Next week I am being fitted with a loop recorder. I'm really nervous and wondering if is painful and if it causes PVCs or PACs?
Does anyone have zny experience or any advice?
Next week I am being fitted with a loop recorder. I'm really nervous and wondering if is painful and if it causes PVCs or PACs?
Does anyone have zny experience or any advice?
I had a loop recorder (ILR) inserted a few years ago and was only recently removed as the battery had died. It is a very simple procedure. Local anaesthetic, 2 mins and its all over with. The ILR is inserted just under the skin. No stitches, just a dressing. It will be sore for a few days but not painful. Just remember not to press on it. You will be given a monitor to plug in at the side of your bed which you will need to link to the ILR very easy just follow the instructions on the monitor. It will automatically download a report every night about midnight I think and that will go to the hospital for cardiology to look at. It will tell them about any problems arrhythmia's etc. You will also be given a separate device called a patient assistance which is used to manually record any symptoms that you are experiencing at the time. Keep a diary of any symptoms with date/time. You can send any recordings yourself to the hospital by using the monitor at the side of your bed. Very easy to use, instructions are simple to follow. Mine detected long pauses of up to 7 seconds which I mentioned in a previous post, I went on to have a pacemaker. I was also diagnosed with SVT. Its a clever piece of kit.
Thank you.
I'm just really nervous. I don't seem to respond well to LA! Hopefully it will work out well.
Make sure you tell them about the LA if you have or had problems with it. Good luck and let me know how it goes.
I had one a few years ago. It proved I had svt. I had an ablation. No svt now. I had the recorder taken out about a year ago, battery was flat after about 4 years. No issues at all.
I'm worried that it's going to hurt to have it put in, or cause more PVCs as its so close to the heart! I also gont fair too well with local anaesthetic.
I have one fitted right now been in there for nearly 3 months now.Very simple procedure no pain and over and done with in 15 mins flat.mine was fitted because I blacked out and been dizzy and lightheaded ever since ,with severe left shoulder and arm pain also chest and between shoulder blades.Unfortunately for me the recorder as not picked anything up at all as yet not a bad thing but also not good as I’m still no wiser to finding out what the hell is causing my problems
I had one fit in late December and I concur with everything Crystal 614 says. I didn't feel a thing and I've had no problems with it. It was a bit tender if I caught it for the first few weeks and I couldn't sleep on my stomach at first but otherwise it's been fine. I always tell the staff when I'm nervous for a bit of extra reassurance. Good luck.
I agree with everyone else, it doesn't hurt to have it fitted. What I would say though, if you are a woman, is beware that it will be put into your left breast. I wasn't expecting that, I thought it would go under the breast. I had mine fitted during covid so I was wearing a mask and couldn't look down easily and see what the doctor was doing. I was annoyed that I hadn't been told about that in advance.
Hello GCWhits. I am aware that it will be fitted in my left breast but would like to know how yours looked? i.e., very obvious lump/scar? I am hesitant about having it done as I have already had surgical work in that area to remove a tumour.
I had one fitted last November after everything going black in October when my heart was fluttering. I was really worried and concerned about the local anaesthetic. I am a big worrier and was sat shaking waiting to have it done but it really wasn’t anything to worry about. It was a quick simple procedure I had been having lots of ectopics around the same time but didn’t have any during or post procedure. It picked up AF in December (I already have SVT) since then my heart has behaved itself more or less. It’s still there I forget I have it and it’s the best thing I’ve done relating to my arrhythmia. The scar is tiny too. Hope all goes well for you x