I posted recently about beta blockers and breathlessness and extreme exhaustion along with swelling feet
Well now I have had BNP done and it’s elevated and waiting for echo to confirm HF as suspected only at moment but I think it will be confirmed
Utter shock and very upset yesterday but calmer today. My question is I only had the pacemaker put in 8 weeks ago and been taking beta blockers Bisoprolol for 4 weeks and it seems all these extreme conditions have come on since
I have got sinus node disease, super ventricular tachycardia, bracyacardia
A flutter and AF, heart block and 3 ASD’s holes in heart due to 4 failed ablations.
It seems so coincidental that I am having extreme problems now
I know most of these conditions could cause HF but before I had wasn’t great but not like this
Does anyone know if Bisoprolol can cause heart failure, spoke to my GP and he said NO I can’t speak to my consultant I won’t be seeing anyone at my specialist hospital until Oct
Any thoughts would be great