Is it safe to fly to Greece - British Heart Fou...

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Is it safe to fly to Greece

Caseyangel profile image
22 Replies

Hi I have HF and an ejection fraction of 35%. Is it safe for me to go abroad. I booked last year as I'm going to a wedding celebration.

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Caseyangel profile image
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22 Replies
MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Nobody on the forum can give you an exact answer. You really need to ask your GP or cardiologist. Also check on the travel insurance situation.

Lezzers profile image

If your medical team are happy for you to go abroad, then I can't think of any reason why you cant go. My husband has HF his EF is 30 & we've gone abroad a number of times. Just check with your airline to see if you need a cert to fly, most don't ask for one though. If required you can book assistance at the airport though they may ask for a cert to fly for this service. We always take the medication in hand luggage in case the hold luggage gets delayed & I would carry a copy of your prescription. Make sure the meds are in their original containers. Do you have an ICD fitted?

Caseyangel profile image
Caseyangel in reply to Lezzers

No, I've only just been diagnosed 12/6/2019, it's been a bit of a whirlwind

On medication at the moment, having an angiogram next month, to check for any blockages. Thanks for the reply, that has been helpful.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Caseyangel

As you're so newly diagnosed you will definitely need to ask your medical team. Also you may struggle with insurance if you're still undergoing tests.

Caseyangel profile image
Caseyangel in reply to Lezzers

Hi, thanks for your reply. My Consultant said ok, insurance sorted. But will I feel ok on the flight and things, I travel alone so a bit scared.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Caseyangel

We can't really answer that question, lots of people with HF fly with no problems but nobody on here will be able to advise you on how you'll feel. We can only advise you to take sensible precautions. Make sure you keep hydrated, if you're on fluid restrictions then you need to refer to your medical team. If your BP is low, avoid alcohol as this reduces it further & I believe the cabin pressure can also reduce BP. Do you have a heart nurse you can ask? Or maybe ask the BHF nurses?

Pink2320 profile image
Pink2320 in reply to Caseyangel

I have just come back from Greece. I am stable on my condition and was told I was OK to fly and I was fine on the flight. I am not on oxygen. Make sure you stay in the shade and take you medications. Make sure you have copy of your prescription with you. But please check with your medical team before you go. We are all different. I had a lovely time and it did me go but as we have all said check with your medical team. Enjoy.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Caseyangel

When my husband was sick his team found a hospital near where he would be staying. They made sure the hospital was properly prepared to care for any emergency he had. It was good peace of mind to have a clear destination if we needed it. He has been stable for many years but the team continues to do this for us.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Dolphin14

That's a good service, you wouldn't get that in the UK on the NHS!

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Lezzers

Yes we are very lucky.

MissisF profile image

Hi we are currently on holiday in Spain. 😎 My husband has hf with EF of 30. It was very scary for him when we travelled the 1st time following diagnosis but you’ve got some good advice here. Good insurance and Drs advice are key. Everyone is different but most can travel without problems. This link below will take you to Travelling with Heart Failure published by a small charity called Pumping Marvellous. Hope it helps

cowparsley profile image
cowparsley in reply to MissisF

Thank you for that link.I`m a bit gung ho about travelling so has really educated me.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to cowparsley

Pumping Marvellous are a patient led heart failure charity that has lots of advice and support and not just for travel. They cover NICE guidelines, meds, symptons, nurses etc. A lot of cardiologists refer people to them, have a look at their website & maybe think about joining their closed Facebook group.

cowparsley profile image
cowparsley in reply to Lezzers

Thank you Lezzers.I`m 69,have HF, COPD and Lung cancer(slow growing) but like most people my Age I think I`m 35.Because I`m an optimist by nature I`m in total denial about the dangers of my condition which seems a lot less serious than a lot of peoples`on this forum.I suppose it`s time I grew up and stopped being in denial.Don`t know if that would be a good thing or a bad thing.Ignorance is bliss!

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to cowparsley

My husband has been in denial about his heart failure since he was diagnosed in 2012. He refuses to be his condition if that makes sense. Like you he's an optimist, I'm the worrier in the family constantly chasing him around the house with a blood pressure monitor in my hand!! I would say you're more a positive person rather than being in denial. You've got a lot going on there, if you feel 35 than you are 35. X

cowparsley profile image
cowparsley in reply to Lezzers

Thank you so much Lezzers,you`ve cheered me up enormously.There`s no one to worry about me, or chase me round the house(I should be so lucky!) so this forum has been a godsend for information but most of all I love the banter. Best wishes to you and your husband. Jen xx

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to cowparsley

Best wishes to you also Jen x

daisy2311 profile image

Hi Caseyangel, I agree with the other post about checking with your cardiologist. However, I have travelled widely in Greece and I would suggest it is important to consider the actual destination in Greece. Some Greek islands (like Santorini) do not have any hospitals, only kind of first aid type places, which I didn't like the look of! You have to be airlifted to Athens for anything serious. Some islands have hospitals but are more basic than here and again airlifting to Athens is common. I have travelled to Kefalonia with a heart condition. I knew the island very well, so knew where the hospital was. However it was about an hours drive from my hotel...I kept enough money on me at all times to hail a taxi to get me there as it would likely be faster if needed. Needless to say good insurance is a must. Good luck and I hope this helps.

FeetheBookworm profile image

I’ve been to Greece, Italy and Germany with an EF of initially 23% and then 27%. No problems apart from tiredness but I get that at home as well!

And my travel insurance declined to cover me on the renewal despite my EF now being up to 43%. Now have cover with one of the ones BHF recommend to try for a quote.

Just pace yourself and listen to your body. Rest when you are tired and I drink plenty of water.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to FeetheBookworm

Thank-you for the reminder about being tired at home or abroad - there have been a few times I've almost said no to a holiday for fear I'd spend the time away feeling tired. Then I remember I can be tired at home doing the daily, or I can be off and away tired but enjoying a change from the daily. 'Just pace yourself and listen to your body.' is great advice!

kefalonia1 profile image

Hi, you will be fine don't stress. Go and enjoy yourself!!! my username is my favourite destination, l adore all things Greek. The atmosphere, food and music will uplift you and the fact you are able to post on this site means it is not your time to leave this world, so dance at the wedding and be really silly!!! Have a marvellous, fabulous time. Sue.

Caseyangel profile image
Caseyangel in reply to kefalonia1

Thank you, that has helped. I've been going to the same hotel for 5 years now so feel safe in that aspect, was just worried but feel much better now after everyone's very lovely supportive messages.

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