Need a bit of tlc: Am in hospital just... - British Heart Fou...

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Need a bit of tlc

GrannyE profile image
28 Replies

Am in hospital just having had a keyhole surgery to remove a large cyst and my remaining ovary. Am so bloated with all the CO2 they pumped into me so the surgeon could see what he was doing that I feel like 6months pregnant which would indeed by a miracle and a half! It is 3am and there is no way that I can sleep cos of the pain. Had two paracetemol at 10am and walked to the nurse station and was given a small dose of a morphine based liquid - waiting for it to kick in. Thought I would reach out to you lovely people cos don’t want to worry family with it.

Have had peppermint tea and inhaled oil of lavender and done deep breathing and been bathing my forehead with cold water. I think the morphine is starting to kick in so good night all. Thanks for being there. Such a comfort that I can write the above without bothering my loved ones.

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GrannyE profile image
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28 Replies
Tos92 profile image

Morphine can be a god send sometimes, although if you’re anything like me, I can get some very unpleasant side effects to it. I’m glad to hear you’re out of surgery. Sending you a lot of good wishes for healing and a smooth recovery! Hopefully you’ll be feeling better and back with your family soon.

All the best.


GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Tos92

I think I will be discharged later in the morning with panadol and codeine plus a laxative. I am sure that as soon as the carbon dioxide in my abdomen has gone I will feel miles better and then just have to wait for the op to heal.

Thanks for replying.

Czech_Mate profile image

Gosh, what a lot going on. Hope that you get a chance to sleep at least a bit.Let us know how it goes, we are here for you.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Czech_Mate

Thank you so much. Did not sleep last night but the morphine helped no end. Thanks for your concern. It is lovely to have this site to turn to in the dead of night. I am sure it will all settle down fairly quickly and then it will just be a question of healing.

Weetabixie profile image

I do hope everything went well and that the pain settles and the pain from the Co2 too. Please get some pain relief and laxatives to take home so your not left stranded at home trying to get some. Wish you a speedy recovery 🤞

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Weetabixie

Thanks. Much appreciated. Am home now and can take panadol and codeine and been given laxatives.

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply to GrannyE

If you’re unable to keep on top of your pain, make sure you contact your GP and let them know because they can prescribe morphine based medication for at home use if you really need something stronger and it was effective in hospital.

I successfully persuaded a GP at my practice to prescribe dissolvable morphine tablets to get through a weekend without the need to visit a hospital for pain relief essentially. It just gave me suitable relief to keep my pain at bay and me at home 🙂

Sending you big hugs 🤗 you’ve been through so much; healing thoughts and hope that you recover quickly 🤞🏼💛

Take care and best wishes

Soap 🧼 x

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to MummaSoap

Thank you so much. Hoping that tonight will be miles better than last night. If it is not then I will try our GP but don’t know if they will do it.

Qualipop profile image

That gas gets trapped everywhere. I had it under my shoulders. IT's so painful. A nurse told me to drink peppermint cordial and it really worked.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Qualipop

Have been drinking peppermint tea by the galleon. Thanks. They don’t warn you about it before hand do they?

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to GrannyE

NO never and they should. It's so painful.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Qualipop

Sure is.

Yumz199725 profile image

Ah sorry to hear your in hospital in so much pain. Hope your ok to go home soon x

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Yumz199725

Yes home again thank you. With painkillers and strict instructions not to do anything or lift anything or stretch etc. for4- 6 weeks if you please. Been told that even if the outside wounds are healed the inside takes a lot longer to do so.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to GrannyE

Glad your home and resting x have you got any one to help you with shopping, cleaning, cooking?. Yeah makes sense hope the painkillers kick in x

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Yumz199725

I order everything on line. I have a very good girl who comes 4hours every two weeks. My poor husband will just have to cope. Have cleaned and gardened and ironed and washed

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to GrannyE

Ah that's good you have some support x

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

I have only just seen your post and so sorry you are going through this and was in so much discomfort last night

I hope the Morphine kicked in and you got some rest

Maybe you have been allowed home by now I do hope so and hope you feel better soon :-)

Let us know how you get on :-) x

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to BeKind28-

Home again thanks. Been informed that I must not lift anything heavier than a teacup and certainly not a kettle. No housework or gardening for 6 weeks! Not sure how I will manage but I am sure I will muddle through.

Thanks for your support.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to GrannyE

Hello :-)

I am glad you are home :-)

Hopefully to get around the kettle could you not just put enough water in to make one cup maybe ?

Positive the weather is not great so a bit cold to be gardening and I am sure your house will not be dirty and when family come they will dust and give it a hoover :-)

I had a Hysterectomy just before I was 40 and I was told just about the same as you did I listen no of course not and I paid the price it took my recovery so much longer and I was in a lot of pain so muddle through as you say it will be worth it :-) x

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to BeKind28-

How odd. I had a hysterectomy when I was 40. They took the fallopians tubes as well as an ovary and the womb. Caught an infection in hospital and then caught glandular fever from the daughter of a friend and that morphed into ME which took me years to recover from. My children were 12,14, and 16 at the time. The ovary they just took out never functioned again after that and I wish that had come out at the time! Will try to be good this time.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to GrannyE

Hello :-)

Well this is getting weird they left both my ovaries behind saying that they were ok and with me been young it would save me going on HRT early but then a few years later my high blood pressure started going up and a few other things so I could never go on HRT and had to go through the change without anything and like you I always said they might have well have taken them both

Also I got an infection when they give you that Morphine machine ( not sure if they did this when you had it done ) but if you pressed it then you would get Morphine every so often well I was pressing mine constantly and when a Nurse noticed got a Doctor and next minute antibiotics been dripped in me and then of course I came home and did not do as I was told !

Mine children were 9 , 17 and 23 at the time

So you know you have to be good then and enjoy the rest and you will be able to enjoy Christmas and be back filling that kettle up :-) x

GrannyE profile image

Have been told to clutch and hug a cushion when I cough or sneeze. Not sure how I can do that cos cushions are not always to hand and anyway sneezes can come rather quickly. Theory great though. Decided just to put a coat and scarfover my nightie and dressing gown rather than get dressed to come home. Much easier.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to GrannyE

Hello :-)

Hope you got home ok and are relaxing and as for what you wore I bet no one will have noticed and as long as you felt comfortable that is all that matters :-) x

Noodlesalad profile image

Bless you. Many years ago I had a laparoscopy for a gynae problem and the wind pain afterwards was excruciating and I couldn't stop vomiting so I really feel for you. I have high pain tolerance but never experienced anything like that post op procedure, I can only say it did eventually settle.I always think once I get home from a procedure I'll be much better and focus on that.

Hope your feeling much better today.xx

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Noodlesalad

Yes thank you. No longer excruciating but am feeling sick. Not vomited yet. Drinking peppermint tea by the galleon and swallowing max panadol. It will pass though. Wondering how long this phase will last? I shall be glad to be back to only having my normal A/Fib with which to cope! I confidently expect to get better day by day.

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to GrannyE

It took me about three days to start feeling better. I have to say before and since then I've had similar procedures and not been as poorly as I was with that one.Your amazing and this will pass. Sending a virtual hug x

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Noodlesalad

Oh no I am not but it has to be got through. Thanks for replying. Look forward to day three. Thanks for the hug. Much appreciated. X

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