Fellowship of the bedsock.... - British Heart Fou...

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Fellowship of the bedsock....

Calliope153 profile image
40 Replies

It must be winter as last night I had the first night of the season with bedsocks on (either that or apply for divorce). I thought I had overcome the Bisoporol cold hands and feet side effect but apparently not. For you old timers a question: is this common that when the weather gets colder, just marginally, it;s the start of months of same as before? I expected cold extremities in the real winter (i,e not September) but am a bit disappointed they are back so soon......

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Calliope153 profile image
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40 Replies
Lezzers profile image

Good morning Calliope153. Kevin has reynaulds disease & the slightest drop in temperature will kick start it even in the summer months, so I do sympathise. Very considerate of you to wear socks, I wish I could persuade kevin to wear them & gloves.

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to Lezzers

Tell him it means you continue to sleep rather than wake up because you are so cold, if you wear socks. I knew last winter things were getting desperate as my husband started coming to bed via the microwave and bringing a heat pad. He's a lovely man but when he told me to patent my "heat seeking missile feet" I knew it was socks or the spare room for me........

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Calliope153


HectorsDad profile image
HectorsDad in reply to Calliope153

If he REALLY loved you.....😃

Rosei profile image
Rosei in reply to Calliope153

I have joined the Fellowship of Bedsocks, I have used mine three times already, next it will be Nifedipine (Adalat ) to stop my fingers going white and dead.

Calliope153 profile image

The age of romance is not dead in our house as you can tell.......

Shoshov profile image

hi calliope i was out early yesterday morning for hospital appointment. 9 degrees on car thermostat and my fingers were nipping and sore. as you say we expect it in winter but not early september ❤️

Healthyheart1 profile image

Me too days my unstable angina!! X

Healthyheart1 profile image

In other words gunsmoke123, its affecting me. X sheena x

SpiritoftheFloyd profile image

I've been on Bisoprolol since my HA in December 2018 and it has driven me to distraction. I've never felt the cold in the past - for example slept all year round under a 4 tog duvet! but have had freezing hand and feet. My cold feet were waking me up in the night, so binned the lightweight duvet and got a 14 tog duvet, result - the rest of me roasting - feet still freezing. As well as freezing, the tips of my fingers became sore and tender.

I've been trying to get this med changed to a different beta blocker without a lot of success from my GP. I was allocated a Heart Failure nurse in June and has finally got it changed to Carvedilol in July, (thank you Hayley). So far so good, I was out in Liverpool on Wednesday in trousers and short sleeved shirt when a gale force wind of 50 mph surfaced (should have checked the weather forecast before leaving home!), and while it wasn't a lot of fun walking around in a gale when a bit under dressed for the weather I certainly wasn't freezing or my hands going a strange colour. Time will course tell when we actually get to winter proper, but at the moment I'm delighted with the result.

I know that the side effects of the medicines we're on vary from person to person, but you could try asking if you could be switched over to Carvedilol.

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to SpiritoftheFloyd

Thanks for this - my problem is it took so long to get the meds sorted so I could function I am really reluctant to change anything simply because I can manage with what I currently have. But should this get to be a total nuisance I will discuss it with GP. Thanks again for your response. I am currently ordering lots of wool so I can knit lots of pairs of fingerless gloves as where the feet go I am certain the hands will follow in the depths of winter!!

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Calliope153

I've got husband to agree a trial run of bed socks, will see how that goes and work on gloves & onesie!!

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to Lezzers

I have 2 sorts of bedsocks - the ankle variety with the non slip rubber spots on the soles - very jolly penguins and polar bears on them - and the real deal - up to the knee with sherpa fleece linings for those really cold nights. Also have non slip spots on the bottom as I tend not to bother with slippers when I am wondering down to the kitchen and crossing the uncarpeted floors ...... and yes, I am too lazy to take them off for trips to bathroom or kitchen in the night!

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Calliope153

I feel the jolly penguins & polar bears may be a step too far for Kevin 😂 sherpa fleece is very impressive though ☺

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to Lezzers

Bought them in the January sales - incredibly cheap as they are obviously the sort of things people buy as desperation novelty Christmas presents and no market for them after December. The onesie, by the way, is a nightmare - I bought a fleece one complete with feet (most attractive, white with enormous purple polka dots - looked like black death victim) - Nearly evaporated in the heat and then a trip to the freezing loo in the night..... won;t trouble you with description but a lot more trouble than it was worth.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Calliope153

I feel your pain with the onesie, I have a tiger (grrr) one though I've never worn it to bed!! However, I am feeling increasing thankful that I don't have to sleep with you 😂

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to Lezzers

and you have yet to hear about the eye mask with the umbrella print and the hat and you have reached that conclusion...... as I said to my husband "you're no fun" and he retorted he never thought he'd be in bed with the Michelin man!!

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Calliope153


Brokenheart19 profile image
Brokenheart19 in reply to Calliope153

Try Turtledoves, they are recycled cashmere and are brilliant fingerless gloves. Work exceptionally well for Raynards and other circulatory problems. They don’t do socks- yet!

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to Brokenheart19

Thanks for the suggestion. If you're old enough you'll know what I mean when I say "Just call me Albert Steptoe"

SpiritoftheFloyd profile image

Considering the huge bag of goodies the hospital handed to be me on discharge, I was expecting some (hopefully) short term side effects and was quite prepared for them. But the cold hands and feet, which started off quite mild and got progressively worse was simply more than I could cope with, bearing in mind I've frequently, in the past, been out gardening in October/November in a tee shirt and a pair of shorts! so suffering from the cold was a unique experience for me.

san_ray70 profile image
san_ray70 in reply to SpiritoftheFloyd

It must be getting colder, hubby who has A.F. has put long trousers on instead of shorts.

