Also......does any of our medication make you lose weight? Long shot, I know, but I just cannot gain ☹️
Weight loss: Also......does any of our... - British Heart Fou...
Weight loss

You can't gain weight?

Nope. I’ve never been heavy but since my heart attack I’m even thinner 😖.

To be honest I’ve stopped being vegetarian in a bid to put on weight so, if anything, I’ve been taking in more calories. So frustrating 👎🏻

No, only if you have an issue with intolerance of your medication that is causing gastric problems. If there are any issues you need to see your GP.
Post HA or surgery many people experience a loss of appetite. My was down for well over a month but gradually returned and I have crept 3kg over my target weight.
I had a bypass operation last October, for the first couple of months following the operation I ate like a horse but still lost weight. I guess that was the body healing itself and burning up energy.
Then suddenly that was over and my weight began increasing.
I then went onto a healthier diet and thought that will get the weight down, but I kept grazing on healthy but calorific foods like nuts and dried fruit, consequently my weight didn't go down.
Then I started exercising at the gym three times a week, that'll get the weight off I thought. Wrong again!
Finally I've cut portion sizes right back and at last I'm losing weight.
But I'm wondering the exact opposite of you, does our medication slow down our metabolism and make weight loss more difficult?
I guess once again it just illustrates how we're all so very different!
I’m on bisoporol, alrorvastatin, ramipril and aspirin and I’ve lost about 3 stone in 18 months ... not through trying really either and i always used to struggle to loose weight
I’m on Beta Blockers, statin etc ....lost weight as well. To start i thought it was stress / shock - now unsure as its not going back on. Was trim at just under 11’stone. Now under 10’and doesn’t look good. Rehab said my BMI is now right - but I don’t see it at all.
I lost about 9 kg after my CABG in April last year but I did have a serious electrolyte imbalance after & I had no appetite. I got my appetite back eventually but I have only put 2 kg on since but I’m not complaining.

Feeling nauseous helps! Not sure which one is to blame, but it’s either the pills or the effect....very low BP.
Since my ha in January I've lost 2 stone. I also found out I had an hiatus hernia aswell so I've cut back on caffeine based drinks 😥 and fatty foods. I try not to pick in between meals and don't eat anything 3 hrs before bed. I look a lot healthier, but miss kfc
Hi A few years ago I was put on Orlistat to help me lose weight and it worked

Hi Janie16
I also struggle to keep my weight on too.
I lost 12 kgs nearly 2 stones since becoming ill. I am now size 10 again
Even my Cardiologist has noticed.
My appetite I feel has been effective by the medications I take. I feel full after a few mouthfuls and can never eat pudding or dessert.
Yeah to be honest I do feel like my appetite is a bit rubbish but I have been trying to make sure I eat. I even have those shake things in addition to food.
If you can't face eating slightly bigger meals try increasing the good snacks between meals like a handful of walnuts a day, this would increase your calorie intake and high in beneficial natural fats. 1500 calories sounds on the low side if you have an active lifestyle and exercise?
Found it easy to lose weight after angioplasty, on Bisoprolol and Mononitrate, but needed to, so cut down portion sizes and snacking. Stabilised a few months later 2 stone lighter and have maintained since. Can increase a little on holidays etc. Probably worth while doing a diabetes check just to be safe.
Really? I’m taking 120mg per day of it 😕
Janie 16,I am one jealous person changed my life style try to walk as much as I can.end result I carnt clapping weight on.its down to my meds I'm sure of it
Try making Nutella cake. It has magical properties and usually vanishes just after you put it on the plate