hello friends just to let you know i’m off for angio in morning. now that it’s here i’m absolutely terrified even though iv had one already. keep me in your thoughts please❤️shiona
angio in morning : hello friends just... - British Heart Fou...
angio in morning

Nothing to worry about, if they go for the arm, you will get a split second belt (like electricity down your arm and that is it) ,. The probe is in and pictures are on screen, all over in less than 15 minutes on average. All the best

Don't worry you will be fine. If you get really stressed they will offer you a sedative. I had a sedative years ago and found I just felt slightly drunk with a headache after so have always refused the offer since. Personally I find the procedure fascinating and prefer to watch the screen and interact with the cardiologist. Hope you got a tasty supper - I was starving afterwards as "nil by mouth" from night before. We are all rooting for you!
A brief moment in time - this time tomorrow it will be A memory and hopefully you’ll have some answers. Thinking of you x
sending positive thoughts. Try deep breathing - imagine your breathe as a circle; long slow breath out and then breathe in deeply. slowly. Focus on the breathing. You know you will be fine when you get there it's having too much time to think that;s causing the angst. Post when you get back. Hugs.
Hi Shiona. Sorry to hear that it’s been cancelled. I know you’re stressed so this is such a pain. Try and stay relaxed I know that’s easier said than done. Take care sending positive thoughts and big hugs. Zena xx

Fingers crossed it goes ahead today - you really don't need a weekend of waiting. All the best!
i’m losing the will to live michael. they’re saying it might not get done today because of lack of beds ❤️
If not today hopefully in the morning. I had my first echocardiogram done on a Saturday morning because of the waiting list. A friend had an MRI on a Sunday morning. Amazingly after setting up a Sunday clinic they had a number of no shows. The senior technician rang them all up to tell them how they were wasting resources and even told one " You are only a few minutes away and we would appreciate you coming over here now as many people have given up their Sunday"!
Fingers crossed it goes ahead today. I’ve never had one so can’t give a constructive comment but totally understand your nerves. Having said that the waiting is usually the worst bit of things like this. Good luck
I had an angio on Wednesday expecting stents. they put three in. I declined a sedative and pain relief when they put the stents in. Had angiogram a few years ago and it was quick and absolutely fine so really wasn't worried about that part. The stents were unknown territory,It helped that the medic explained what he was going to do and why, and what I could expect to feel at each stage. I used mindfulness to relax and detach myself I was on my favourite beach for most of it!
Hope it all went well. You would be sedated while it was done. I've had two.,The first caused massive bruising, the second, not even a pin prick was visible. The only thing I was annoyed about was that i couldn't quite see the monitors and I really wanted to watch. I was back home 3 hours after the procedure.
hi qualipop i’m not even away yet. it’s ridiculous ❤️
If you have been "nil by mouth" all day you must be starting to hallucinate about your next meal!
big time michael. i’m in cath lab now. fingers crossed they can fit me in before finishing time❤️
Not good. I had to be there by 8.30; had the angiogram at 9.30. By 1030 I was tucking into tea and toast and was home by 1.30. That included the 45 minutes it took my husband to come and pick me up and the time it took to get home. Hope you at least get tea and toast.
OMG sorry, I didn't read the earlier posts or realise you are an in patient. That's really shocking keeping you waiting like that. The stress isn't good for you. I hope you've told them that. They kept me in for two days just waiting for an urgent MRI scan then another 2 days because the consultant forgot to come and tell me the results. I discharged myself rather than stay another night on a ward where they weren't even giving me my much needed 3 hourly painkiller and one nurse screamed at me to shut up when I was crying in pain.
Exactly the same for me, first time the Dr pushed tube in a bit too quickly which made me jump for which he apologised then arm was heavily bruised for two weeks. Second angiogram I hardly felt and left hardly a mark. Overall though a pretty painless exercise that could save your life!
Hello Shoshov,
Hope it's all going OK now.
What I found fascinating was looking at the wires across my chest after by pass surgery very interesting. I had a chatty Nurse who asked was I happy to know what was going on, she had told me before going in that she would be at my side throughout until I got back to the Ward. True to her word that's how it was. Michael has said it can be very interesting if you can relax, and feel able to communicate with the consultant !!! mine was chatty so it did help me to feel at ease !!!
Very Best Wishes
I'm guessing its over now so I hope it went well.
I had to have one while I was taken ill overseas but i have never had one in the UK so not sure if this is the norm. I was astonished to receive a DVD of my angiogram. I'm so proud of it.
Shoshov if you were in the cath lab an hour ago I would assume you are up fairly shortly. All the best to you. Hope you can get some results soon.
Hope angio went smoothly Shiona.pray u will make a good recovery. X
easy peary tootsy. don’t know what i was worrying about
You were worrying about what we all worry about. It's called "What if"! so glad you finally got it all done. Had the previous stent blocked? Glad you enjoyed the tea and toast. When I'd just had a heart attack, I couldn't believe the amount of butter they slathered on mine. LOL
it was mana from heaven after 2 weeks of hospital food ❤️