Hi, I got diagnosed with pericarditis last June after collapsing with chest pain and being admitted to hospital. I had recently had a stressful separation from my husband and had a kidney infection which they think could have caused it. Started on colchicine 3x daily and ibuprofen with omeprazole. I returned to work after 3 weeks, I work in theatres and my job is stressful and physically demanding. Unfortunately after a week back I relapsed and was off another 3 weeks, my gp kept me on colchicine for 6 months.
3 weeks ago I got taken into hospital again, same diagnosis after ecg, x Ray, blood tests and heart echo, started back on meds again for 6 months. I was unwell at Christmas again with a kidney infection and the flu.
I’m currently off work, due to go back on 4th Feb, however I’m still experiencing chest pains upon exertion and last night while I was in bed it was so bad, I’m also worried now I’ll relapse again when I go back to work, or if I get ill will it trigger it to come back? It’s actually giving me anxiety!
Can anyone else advise me on their experiences? Thank you