Hello to all my friends that have followed me over the last few weeks and the latest bad times I've had with my chest! Ending up in a French hospital.
Have seen my cardiologist who now wants to send me for another angiogram asap to check all is still clear...as we suspect it will be..If so..then he has finally concided I will need to see a specialist as it very well may turn out to verify what I'VE always suspected ( small vessel disease) or should I say Microvascular angina.....so here I am and it brings me to my 2 questions.
I started "Diltiazem " two days ago and for the last two days I've not had as bad as chest...feels really really bruised across the whole upper pecs and across especially if I breath In very deeply! Am I just having a good reaction to the tablets quickly or do you lovely people think I'm just having one of the very rare GOOD DAYS with this condition?
2nd question...is it possible to find out my calcification score when they do my angiogram again..I appreciate this is normally done by CT scan and that's what I've had in the past with a score of 172 I believe....I'm just thinking I could see how things are whether they have stabilised or got worse since my stent..so would it be possible to have a calcification score during my second angio...
Any replies as always greatly appreciated..
Guess the tablet thing is out the window because I've just had a mild attack as I message you all...typical bloody hate this😢😢