Hi everyone,
I am new here, been following people’s journeys since Feb and not yet commented.
I suffer from severe anxiety and heart palpitations. around 2 years ago we found out that my dad has heart failure, his mum had cardiomyopathy which runs through the family and also 2/3of his uncles have died from the same big heart attack and my dad is so far the only one to survive that heart attack. They said at 30 all his children should be tested. I turned 30 in jan and have been pushing for something and have only now been referred for an echocardiogram and awaiting an appointment.
I haven’t been feeling well most of this year strangely since my birthday and after blood tests was found to have very low iron levels so was put on ferrous sulfate 3 times a day. It gave me a boost to start but didn’t last long.
I do often get chest pains, what feels like my heart has a moment and beats funny and I get pains in my shoulder blade, through the middle of my chest which I’m told is acid/gastritis and also numbness, dizziness and I get out of breath easy. My doctor doesn’t seem concerned in anyway and has only referred me for peace of mind. My dad currently is 54 and has a ICD fitted. He’s recently had another op to do with some wires being fitted or something and they are now saying pace maker or heart transplant.
Can anyone please share any experience on this? I feel sad and worried at just 30 and also for my dad being just 54. I’m obviously a huge worrier with severe anxiety but can handle truth.