Hi everyone just got my appt for cardiac rehab been waiting since April and just wondered wot it involves the lady said it s for an assessment ? Thank u
Cardiac rehab : Hi everyone just got my... - British Heart Fou...
Cardiac rehab

At the assessment they go over your medical history particularly cardiac. Then it's BP, height, weight, waist size, BMI. I had a slight delay then as max. HR had to be confirmed with cardiologist.
Afterwards they wrote to my GP saying I was overweight with a BMI just over 25 but he was unbothered as it is just over 24 on the height adjusted one. The basic formula is incorrect for people below and above average height as it uses a squared (^2) term whereas your volume (i.e. weight) is really more of a cubed (^3) term. Sorry being pedantic! 🌝
My assessment was filling in a questionnaire with the cardiac nurse, she measured my waist but no height or weight I just told her those two things. She then asked me if I had any questions, told me where to find the sports centre and what to wear, bring a bottle of water and gave me the number of the cardiac nurses. It;s worth doing the sessions as it rebuilds your confidence and chatting to other people in the same boat is helpful. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the sessions.
Hi my assessment involved a questionnaire on medical history and current medication. I then did a step exercise to a Cd which dictated the speed. The speed increased as time went on and my BP was monitored throughout. I was initially worried about my heartbeat increasing but found throughout the rehab programme that it was actually good to get the ticker pounding again (under supervision of the cardiac nurses). After the 12 session rehab programme I did the step exercise again and my performance had really improved! This was after a quad bypass.
I had an initial assessment of questions and checks followed by a 6 minute walking test all supervised by a cardiac nurse. Went ok so started 8 week exercise programme again well supervised by cardiac nurses. Would fully recommend doing the course.
Thank u everyone for all ure comments just was nt sure wot to expect wen I go but sounds fine 😆
I went for an assessment, had ecg taken, blood pressure, weight, filled in questionnaire talked about lifestyle, diet , then put on a treadmill for 5 minutes to check that I would be OK going to gym.
Got called back for a exercise tolerance test a few weeks later, wired up to ecg and blood pressure monitor and put on a treadmill for about 15 minutes with the speed and incline gradually being increased while two of the cardio staff monitored me (they then use the figures they get from this test to determine the level they start of rehab at). At the end agreed what days and time I wanted to go to the gym and the start date.
Enjoy rehab, it's an excellent programme which really helped me get back on my feet mentally and physically
When I went to rehab after my aortic valve replacement It was half an hour of fairly gentle exercise followed by a talk in that was really a blame session for getting yourself into a situation where you had needed surgery !
In my case my aortic stenosis was not caused by life style.
Mine was an assessment : peddling on a vine. Weight. Wastee measurement etc. Followed by 12 workout sessions: bike, weights, treadmill, cross trainer. The nurses were fantastic and it's down to you what you get from it. I'd recommend throwing yourself into it and follow the advice.
I agree with everyone. Well worth doing. My physio is in house. I would add that in my class we have a lot of fun and laughter while doing the exercises
Hi Chrissydoll. All of the above was carried out when my husband went for his first cardio rehab session. It went a bit crazy after that!! Hubby has 'white coat syndrome' which means his BP rockets when he goes to GPs, hospitals, and (who knew!!), the cardio gym!!
He had a 24 hours BP monitor fitted by our GP and as we already knew, his BP was perfect. I also check it at home and its 115/69 most days.
Our GP did write him a note to take to cardio rehab (just like school), but they refused to have him doing anything!!! I guess they have to protect themselves at the gym.
So we walk and cycle miles each day and climb up and down hills!
All the very best. It sounds like you'll really benefit. Keep us posted xxxx
Hi the assessment I had was BP, pulse, height, weight and questionnaire regarding what I had done, physically over past week; walking, gardening, housework etc. I started my rehab last week and love it. They work out a program just for you although there are 23 of us. We have 2 physios and one cardiac nurse . A mixture of exercises and education. I will miss it . We do 3 sessions a week for 8 weeks. All ages and mixed ability. It’s fun. Good luck! Billiewizzx
I should also have said I did a physical test too. A step test
Thank u everyone for ure I put it s all been great advice I look forward to going on 1/8/19 in Lancaster 😆