Will I ever be fit again?? I am 4 months post AVR and most days feel great, as though I could do a lot more physical exercise than what I do which is about a 20minute brisk walk most days. Yesterday I felt a bit sore and tired but nothing concerning I've felt like this before. I had agreed to play bowls for my local club last night and went and played. After 12 ends I felt tired like it was enough but played the last 6 ends to finish the game. I woke up last night feeling awful and today is the same I am shattered and feel a bit short of breath. Anybody else feel like this?? I am 39
Will I ever be fit again??? - British Heart Fou...
Will I ever be fit again???

I'm thinking that you are maybe expecting a little too much of yourself in too short a time...
You did damn well to get through that much on the green to be fair!
Yes you will get fit again, especially with that level of determination - just slow down a bit perhaps?
May be wise to go and get a quick check to make sure you are ok, put your mind at rest if you still feel rough.

Thanks good advice, feeling a bit better now but if not any better will get checked out tomorrow.
Hi Stevo
It will improve, but your body will tell you when you have over done it. I am 11 months post AVR and double bypass so can speak from experience. You have the advantage of age. I am 78, sometimes it has been difficult, as the head still thinks I’m 21!
Best wishes for a speedy return to full health.
Thanks JayceeW
I'm slowly feeling better. Just really strange how some days you are great and feel super fit and the next week your sluggish!! I decided to take down an old shed a couple of weeks ago over a few days but before I realised it I had it all dismantled and nails knocked back within a day and felt great but a game of bowls wrecked me !!! Lol it's just so strange!! I was never super fit I used to enjoy a beer or 7 and had a beer belly but always worked hard and pushed myself.
Remember you need time for your body to catch up with a major operation. You have have a heart that has not been pumping properly before the operation. Please take your time and let it heal. I have had two AVR one at 32 and replaced again at 45. I was a keen runner before the first one and two years after it I completed the London marathon in under 4 hours. I currently swim 3-4 miles a week. So the answer is yes you will be fit again but it will take time. You will also have good and bad days in the next few months.
Really good to hear and reassuring, don't fancy another op though!! Lol. I also had endocarditis before my op and a very leaky valve, then a pericardial effusion a few weeks after the surgery which had to be drained so I have definitely come a long way from then. Your reply has definitely give me some more confidence. Thank you
I too had endocarditis and AVR, and was in hospital for nine weeks on discharge I was told my recovery would take nine months and it did. As you and others have described, some days you have energy and do lots with the down side that the next day your knackered. That is very much how recovery goes. Listen to your body and take it easy when you need to. Recovery is a marathon not a sprint. You will get there and it sounds like you are doing amazingly well. Remember you have had a serious infection and open heart surgery.
Steve, the reason for the replacement was that I had endocarditis as well and it destroyed the valve. Taking these into account your body has a lot of healing to do. Take it slowly and good luck
What happened you required a.second replacement??
I had an bursitis on the elbow. The infection transferred to the valve and destroyed one of the leaves. If was diagnosed with a T.O.E and it was not till the replacement AVR that they found out that I had endocarditis on the valve. The first valve was a pigs valve so more prone to that kind of problem.
Yes you will get fit again. I was riding my horse after 6 weeks but then I'm bloody minded and I was fit before the op. Are you attending any rehab fitness courses? I found the twice a week sessions very helpful.