I need to arrange travel insurance for an overseas trip. Any suggestions for a good company to try ? I have an ICD fitted and have been diagnosed with VT.
Waterman: I need to arrange travel... - British Heart Fou...

Try Staysure they're very good
We have just had to claim from Staysure and all went well ( though they did lose all our original documentation so make sure you photocopy if you need to claim) They were very apologetic. We had sent it recorded delivery fortunately so they knew it had arrived.
It would not put me off using them again
My partner has and S-ICD following 2 cardiac arrests. He managed to get worldwide (Not USA) cover from Spectrum Insurance. It isn't cheap but at least he can travel insured.
Happy travelling.
Regards Ron.
I went with stay sure after 3 stents with 4 pending. 17 days cover for Canada... £545. Robbers but its not worth risking going without it.

Many thanks
I used All Clear for a 3 week trip to the USA In July, managed to get a years cover despite having had HA 7!weeks before with stent, asthmatic (severe), CKD and a badly broken leg last July (had pins and plates). Not a lot different between them and Staysure only Staysure wouldn’t offer an annual policy. Good luck, list everything and then you’re covered.
Try insure and escape, I found them to be very good earlier this year. And very reasonably priced.
Just had a good quote from Avanti despite all conditions, cheaper than Staysure and All Clear. Esure was also competitive.
I have just used staysure have an icd fitted .I have a annual policy for £550 similer to all clear but seems more benefits .There are so many out there it's your personal choice
This is not an easy fix, but in my experience the only solution is to contact a number of companies and get competitive quotes. I've had really ridiculously high quotes from some of the companies recommended by others. Part of the problem is that many insurers use a tick-box questionnaire to assess your condition which is incredibly crude and where the answers may bear little genuine relationship to your condition (eg - can you walk 50 metres on the flat? - I quite frequently walk up 3000 foot mountains.) Even for companies using the same system and receiving the same information there can be a big (> x2) difference in the premium. So, shop around and round again.
Had All Clear recently after cab two years ago, one week in Spain £78 and they met my claim when I was unfortunately hospitalised with angina.