Hello everyone, just wondering if anyone have had an angiogram on the inside of their elbow. Blood vessel in the wrist is calcified and an attempt in the groin ended up having a serious bleed from a torn blood vessel. Cardiologist now wants me to have an angiogram in the inner elbow. I'm so very nervous about having anything else done, but my Cardiologist has been in touch with my G.P. again saying that I really need to have it done. Could anyone please tell me what it is like to have it done this way. I know a lot of people that have had angiograms done like i have, but none that have had it in the inner elbow. Thanks to everyone. Gjkas
Pondering over a third Angiogram atte... - British Heart Fou...
Pondering over a third Angiogram attempt.

I agree with Gunsmoke - you need to have it done. It is still defined as the gold standard. You have mentioned that you have two below par valves. They need to know the state of your coronary arteries as if they need to do valve repair/replacement they would do any necessary bypassing at the same time. Yes, ask for the top man as I think you are entitled after previous experiences.
Hi Michael, i know you agree with Gunsmoke and normally so would I, but ive had a chat with my Cardiologist and he's told me that he couldn't find a Surgeon that would do the operation anyway .The Aortic valve is not opening or closing properly and it's affected the Mitral valve, i also have a swelling in 1 of the tubes, forget what it's called. Also got C.O.P.D and a lot of other medical problems. Was diagnosed with a heart murmur when i was in my 20s but it didn't cause me any problems really until I was in my 60s..Then it hit me with a bang. My husband and I worked all our lives,have 3 smashing Sons.We thought when we retired we could do a bit of travelling We went to America a couple of times and a few other Countries. Then when I was 67 i felt really ill, was in hospital for 6 weeks, weighed 6 stone. Then things just went downhill. Was in hospital 6 weeks ago, they thought I'd had a stroke, but while I was in there they found that I had an enlarged liver, blocked bile ducts,cysts on the pancreas and gallstones. Waiting to see a Gastrointerologist and Oncologist. So having angiogram is the last of my worries. Anyway Michael, thanks for the advice. You take care of yourself and enjoy yourself while you can because you don't know whats around the corner. BYE FOR NOW. Gjkas
Hi Gunsmoke, if i was 20 or more years younger i would go for it, but right now I don't see the point. I had a chat with my Cardiologist and he told me that he didn't think he could get a Surgeon that would do the operation because i wouldn't survive it. I don't know how old you are Gunsmoke, but enjoy life while you can because you don't know what's around the corner. I am 75 years young with a lot of medical problems, including C.O.P.D. I was diagnosed with a heart murmur when I was in my 20s,but it didn't cause me any problems until I was in my mid 60s, then things hit me big time.I used to make Wedding Cakes, ,entering any Garden Competions ,eventually becoming one of the Judges. I loved going to America,i just loved travelling with my Husband. We thought when we retired from work we could really enjoy life. NOT SO. Thanks for your advice Gunsmoke. You take care of yourself. Gjkas
Hi I have had this done twice in the inner elbow - when I was a child first time then teenager just before open heart surgery (I am now 62) I had no problems then , nor more recently , ten years ago when I had two in my groin within a few days of each other. It is invaluable information that they get from this, I urge you to go ahead and wish you the very best
Hi dawnz,thanks for your advice on the inner elbow angiogram. It's made me feel a little bit better, but I'm 75 years old with a lot of other medical problems, and I'm now waiting to see a Gastrointerologist and oncologist. Looks like I might have pancreatic cancer, just like mv Mum had. So ill wait and see what happens next. Anyway Thanks Dawnz.GOD BLESS. Gjkas
Wishing you all the best, I guess you have to see what the 'ists' have to say before you can make any decisions , I really feel for you
Hi Dawnz, thanks so much for your best wishes. I really do appreciate it..I just want to cry all the time, ive been in a lot of pain with the Fibromyalgia and rheumatoid, and with all the other stuff thats going on with me. Then they go and tell me about you know what. Keep your fingers crossed for me. It's going to be a couple of weeks before I know for sure. Bless you Dawnz. Gjkas
I read somewhere (not sure where) that there is a heart scan that can do almost the same job as angiogram. I think it's fairly new so perhaps not available in all areas. Maybe worth asking about or, perhaps someone on this forum knows if there is alternative?
Hi Gowers, you are right. There is a special kind of scan that is available that does the same job near enough as the Añgiogram.i have been offered it but i turned it down. I have 2 heart valve's that aren't working and need to be replaced, but they can't find a Surgeon that would do the operation anyway. My Cardiologist have already told me that. I am 75 years old and have a lot of other medical problems. The Doctors have also told me now that I could have Pancreatic cancer .Just have to wait until I see the Gastrointerologist & Onocologist..Thanks Gowers.Goodnight Godbless. Gjkas
Hi Happyjo, thanks for your advice, but the Cardiologist have told me that they can't find a Surgeon that would do the operation because i wouldn't survive it.My Aortic valve and Mitral valve have to be replaced, i also have a swelling in one of the tubes, i forgot what it's called. The thing is as well. Looks like i might have Pancreatic cancer. Have to see a Gastrointerologist and oncologist. So the Angiogram will have to wait anyway.Take Care.Gjkas.
