I've been taking this for nearly a year. When the time comes to stop is it done by lowering dose over days or weeks or is it just finish overnight?
Clopidogral - stopping: I've been... - British Heart Fou...
Clopidogral - stopping
I discussed this with my doctor last week. She says that I am on it for life unless something changes.
What is the reason for stopping It?
I will be stopping my clopidgral next month after a year as instructed on my prescription and understand that it is only prescriped for a year after a HA.
That's what my discharge said too. Clopidogrel for one year after H/A It says continue aspirin and ticagrelor for one year at least (I had ticag swapped to Clopi). While it protects stents and reduces the chance of clots, it is also a risk if you ever need surgery in the future as it has to be stopped for about a week I think before any surgery because they can't just give something to reverse the effects if you do need emergency surgery.
I understand that I lost a very good friend on clopidogral, I do not believe it is specific enough. I take rivaroxaban seems to work. I am lucky my atrial, f. has been ASYMPTOMATIC for several years!!!! trouble is you are quite understandably of very little interest to your medical mover and shakers !!!