Can a Drs receptionist stop your beta blocker prescription? Told by hosp not to just stop taking them until I had a gp apt . Went to get my beta blockers which ran out today, to be told by chemist that receptionist said could not have them even tough the prescription is there??? Don't you have to be weaned off them? How will this affect me? Regards Dee
Beta blockers: Can a Drs receptionist... - British Heart Fou...
Beta blockers

This doesn't sound right at all I would insist on talking to a doctor
This is not correct at all.
Insist on seeing Dr or cardiologists
U should have the dose lowered slowly or u may get rebound symptoms, same goes for blood pressure meds.
I had a receptionist refuse my prescription heart meds for a stupid reason!!! 😮
I had been prescribed these medications by a senior consultant cardiologist.
So I just commented
"OK what's your name, if U and the surgery are refusing to give me the prescription for medications I have been prescribed by cardiology consultant
If from this point I suffer cardiac arrest, heart attack, or stroke I am holding U and the surgery and practice directly responsible I do have witnesses to this conversation !!!! "
Within possibly 3 minutes I had my prescription for required meds!!!
Even had a phonecall off a senior Dr at surgery to confirm I had got my prescription and apologise for the misunderstanding 😁😁
Hi a Dr.s receptionist can not stop your medication you must contact your surgery and speak to a Dr. Or ask for one to call you.
Speak to the practice manage immediately. No receptionist can stop your medication

I think one problem these days that in many areas people without any real ability have been "empowered". This is particularly true in the public sector. In the past I have come across receptionists (both GP and hospital clinics) thinking they can act as a "triage". This has to be done by a qualified nurse minimum.
As regards the Bisoprolol you need to reduce gradually as the rebound could cause issues.
Only follow doctors orders - or a specialist nurse. Ring the GP and get the Beta Blockers on repeat prescription.