Hi Gjkas
I don't really have anything constructive to add to what others have said but just wanted to say best luck and best wishes in whatever you decide & take care.
Hi there. I totally understand your anxiety as I went through a similar scenario - and it was very painful. Although this is a brilliant site, some lucky people seem to sail through the Angiogram and make it seem like nothing. Good for them but then there are others like me and yourself and perhaps a little empathy with our situation would go a long way in reducing our anxieties.
Yes, of course you need to get it done. How is the question.
I had 2 terrible experiences where the Angiogram had to be aborted. It caused me both physical pain as I was not even given a local sedation and psychological distress to the point of irrational thinking that I wouldn't have it done again and just take my chances . . .
However after calming down, I realized this wasn't a realistic option and I called into the Cath. Suite and managed to speak with the head of the department. I was fortunate as he was very kind and made time for me to speak with him.
Long story short. He agreed to find me a cardiac surgeon, not just a medical technician/doctor to undertake my Angiogram and because of my high level of anxiety and previous misadventures - he totally agreed with my request to have the procedure done under a full general anesthetic.
I had my angiogram and 3 stents done last week. It was a breeze. I stayed one night in hospital but only as a precaution as I am an unstable diabetic, but all was well and I went home the following morning, with just one extra drug to take - Clopidrogrel 75mgs to be taken daily for the next 12 months.
I feel absolutely fine and have had no issues at all.
And to think I considered it was better to die than to have the Angiogram, was of course ridiculous - but when you are under extreme angst, all sorts come to mind.
The moral of this post is really just to encourage you to speak up, to someone very senior, don't be brushed off, be pushy (but nice) if you have to. State your case and be persistent in requesting the right level of sedation for your needs and let the surgeon put the stent entry point wherever he feels is the most appropriate. With the right sedation it won't matter to you as you won't even feel it.
Trust me, you can do this - I'm now so glad I did. Good luck and let me know how you get on.
Hi, i really don't think i will be having anything done. My Cardiologist told me that I am too high a risk for double heart valve's replacement. They can't find a Surgeon that is prepared to do the operation because I wouldn't survive it. I have C.O.P.D, Chronic fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.16 CMS mixed haitus hernia, umbilical hernia ,gallstones .Now they have found that I have an enlarged liver, blocked bile ducts and Cyst on the pancreas.all pointing to pancreatic cancer. The same thing that my Mum had BLESS HER. So now I am going to have to see a Gastrointerologist and oncologist and see what the outcome of that is. Plus my age is against me. I am 75 years old, and with all these problems, I think I am a NO GO. Take care Gjkas
Interesting to read you had GA for the angiogram. I thought it was just sedation you could have. I wonder if they give GA only if you are having stents done at the same time? Or, are stents done under sedation.
You are correct - both are usually done under local sedation. But as I had already had 2 disastrous attempts at stenting with NO sedation - I refused point blank to have it done for a 3rd time unless they gave me GA. They agreed and I had a date scheduled for triple stenting. No fuss, no drama all done and I felt great and back to "normal" within a day or two, save the bruising . . .which has virtually gone.
I can't imagine having stents done without at least sedation. My cardiologist has said if I decide to have ablation in the future then he always advises having GA - but, it means extra staff & time involved so not always an option.
Following 2 terrible attemps at Angiograms and stenting for which I was given NO sedation, despite being told I would prior to and my begging for it on the days in question. Both procedures were aborted and I was passed over to the surgical team for a quadruple bypass, but my surgeon refused to do it as he said I only had a 20% chance of making it off his table alive. So stenting was the only way forward for me. My surgeon (not the idiot medical technician who I had the first time around) was just lovely and when I told him I wasn't going to even have the triple procedure without a full GA, I'd rather die than go through that pain and distress again, he just said OK -GA no problem. And all was and is well again.
Please don't give up. 75 is no age at all. Wardija's post says it all. God bless and good luck xx
Hi Handel, i know 75 is no age really, but believe me, when you have all the medical problems that i have, age makes all the difference. My Cardiologist have told me that they couldn't find a Surgeon that would do the operation. I need 2 heart valve's replaced ,i have a swelling in one of the tubes, i forget what its called. I also have C.O.P.D, a large 16cm mixed haitus hernia, an umbilical hernia,,Chronic Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Gallstones. Now to top it all,i have an enlarged liver, blocked bile ducts, Cyst on the pancreas. They said it could be pancreatic cancer. That's what my Mum had, BLESS HER. So before anything else I have to see a Gastrointerologist and a Onocologist and get that sorted out. Thanks so much for the Good luck message. Goodnight God Bless. Stay safe..Gjkas.
Hi there, i know I'm a bit thick, but I didn't really understand your message. Are we talking about the tablet Metformin, or are our messages getting mixed up. Wouldn't be the first time for me. HA.HA.HA. Stay safe. Gjkas