Hello. I've found this forum useful as I get used to this new diagnosis (6 weeks ago) and the effects of the 2.5 mg of Bisoprolol I am now on. I am surprised to find myself so extremely anxious and depressed since the diagnosis: I've swiftly lost my equilibrium and confidence. I would expect some of these 'adjustment' emotions as I am a highly strung 53 year old person with a tendency to hypochondria. I am dismayed by the unpredictability of SVT and it's already denting my confidence in social and work situations. It has made me stop using the gym and leaves me concerned about driving as two of my first episodes were in the car, which was very alarming, especially the first episode as I thought I was having a stroke of some kind: my forearms and hands swiftly cramped right up. But I wonder if the symptoms of fatigue, anxiety and depression are also a side-effect of the Bisoprolol? I really don't feel myself - very sluggish and lethargic in the mornings. More frustratingly (and apologies for this huge litany of woes!) I have missed several entire nights of sleep as the curious new palpitations in my chest have bothered me as I think it's the precursor to another SVT event: which on one occasion it was. Losing sleep like this feels like a vicious cycle, leaving me feeling wiped out and frustrated. The prospect of going to sleep now makes me anxious and I used to love going to bed. I find myself urinating frequently during the night after the palpitations too - up to 5 times, and running hot with sweats. Could all of this just be an adjustment to taking the Bisoprolol for the last month? An early SVT episode (I've only had four so far) was captured on a ECG when I had to call an ambulance. The halter monitor I wore for three days showed up nothing (three of the most relaxing days of recent months...), but my symptoms seem to have flared up as described above and I wonder about the worth of being monitored again for a clearer diagnosis, or is this a waste of time? Currently I don't like the idea at all of an ablation (it terrifies me as a procedure) and I hope I can manage it with the drugs - although I'm not sure given what I'm now experiencing on Bisoprolol. It's early days - as you can tell from the stream of consciousness above! But I'd so appreciate any advice, experience or insights you could kindly provide. Many thanks: it's hugely appreciated.
Hello, I'm new on this forum with a r... - British Heart Fou...
Hello, I'm new on this forum with a recent diagnosis of Paroxysmal long RP Tachycardia

I have SVT among other heart conditions
You will learn to be calm and manage your condition. I have done so for 8 years. I have had 4 ablations and they are not that bad, not a picnic but you do get over them quickly.
I was worried like you in the beginning and called the ambulance but now not that much depends on long it goes on for and how bad I feel if you are feeling like fainting you should calll hospital. You will in the beginning be totally alert for all signs think it’s natural
I have only gone on to beta blockers recently as I have a heart block, I had a pacemaker fitted 8 weeks ago so now on Beta blockers
They did make me feel strange at first very tired and sluggish all the time. You could speak to doctor about the beta blockers if you can’t get used to them
If you know your triggers try to avoid them but you don’t often know and sometimes it just happens
With all heart conditions remain positive
I'm not entirely sure what that is Imade on bisoporol for b pressure.
And candesarten I take aspirin and clopidogrel
Iv noticed since this combo lots of extra ectopic slight faster beat
Feels horrible.
I had sent so need the blood thinners.
If I relax the af does ease but can come on its own.
Getting to see gp difficult I'm testing electrolytes with nurse
Hi I have sent a reply
I was taken off amlodiphine
Put on bisoporol b blocker same dose as you have .
I also have candesarten ace inhibitor
My ectopic arythmias worse since
Difficult to pinpoint which it is.
I also have aspirin and blood thinner for a year I remember years back any blood thinners would cause dropped bears .
My echogram in hospital showed no
Problems with valves or aortic mitral
I go to surgery nurse myself which I'll repeat for lipids and sugar and potassium that's the mineral for
Rhythm issues.
Have you had the relevant blood tests
Forgot to ask electrolytes
Hiya, I suffer from a type of tachycardia called IST, I was only diagnosed in April and it was a shock to me to! I guess after any diagnosis you start overthinking things and become less like yourself I know I did when first diagnosed I had no clue what to expect within the near future! I’m also on 2.5 Bisoprolol and it did take a while for my body to get used to the drug I suffered from terrible migraines with both types of heart meds I’m on and the beta blockers wiped me out for a week or two however everything’s settled now!
I was also scared of going to the gym however I just went for 10 minuets at first and gradually built things up, it’s baby steps and you will gradually get back to a norm even if it’s a new norm!
I’m back at the gym, swimming and work now having created a new “norm” and knowing what my limits are!
My cardiologist offered to refer me to a type of talking therapy to help me come to terms with the diagnosis and for reassurance that the condition isn’t serious ~ maybe something like this could help ease your mind?I hope everything works out for you and that the meds do their trick!