For the second time in two years at the same hospital and the same surgeon AND whilst on holiday had to have heart surgery a few weeks back which involved having another stent fitted ( the previous surgery saw two been fitted ) The problem is that they have told me at the time I have other issues that will no doubt cause me further problems in the future . in the interim I also picked up pneumonia which didnt help and still suffering a bit now so I requested my GP to get me an appointment to see a cardioligist ASAP . However knowing the NHS at present this will no doubt see a delay of a few weeks so its given me concern as to my wellbeing at the moment so I wondered if anyone out there could advise how serious my problems are . They gave me a report in portuguese which I have managed to get translated so thats really describing the condition I was in before being rushed to hospital by ambulance and what they did to resolve the problem of the blocked artery
But they did say that an artery between the two first stents was although not restricting blood flow was damaged along with other arteries and of course explaining why they had to add another stent to the blocked artery
The report shows a cross section of a heart looking down at the arteries and it describes several arteries and degrees of stenosis
iii anterior descending segment 8 (2) 91-99%
distal circumflex segment 13 (4) 31-49%
right coronary segment (51 degree stenosis 50%
posterior descending (segment 4) (6) 51-70%
First diagonal (segment9(7) degree of stenosis 71-90%
second diagonal (segment 01 (8) 71-90 TIMI 3
II anterior descending (segment 7 (9) Type A grade stenosis 31-49% TIMI 3
Does anyone know what this really means and how serious this is (if at all ) ?