Hi everyone, I have been offered a date (10 August) to have a loop recorder implanted in my chest. I have Atrial Fibrilation and have fainted once. I recently completed a 7 day Holter monitor and now the consultant wants me to undergo the above procedure. He advised me to stop driving in May and the DV LA were notified. I would like to hear from anyone who has been through anything similar. Many thanks.
Loop recorder: Hi everyone, I have been... - British Heart Fou...
Loop recorder

Had Loop recorder painlessly fitted below the skin, above the ribs, some 2 years ago which seemed to miraculously 'cure' the suspected AF.
To be honest I forget it's still there although with a battery life 3 years I'll need to have it removed soon. With hindsight, the AF may have been prompted by the two stents I had fitted in 2015. Thankfully, the episodes of rapid heart rate never reoccurred, even after recent OHS to replace an Aortic valve where AF, albeit frequently temporary, is quite a common outcome.
Thanks for your prompt reply. Were you allowed to continue driving ?
My episodes were short - 30 min or less of 120 bpm with no history of blackouts or other issues that could have affected my ability to drive safely.
So the short answer is 'yes'. Driving or not, was never ever discussed apart from the 6 week advisory abstenence after open heart surgery where insurers need to be informed but apparently not the DVLA.
Hi - I went to my Gp thinking I was low on iron, after a 7 day holter monitor was analysed I was given an emergency recall and told not to drive anywhere. I too had to surrender my license to the DVLA - this was due to pauses of 6 seconds plus (I think the DVLA limit is 3 seconds) - I also have atrial fibrillation, atrial tachycardia and flutter. I had an emergency ablation with the hope that this would also improve the pauses. Unfortunately it worked for neither my AF or pauses. Subsequently I was diagnosed with sick sinus syndrome at my 3 month post ablation review and a pacemaker was put in 4 days later. I am now awaiting a further ablation for Af but because of the pacemaker am allowed to drive again. Altogether I didn’t drive for 10 months- quite hard living in a rural area with three children! I hope you are able to have a firm diagnosis and your license back soon xx
My cardiac nurse keeps saying that she thinks I need one of those fitted as I keep fainting. Didn't know about driving part. Does that mean your not allowed to drive? This won't do me as I'm a driving instructor. Opps
Hi, my husband is on the waiting list and also not allowed to drive but for 6 months from his last blackout which was in April. I'd be interested to know how u get on when I have it fitted, good luck.
Hi I have not had any correspondence from the cardiologist I saw on the 4th May despite having contacted his secretary on a number of occasions. I contacted PALS on the day I had the loop system implanted as I had received a letter from the DVLA . They basically asked me to contact the cardiologist as they had not received a reply from him sent on 4th July. PALS did this on my behalf. They received an immediate reply via email from him saying that he had responded to the DVLA at the end of July. Still 4 months down the line I had received no reply from him despite saying that he would see me in clinic in 2-3 months time (from 4th May). However I am very glad to say that yesterday(my birthday) I received a letter from the DVLA stating that "the information they have received, I satisfy the medical standards and therefore I may keep my driving licence." Having been put through 4 months of .............. for no apparent reason, as the cardiologist said in his original letter, he could find no reason for my one 30 second faint.
Loop recorders are a very clever device. You forget u have it but, it is 24x7 recording the performance of your heart. Svt/af are s.times diff to record (or are missed on ecg) as is explaining the symptoms after an episode to a gp. It gives peace of mind (i think) that your heart is being monitored without you realising it.
I was informed this week that i had runs of svt along with low 50- heart rate at times, w.out realising it and was the reason i felt so unwell
Hi, I am due to have this done tomorrow. I am feeling a bit anxious. Would anyone be able to tell me if their monitor is visible at all?
The monitor is inserted in your chest and looks like a computer stick. You can feel it under your skin. I have asked for mine to be removed since I have lost 2 stones in weight (on purpose) but they have said I have to wait for the battery to run out which can take up to 2/3 years. If it is not causing problem at least your heart is being monitored. Hope you are ok.