SpiritoftheFloyd profile image
SpiritoftheFloyd in reply to san_ray70

Still in shorts! Not prepared to concede defeat yet! 😊

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to SpiritoftheFloyd

You obviously had the short of British seaside holidays where your mum told you you were going to wear shorts even though your legs were a mottled purple and your top half was wearing an Aran sweater.... badge of honour to be building sandcastles on the beach in shorts and a raincoat. don;t get me started on having to eat the sand filled egg sandwiches.....

HectorsDad profile image

As with full blown Reynaulds, it can be a sudden change in temperature that triggers it, just as much as being actually cold.

I haven’t put my bed socks away all summer, and worn them at least once in each month. Coped this week, but two extra blankets helped.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to HectorsDad

I sympathise, as I've said before my husband has severe reynaulds. It never ceases to amaze me how someone's hands can be that cold and still be attached to the body, I fully expect they'll snap off one day!!

Healthyheart1 profile image

I'm winging it mate x

VelvetSky profile image

Hi, love my electric blanket, kids will probably find me BBQ to a crisp one day.

Becksagogo profile image

Bed socks are an all year round thing for me. If my feet are cold then I don't sleep because I get awful cramp. I too go for the jolly penguins or dogs look and have even been known to have plum puddings as well...

I'm off to Lanzarote next month. You'll recognise me because I'll be the one sitting on my sunbed in thermals, hoodie and furry boots!

DD13 profile image

Hi I feel for you too. I too suffer with raynauds. Often got me gloves on and double socks on each foot. Often get told to take the icicles ( my feet) back to my side of the bed. Used to get laughed at, when I was working, as had to wear gloves in the fridge and freezer. And also even in the sunshine, changes in temperature makes it worse.

Regards Denise.

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to DD13

I taught for years and dealt with quite a few children who had Reynaulds and Ehler's etc . I was surprised at the lack of sympathy for kids who needed fingerless gloves in classrooms and exam halls. I became a dab hand at getting them special arrangements in GCSE and A level exams. It is hard to believe how cold hands and feet can get. However, good weapon when marital arguments start - I can win most things with the short comment "I have feet and I am prepared to use them....." followed by evil grin.

Dovaston profile image
Dovaston in reply to Calliope153

Am I the only one bored to tears by the Bedsock thread ? Zzzzz

HectorsDad profile image

Horrendous cold feet last night. Definite bed socks time. I would have used my preferred foot warmer, but she had an early morning😁.

Reminded me, as I lay in bed cursing the summer duvet, of a truly beautiful book called The Girl with the Glass Feet by Ali Shaw. It’s a sad fairy tale for adults, with some seriously weird stuff, but totally believable and wonderfully written. You will cry, but it’s worth it, and strangely uplifting. NB do not read it in bed while suffering from cold feet.

His The Man who Rained is also brilliant.

Gladaven profile image
Gladaven in reply to HectorsDad

Dear Hector's Dad my husband takes Bisoprolol which makes his hands and feet very cold and my eldest daughter suffers Reynaulds which makes her extremities very, very painful. I feel so sorry for them. I also take Bisoprolol but I have AF and anxiety and as I explained above I cannot bear the heat, it frightens me and I have begun to hate the Summer or any time at all when the temperature has risen. I just wonder if anyone feels the same terrible problem. Cheers Gladie.xx.

Ianc2 profile image

Just bought a pair of thin gloves made from merino wool. I already have other merino wool shirts and leggings that I bought for winter hill walking, lots of nice thin layers to take off or on . They used to be very expensive - the icebreaker branded items were made in New Zealand - but are now being made in the UK by people like EDZ (edzlayering.com) and are worth a look. They also do things like snoods and balaclavas if you want to go to bed like a bank robber,

sandrann profile image

Hahaha... although I can also empathise with you and the cold feet and fingers experiences I'm so glad you shared your post, as after reading it and all the wonderfully humourous replies you've got I'm laughing as my hubby's just placed a lovely microwaved heat pad on my toes, aww, bliss.

Alison_L profile image

Hi Calliope. Yep, I had my socks on on Thursday night as well. Hubby didn't want the heating on, so I'd spent the evening staring at my white fingers!

Heating is now on...

Cottagegardener profile image

I’m so pleased I read this post- my feet have been freezing. I’m not long home from surgery (AVR) and though it was just due to that but I too have been put on Bisoprolol 1.25

I’ve been using a good old fashioned hot water bottle and of course I’m still wearing those

‘alluring ‘ hospital issue white stockings.

Every little helps as they say 😄🌸

Gladaven profile image

Hi Gunsmoke I was reading that the Royals keep their children in shorts till they reach senior school, some sort of protocol. I have to say that I am so glad it's gone 😎cooler, I was getting panic attacks in the heat, I had to take a Diazepam, does anyone else suffer like that? My daughter bless her bought me a very expensive Dyson fan, I noticed that the Queen had one on her hearth when Boris came to see 👀 her after he was voted PM. I really, really thank God that the temperature has gone down .Cheers Gladie.xx.

Ianc2 profile image

Apparently nightcaps are all the rage...

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