Hi Guys, I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience to myself.
I am 61, never smoked, always been fit, (stopped playing 5 a side 2 years ago) eaten a Mediterranean diet for the last 20 years and whilst enjoying a glass of wine, have never been a big drinker.
2 years ago, I started with breathing issues when bending to tie my shoes. Then gastro issues started to kick in and then pains in my chest and right lung. After that, tiredness, brain fog and a few other symptoms. NW lung Centre confirmed no lung issues, Gastro tests revealed nothing and heart was deemed to be strong. I had a few near fainting issues a year ago then finally did it, damaging my head. I was then diagnosed with CFS. Recent tilt table tests revealed syncopy issues (big drop in BP and heart rate occasionally (stood too long) and was prescribed Midodrine. Thank god I didn't get my hands on it because 5 weeks later I had a cardiac arrest and heart attack ( I was very lucky). Anyway, I had 2 stents fitted and some clean up on the 3rd artery. My recovery will be longer. I don't understand how low BP & HR can co exist with the heart attack and were the early symptoms angina type symptoms. Doctors and Cardiologists seem uninterested in the prior conditions.
Any similar experiences? (Bloods a week post op do not suggest any real issues)
Thanks for any help.