Following on from a previous post regarding my broken nose following a blackout(coughing fit) I have now seen heart consultant after a few months of delay by hospital. I was sent for ECG stress test and Echocardiogram. At the stress test after 6 minutes I had some readings which indicated a problem also I could feel me tongue getting a numbing sensation.
I had previously noticed getting out if breath going up hill and ache in left shoulder and neck lower jaw. Fortunately the consultant who referred me was there. He'd said the readings did indicate Angina and prescribed the GTN spray and Aspirin. I already take bisprolol for AF and a statin. He has now referred me to see another specialist and said may have angiogram.
This has now worried me as I thought I was just unfit and overweight. My blood pressure is always spot on. Should I be concerned and change my diet straight away.