Coming to the conclusion that cold weather makes shortness of breath worse - anyone else find the same please?
Cold weather and breathlessness - British Heart Fou...
Cold weather and breathlessness

It does Gardener17. The arteries are stiffer in cold weather and the heart has to work harder to pump oxygen around the body. Blood pressure can also be raised in cold weather. If you are out walking remember to start your walk more slowly than usual before building up to your normal pace. Maybe a scarve over your mouth if you can tolerate one - I have being fastened up but if it's really cold it helps. Warm clothing of course and always have your GTN spray if you use one. If you have the money better to have a month in Spain ha.
Like the idea of the month in Spain! Thanks for your reply -
Confirms our conclusion thanks so hoping for better after the winter.
Oh yes, just back from daily walk - I wear a neck warmer pulled up over nose and huge scarf (wrapped around neck twice) with woolly beanie hat pulled well down. Only eyes showing and always breathing warm air. With my nitro spray in my pocket I tell my husband I am channeling bank robber look...... I also only walk for forty minutes as my chest starts to feel tight. Normally don;t have a problem.
Yes. I've just been out and feel breathless now that I'm indoors. My husband says I need to cover my nose and mouth with a scarf bit it didn't feel that cold but it did make a difference.
Yes it does and I found this last year during the very cold weather in Feb and March. I was shovelling snow to dig my car out and my chest felt horrendous to the point that I thought I should stop. Apparently shovelling snow is one of the highest risk activities as it puts so much pressure on the body and in particular the heart...pretty scary!

Yes, and humid and v hot!
Thanks. Had not thought yet about heat. Booked to go to Tenerife in April which is not horrendously hot so now hoping will be ok.
Thanks - do hope so.

yes I have had a triple bypass and 3 heart attacks so yes also more prone to chest infections I have had one since October.
My doctor told to wear a scarf over my nose and mouth in the cold weather so the cold air is filtered/warmed a little before you breathe it in. I’m also asthmatic and this simple trick made a huge difference this winter.