They in competition with the other Supermarkets who's the cheapest. I have Aldi here and do half of my shopping there. Just some stuff they don't sell so shop around, Morrisons or Sainsbury's or Home Bargains, Poundland. Not confined to 1 shop only 👍😁🌝😊
Hey Michael, looks like you well on the way of recovery!!! Great discussion!!!! 😁👍
Or even a hobby horse ☺
Really???? Google it
Cheeky, haha🤣🤣🤣