Hot weather : I know the heat wave is... - British Heart Fou...

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Hot weather

Donkster profile image
29 Replies

I know the heat wave is effecting everyone but am I the only one that literally can’t take the heat if I get to hot I start feeling dizzy and weird. Apart from the heat all good.

Drink plenty of fluids not alcohol

Use the clothes airer put cool damp towels draped over it and then stand a fan near to it so the fan blows through the towels

Results in cooler air GOOD LUCK 💦

Anyone got tips on how to keep cool post them ⛱

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Donkster profile image
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29 Replies
skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star


this is because the heat has the effect of lowering your blood pressure as your blood vessels expand to remove heat from your body. If you do feel dizzy just stop and rest, make sure you keep up your fluid intake as well

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to skid112

Thank you for your knowledge to be honest I didn’t know that. This explains quite a lot. For me though at the moment can’t bare sun on me.

skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star in reply to Donkster

no worries, has the reverse effect when its cold, makes your heart work a lot harder to pump blood through constricted veins

I can sympathize totally. I used to love the sun but am suffering dreadfully in this heat and have passed out a few times already. I have an added problem of a pfo so my oxygen levels in my blood aren't the best which makes me feel dizzy anyway.

Zena166 profile image

Last weekend I stayed in bed as I just felt so exhausted and unwell with the heat. Drank iced water fan on windows open ice around my neck! I also have found since taking heart meds my skin is less tolerant of the sun as well or maybe that’s just imagination or an age thing probably!! Bring on the rain is what I say!! (Sorry folks!)

starchild8862 profile image
starchild8862 in reply to Zena166

Yes, some heart meds do make skin dryer and more sensitive. A big sun hat?

Routemaster profile image

I had a long journey to make by trains today but every train has had air conditioning - bliss! I don’t want to get off the last one to go home!

Apparently opening your loft hatch cools the house a little.

stevejb1810 profile image
stevejb1810 in reply to

This does work. It’s because the hot air in the loft pulls cooler air in thus creating a draft. It works up until the temperatures in the loft and house are more or less equal. You can do a similar thing if you have an attached garage that heats up (open the garage door a small amount and door from the garage to the house, fully). It’s not air con but at least you get air movement which helps

Disciple5451 profile image

Donkster. I have never got on with the. Heat to be honest I thought it was just me. I was. Still doing a half mike walk. Up to two weeks ago and never felt right as it’s got hotter. A slow few hundred yds knocks me out like u feel dizzy. Strange feeling all over but like having panic attacks So do as little as possible only 4 weeks post one stent with only mild damage loss of about 3 percent LVent dysfuncion there r many youngster without heart issues finding this hard going rain is in its way. Hopefully

Madgranny2 profile image

I agree with all the replies.

Feeling the same with the heat for the first time ever. Take care everyone

abid123 profile image

Hi i can agree with you 100 percent i am in hospital doctors told me the same thing now hot weather and taking bisoprolol is making me dizzy and weaknesses.

KEN65 profile image

Agree with you all but best 2k ever spent with wall air con unit in bedroom,

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to KEN65

Well worth the expense 💦

ThePurpleGoddess profile image

Know exactly how you feel, I have never really liked the heat at all, but this has been awful. Dizzy, nauseous headachy, tired - exhausted ! - lightheaded, just generally off and very weird feeling. Makes working difficult - especially as I have lifting and moving of heavy stuff, no air con, no fans and am generally alone. We all need to take care, take it easy, and drink x

Liam47 profile image

Hi Donkster,

I love the hot weather because I suffer from a medical condition called Raynaulds Phenomenon which is a condition that affects the blood vessels in my hands, fingers and feet in cold weather. In the colder months late September to early April my hands, fingers and feet go blue where the blood vessels constrict when exposed to cold weather, my fingers can if bad enough go numb. This is why I love hot weather because I can feel warm blood running through the blood vessels in my hands and feet because the blood vessels aren’t constricted, they are free flowing. My hands and feet look a normal colour too, lol.

But, with all that said, for some strange reason, even I am finding it exhausting and I am suffering in this hot weather. Whether the heart surgery I had in July 2017 has changed me.? Having heart surgery can change some people in one way or another.

(P.S. Don’t tell my family I said I’m suffering and feeling exhausted by this hot weather. If they found out, they would pass out from the shock that I said it because I’m always saying “Isn’t it lovely and warm”, and they are sitting there sweating and looking like a ‘baked suet pudding in a boiling saucepan’, lol.

Keep Cool, Drink Plenty of Fluid and Carry On.!!


MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

I have been struggling with the heat for weeks. It feels worse than two weeks ago but I suspect this is the pollution rather than the temperature. I have been told that one person post-stents in the area has been given oxygen on a PRN basis during this spell of weather.

not2worry profile image

Our Cadio Doc says hot weather isn’t our friend. Do your walks in the early morning hours or in the evening when the heat isn’t intense. Do less not more - and don’t feel guilty your heat will appreciate it.

Drink water to keep hydrated. Energy drinks like Gatorade are better since they have electrolytes that help your body recover from fluids lost by heat.

We found that buying cooling towels are an amazing product. The army uses them in the ME. You wrap them around your neck and they drop your body temperature so your comfortable for hours. There are a variety of these products available on Amazon at reasonable prices.

Also just soaking your feet in a bucket of ice water or cooled water from the frig helps. At night if you are really uncomfortable using a sheet kept in the freezer during the day helps. In the Olde South here in the USA the Southerners use to sleep on the floor with their mattresses where the cooler air prevailed (heat rises) and with a wet wrung sheet-it was common household practice and if you had a box fan all the better.

Just remember this too will pass -Autumn Weather and the changing leaves will soon be here.

Yours From Across The Pond!

IgottaStent profile image

Dyson Air cooler is a good investment if you can afford £300

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

9:00 pm and 32C outside. This is getting silly....

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to MichaelJH

Reading that Michael makes me grateful for being in the not so frozen North East. It’s only 25 here tonight in Newcastle!! Still too hot for me though!!

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

An hour and a half ago it got very dark and started raining. I could not resist going outside to enjoy it. When it finished the temperature had dropped 10C. It's still down just hope the rain returns. Even the dog looks bouncier!

Zena166 profile image

Obviously a time delay up north as Only now just started raining here. I look forward to being as bouncy as your dog!

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Zena166

If you bounced like him you could clean your own gutters. Although only ~10" at the shoulder he can leap up to waist height! I think the older cat has been an influence on him!

Ginger1971 profile image

I have one, it’s very builder orientated though. I am 4 weeks post stents and am back in the sun laying patios! Water is always the biggy, regular breaks in the shade. But, when I finally can’t take the heat anymore I feel a bucket of cold water and fully submerse my head in it until my shoulders touch the top of the bucket! I keep it there as long as I can hold my breath, then repeat two more times..... it honestly clears the murkiness I get and is like putting windscreen wipers on on a rainy day. I can just see your faces now lol! I do it and I swear by it 😁

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to Ginger1971

That’s brilliant I just sit in the car with my air con

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Donkster

That's cool! 8-)

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Not for me! I would probably get a migraine!

Make sure you don't get mixed up with the concrete bucket! :)

Breesha profile image

Many BP pills , like Bisopropol and water tablets are heat sensitive , wear coverings in the sun

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